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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by Djmohr

  1. The are you on B12? That may need to be adjusted. I would call your surgeons office.

    For me it was right around week 7 that I started to have more energy. Up until that time i was exhausted every day. It could just be the surgery is catching up with you a bit but i would check on your b12.

  2. @@proudgrammy

    It is when antibiotics actually kill the good bacteria in your digestive system and causes severe explosive diarrhea. It can make someone very very ill very quickly. They become severely dehydrated and have horribly painful cramps.

    Ask me how i know.....You guessed it. It happened to my husband when his dentist gave him an antibiotic in preparation for a crown.

    Within a few days he became so ill that he would drink Water and would immediately end up in the bathroom if he could make it that far.

    Poor guy, I thought he just had the flu and was being a big ole baby (like most guys when they get sick) Sorry guys...LOL.

    Well, he got such a high fever that I got scared, tossed him in the car and drove to the er where they promptly tested for C-Diff and told us it was positive. They pumped him full of narcotics, fluids and a different antibiotic that reverses this problem.

    He was sick for weeks and weeks......it took several trips to the er for fluids and different antibiotics. I remember begging him to sip pedialyte and sugar free gaterade.

    So.....that what i know about it. It is not fun and I could totally see having to wear diapers to deal with the accidents because I am telling you it is explosive. I remember having to disinfect my house....

  3. @@shannenm

    You are definately not alone! I am excited for you! I used to snore so bad i would wake both me and my hubby up. I was on bipap for years and now i am 152lbs down and at a normal healthy weight.

    I no longer snore at all! I dont use bipap any longer.

    It doesnt feel like i am going to have a heart attack everytime i take the stairs.

    The only thing i do have a problem with is my back pain and i am afraid that i will have that for the rest of my life. I have always said my only regret is not having this surgery before i did so much damage to my spine.

    I literally know the pain and sickness you are feeling and I am telling you there is a whole new life for you! Keep us posted on your progress.

  4. I hear that so often and honestly when i look at pictures of me I just get sick how heavy i was. People would always tell me i carried my weight so well. I call BS....I was very heavy and sickly from it. For people to say, you dont look like you need surgery is hysterical. I honestly think they simply dont know what to say or maybe are scared.

    Now I get the opposite. People that haven't seen me are shocked at how i look and those that do see me regularly shake their heads. Apparently they think i am too thin now, but i am not. They just aren't used to seeing me at a normal healthy weight. Even some of my doctors!

    Similarly I am at my father N laws again this weeked and every weekend he asks to take a look at me. He then proceeds to tell me how thin my face looks as if i have lost more weight. I stopped losing in March, in fact i have gained 3lbs so I have to keep reminding him that i have lost no more weight and I am where I should be. That i am healthy.

    He then proceeds to tell me how pretty i am and is constantly reaching for my a$$ which no longer exists. I told my hubby his dad is a dirty old man. He is 87. LOL... Today he was saying how much he loves to look at the pretty cheerleaders when watching football.


  5. Stalls are a part of the process and they will happen regularly. It is your body needing time to adjust. If you stay the course everything should be fine as long as you have been sticking to the plan.

    I know that at 4 months post op i hit my worst stall and that actually required me to eat more an excercise less. (Beleive it or not)

    I was stalled for a month. As soon as I added more calories and reduced from an hour of cardio a day to 30 minutes my stall broke and i continued to lose with shorter stalls in between. I finished losing at 18 months post op.

  6. My calcium citrate is chewable. They are made by bariatric advanctage and they are chews like starburst. strawberry is the best with orange being a close second.

    I buy the 500mg ones from either Amazon or bariatric pal, whichever is less expensive. I take one in the am and one at night.

    My Multivitamin is not chewable but it is very small and is a generic brand i buy at walgreens. It is a multivitamin with added D3. I have only had to buy them once because they are buy one get one free and there is one for every day of the year in the bottle. They work great and are cheap and small.

  7. It happened to me tonight and I thought i was very planful. Since having RNY 2 years ago I get episodes of reactive hypoglycemia. Today I had my normal Breakfast which was a Protein shake and knowing I would be going to my granddaughter's volleyball game decided to eat my lunch later than normal.

    I ended up having lunch at 2:30pm - I had a lunch that had great Protein and veggies but also had more than normal carbs as it was a ground beef pasty. Then about 2 hours later I had a handful of almonds.

    I knew her game started at 6:30 and would like run until 8:30 but honestly thought i would be fine until then.

    Well, while on the way to the game I started to have the very low sugar crash and when it hits me, it hits me fast and it gets pretty scary. I start shaking, Sweating and getting very confused. I have learned the early signs (which come usually about 5 minutes before i end up in big trouble).

    Like an idiot, I did not bring anything with me. No glucose, no meter nothing.....So I looked at hubby who thankfully was driving and said you need to find either a walgreens or a gas station and find it fast.

    Well, we were in hicksville, USA and so the only thing we could find nearby was a gas station. I knew I needed some sugar but not alot and then i needed something with protein which would keep it from coming right back in an hour. So, I grabbed some dark chocolate and a protein bar. I ate 4 small squares of chocolate and then followed up with about 1/3 of the protein bar.

    Within 10 minutes I was fine and was able to hold off for a very late dinner at Stir Crazy where I had delicious chicken breast and veggie stir fry from Their fresh market bar.

    I really really need to be more careful with this! And going forward, a ground beef pasty clearly had more carbs than i even realized or it would not have happened to me.


  8. @@Tyani

    I think the biggest thing to remember post op is that what doesnt work today may work perfectly tomorrow, next week, next month or next year.

    There are many foods that right out of the gate just felt bad in my pouch. Many types of Proteins, veggies and even fruits. In the beginning I had to cook the heck out of my veggies until they were very soft and I loved my veggies with my Protein.

    If something did not work today I would keep trying it until finally it worked. Now I wish some things still didn't work because I find myself wanting those things more often than I should have them. For example, i missed sandwiches most of all. My stomach did not tolerate any bread of any kind, no tortillas unless they were very crispy. Now I can eat any bread and my tummy is just fine with it. Because I am at goal and maintaining i had to add back in some whole grains and i do that with bread or crackers but try to limit it to only one meal per day.

    As far as fruits and veggies, my nut insisted that I ate a very balanced diet right from the start. I was required to eat fruit and veggies with my Protein. She had me follow one simple rule: 2 bites of dense protein for every 1 bite of veggies and fruit. Even in the pureed stage she had me eating unsweetened apple sauce.

    I lost 152lbs with that plan and I am happier because i get my protein, veggies and fruit and on occasion some rice, bread, potatoes or Pasta but not until i was at goal.

    you will get the hang of it!

  9. Hopefully you are at the end of these complications and feel better soon.

    Do they think you developed an ulcer in one months time? Or was it there before they did your surgery.

    Just curious...

    I know had I still had my gallbladder my surgeon planned to take it out when he did the bypass. Back in 93 I ended up having to have an open gallbladder surgery after losing 80lbs rapidly on a very low fat diet. By the time they figured out it was my gallbladder the only thing I could eat was dry cheerios and boiled potatoes with nothing on them.

    My gallbladder was so loaded with stones at that time they had to do an open procedure instead of a laparoscopic procedure.

    Now of course I am about to have an Abdominalplasty and one of the risks i have is from that large scar. Apparently it puts you at risk for infection and tissue death but I am doing it anyway. I cannot stand the loose skin i have on my belly.

  10. Halloween is my all time favorite holiday. Hubby and I love it so much we got married on Halloween and had our wedding pictures taken in a graveyard. LOL.

    My family usually celebrates with giant halloween parties and we deck the house out from top to bottom. Seriously I have a 25 x 20 storage locker stuffed from floor to ceiling with halloween decor. We were known as the halloween house in our neighborhood. Then a year and a half ago we moved into a tiny little apartment in WI. The bad part about where I live, they do trick or treat in the middle of the afternoon instead of actual halloween night like we did in Minnesota.

    Having worn many costumes over the years and always having to find a 3x I am excited about wearing a naughtier costume in the future.

    I would like to go as the devil......red tights and all. LOL

    We will have to make plans this year to go on a pub crawl or something because my place is too small for a party. This year will be our 29th wedding anniversary.

  11. @@Tyani

    It usually much later that raw veggies are allowed and honestly they were really hard for me to deal with until i was over 6 months post. For me it always felt like the lettuce was piled up in my tummy and I was not digesting it very well.

    Not to mention a lack of Protein.

    The good news is, at about 6 months post op salad became my go to meal. Add some Protein on top and ensure you eat the protein and you are good to go.

    Best of luck!

  12. I would stay away from any form of Pasta or rice. chicken veggie Soup was one of my favorite go to dishes. Just load it up with lots of chicken and veggies, yum! Same thing with chili, beef stew minus the potatoes.

    When i got to goal I made the best beef barley soup (because i was allowed whole grains)

    Soups and stews were my favorite. I also ate alot of cottage cheese, well cooked veggies, chicken breast cooked to just done so it was good and juicy. I would make chicken breasts in marinara, fat free gravy, healthy request cream of mushroom soup, taco seasoning and salsa.....

    I also ate alot of fish - salmon, orange roughy, cod - not fried but baked or broiled. I did have salmon at 7 weeks out at Gordon Ramsey restaurant in vegas and to this day it was the best fish i ever put in my mouth.

    I want to go back to ceasars palace and have it again.

    I also made sloppy joes and ate just the meat, taco meat with cheese.< /p>

    Just remember to chew very very good and make sure that your meat has some sauce or is very juicy. If it is dry it is very difficult to eat at this stage.

  13. Not a sleever here but know many.......The only way to know this regardless of being a sleever or a RNYer or any other....is to have your nutritional panel done consistently at the designated times. You will find that some Vitamins are reduced or eliminated and others may be added depending on how your panel comes out.

    The most important thing is to make sure you have your panels done consistently. So many Bariatric patients do well and then simply stop that step and get sick over time. Not having the right nutrition can lead to irreparable damage to your neurological systems.

    It definately is a struggle the first few weeks when you have to use chewables but then after that it is easy with a pill box that has the days of the week. I only take a multi Vitamin, D3, B1, B12 and calcium chews....that is not bad. All of them are fairly inexpensive with the exception of the calcium citrate but I wont cheap out on those. I use Bariatric Advantage and I usually order from Amazon or right here on bariatric pal. Whoever has my favorite in stock and least expensive gets my money.

  14. Ok....not likely dumping but I am very familiar with this happening and you are right it is from not chewing and it hurts like hell until you vomit it up.

    As your tummy heals this should get better for sure. The size of what you can swallow improves over time.

    That being said today is my two year anniversary and I still have problems if I dont chew well or if i eat too fast. It can lead to the need to vomit. It is the one thing that can ruin a meal as well which as time goes by you will realize that stinks because it means you end up getting hungry later.

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