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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Sunny80

  1. Surgery was March 10th and I'm down 103lbs. I actually enjoy shopping for myself now! My shirts were a 3x (some were pushing it) and now my shirts are mostly XL (some XL even being to big). I want to do another 30 lbs at least I'd not 40-50 (taking small baby steps). I really don't miss food. People eat sweets and junk around me and I honestly do not care. Being "thin" and healthy is a way better feeling. I feel so wonderful! attachicon.gif ImageUploadedByBariatricPal1437402313.208460.jpgattachicon.gif ImageUploadedByBariatricPal1437402342.522304.jpg

    You look amazing, great job!!

  2. How's everyone doing? I had my 3 month checkup today. So far I have lost 43% of my excess body fat (50 lbs).... And only 2 more lbs before I'm under 200. I'm pretty happy about that!

    Now I'm back on a "regular diet"... No restrictions. Woo hoo! I've been dying for a salad... Wouldn't have said that 3 months ago. Ha!

    Averaging 550-750 calories a day now. I can eat about 1/2 - 2/3 cup of food at a time. How about everyone else?

    Anyway, hope everyone is doing great!

    Great work!! I have lost 60 lbs so far, stalling for the last 12 days. I eat around 700 calories. I need to increase my exercise. All in all I feel so much better 60 lbs lighter even with a picky sleeve :)

  3. That's so awesome! I am so envious. I broke my right foot 3 weeks ago and am not allowed to put any weight on it. My progress has come to a screatching halt. I have three weeks to go before the cast comes off and I can drive to PT. You can't believe how much I miss cleaning house. Lol.

    Oh no, I hope you have a speedy recovery!

  4. I feel so emotional today, I have no idea what my problem is. I haven't felt like this since the first week or two. Anyone else experience this?

    Hi Sunny80! I was told that we store estrogen in our fat cells and am wondering if maybe when it's released into our systems we get PMS-like symptoms. I have days like that too. Fortunately it seems to go away as quickly as it appears. Hope you're feeling better soon!

    Maybe that's it. Thank you for the reply! Hopefully tomorrow is better.

  5. I'm frustrated for opposite reasons. I really wanted eating to be hard. I can still gulp Water, finish my Premier Protein in less than five minutes, have never once felt nauseous, can eat anything. It stays at 2-3oz if it's dense like salmon or chicken but chili is an easy 6oz. I've "stalled" again even after upping calories to 1000 per my doctor. It's been 6 weeks and I'm only down 25lbs. I walk some but my back and psiatic nerve is so painful. Per dr i am taking celebrex again occasionally. I'm just bummed because i feel like i didn't get made small enough and this isn't going to work :(

    Don't get down on yourself. 25 lbs is great!! Just keep with the plan and hang in there.

  6. Went up 0.8 pounds today, it is frustrating when this happens!!!! I have been weighing myself about every 3 days. I get that there will be fluctuations but it still is bothersome. I have stayed within my nutritional goals and am walking, hopefully it will start trending back down soon :)

    It will move! I was surprised to see that I've lost 5 pounds since Saturday, after no loss for 22 days, and even up and down 2 pounds during that time. Start moving a little more.. Get your heart rate up a bit more than walking.

    Thanks Chrystee!!! I'm not released to do anything except walk yet, but I could definitely increase my steps.

  7. Went up 0.8 pounds today, it is frustrating when this happens!!!! I have been weighing myself about every 3 days. I get that there will be fluctuations but it still is bothersome. I have stayed within my nutritional goals and am walking, hopefully it will start trending back down soon :)

  8. Sorry you're feeling so bad. I remember it was very uncomfortable the first week or so sitting at my desk all day. I got up and walked around every chance I got. I'm still feeling weak too. It's worse if I do a lot of physical work. Hope you start feeling better soon!

    Thanks, I'm sure with time things will get better!!!

  9. @@purrfctangel @@NewgirlfromMd

    Thanks! I'm not frustrated yet.. I just want to see it keep moving (give me an ounce here or something! So i'm trying. I already work out heavily too.. went to spinning today. I've been released for full activity so i'll be back to crossfit and everything.. I also realize its normal, so that's encouraging!

    One comment from my Nut to my Dr.. My Dr said I could start running again.. (which I already have) and my Nut goes.. um.. she's 280 pounds.. she can't be running! I was like, um.. I do run, thank you very much..

    Just keep up the good work!!! That was rude of your Nut.

  10. What kinds of foods are you planning for puree/soft?

    Has anyone been keeping track of food stats in myfitnesspal? I was amazeD at how many carbs that measly little half cup of refried Beans had. My doc told me to stay under 50 carbs per day and they put me over. But I don't subtract anything and use net carbs, just total carbs. Any thoughts on the net/total carbs?

    Some people subtract Fiber, might be a question for the dietician. Good question.

  11. Sunny... That sucks so bad! I'm sorry.

    My follow up is next Wednesday and I'm hoping to move past Protein drinks and Clear Liquids then. Getting old but it's going to be worth it in the end.

    Hey, on a side note, I feel fairly normal today. I was sitting at my desk around 4 this afternoon and realized I hadn't really been in any pain today. Most of the week it's been really uncomfortable sitting at my desk all day.

    I can have puree on Wednesday so we are in the same boat. I am sure these 4 days will go by quickly.

    Congrats on feeling pain free!

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