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Posts posted by MooCow4

  1. Hi Happyjacq,

    I have also experienced the weight lose stall, 4 weeks and not a gram, It really is disheartening. I spoke with the dietician about it and she suggested that I wasn't eating enough....no one has ever said that to me before LOL. Low and behold I mixed up my meals a bit, added a few more vegies and salad and hey presto I've lost another 2.5kg in the last 3 weeks even whilst being on a cruise and consuming more than my far share of cocktails!

    So try not to be to disheartened your results so far are fantastic. I sometimes have to remind myself that it has only been 3 months and sadly want what's taken me a life time to put on just to magically disappear overnight.


  2. Hi Michelle,

    Glad to hear your mending well.

    A whole pouch of yogurt isn't much but to a fellow sleever it's a great achievement. I'm exactly 2 weeks and 2 days post Op and I'm feeling pretty good in myself, but missing that crisp sound when you bite something. I think all this purée has just about done my head in...Lol.

  3. Fantastic results Ray, that's incredible. You must be feeling great. I was over the shakes pre op let alone face them now. Im missing that crispy sound when biting into something. I sat and watched the fam munching on their meat and veggies in ore tonight, as I slurped down my puréed chicken casserole.....almost brings a tear to my eye thinking about it. Keep us posted on your weight lose, I love hearing people success stories.

  4. Hi Skinnyme43,

    Yesterday wasn't the best day for me either. I had 1/2 a shake for Breakfast but thought I'd clever and add some yogurt just to boost up the Protein BIG MISTAKE! I don't know if I drank to much too quick but the effects weren't pretty! I slept most of the day and only managed about 600mls of Water. Feeling lots better today and have almost sipped down a bottle of Water. I have a batch of chicken and mushroom Soup on as we speak which smells delicious. Still can't gauge this tummy thing, if I'm eating enough or not enough. I feel sleepy all the time Zzzz

  5. Yes Ray I have to agree, the quality of life far out ways being tired and miserable as I am now. I know a few people who have had this procedure and all have success stories. My life of yo yo dieting and diet pills will be a thing of the past!

    Skinnyme45 same surgeon, same hospital, same day! I'm sure I'll see you at sometime but If I don't see you pre surgery, good luck xx

  6. Hi Ray, I'm pleased to hear your doing well. That pain you talk about is my biggest fear along with complications further down the track. Like you my OP is a lot more expensive than first quoted so I had to dip into hubby's man cave funds. Now I'm worried if their are complications he'll just let me die, LOL . So this has got to go right the first time as I can't afford it not too....Just one more sleep and it all becomes a reality.

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