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    Dabliss111114 reacted to DDSPICRN in Anyone in Charlotte, NC interested in forming a local support group?   
    I had surgery January 27th so I am 7 weeks post op.
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    Dabliss111114 got a reaction from Salonboi in Anyone in Charlotte, NC interested in forming a local support group?   
    No, not yet. Have you had your surgery yet? I'm going to see Jaysen this evening to get my hair cut and colored. He's now officially my new hair stylist. He's great, and such a cool guy. I'll talk to him tonight and we'll try to come up with something.
    Love it that you live in Waxhaw. That's close...l'm in Monroe and he's not far either. Look forward to meeting you.
    I'll be in touch.
  3. Like
    Dabliss111114 reacted to DDSPICRN in Anyone in Charlotte, NC interested in forming a local support group?   
    Did you guys ever get together? I live in waxhaw.
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    Dabliss111114 reacted to DrewzWife in Family Support   
    dabliss111114 you are such an inspiration. I am going to take your advice on all of the things you mentioned. Thanks for not bashing my husband because he is a good person, but he's not going through my struggle, do therefore he can't possible no how I feel. I'm so sick of people telling me that surgery could kill me, well being almost 300 pounds will kill me too. Thanks again.????
  5. Like
    Dabliss111114 got a reaction from DrewzWife in Family Support   
    You are very brave to have made this decision to put yourself on the road to better health and a brighter future. You said the the key words in your first post..... You are doing this for you. As hard as it may seem to move past what your spouse may or may not be willing to do to help you along the way, you are strong enough to do this.
    Without knowing the dynamics of you marriage it wouldn't be fair to judge him for how he feels. Maybe he's afraid that if you change physically you won't want to be with him any longer because he himself needs to lose weight and get healthy, or maybe he's afraid that the change in your size may change who you are on the inside and it scares him, or maybe he feels inferior in some ways and doesn't think he deserves a beautiful, fit wife, or maybe he will be jealous of the attention you'll get. Wherever he's coming from, you can't let it derail you.
    If you're like so many of us, you've spent way to much time worrying about what others think, or doing everything for everyone else and not for yourself. This is your chance to take care of YOU. You're not alone in this, because you've got all of us on your side.
    Let him eat whatever he wants......you eat what you need to eat. Keep good thoughts and maybe as time goes by he'll see the remarkable strength you have and his lack of support will turn into pride. Don't give up!!!!
  6. Like
    Dabliss111114 got a reaction from DrewzWife in Family Support   
    You are very brave to have made this decision to put yourself on the road to better health and a brighter future. You said the the key words in your first post..... You are doing this for you. As hard as it may seem to move past what your spouse may or may not be willing to do to help you along the way, you are strong enough to do this.
    Without knowing the dynamics of you marriage it wouldn't be fair to judge him for how he feels. Maybe he's afraid that if you change physically you won't want to be with him any longer because he himself needs to lose weight and get healthy, or maybe he's afraid that the change in your size may change who you are on the inside and it scares him, or maybe he feels inferior in some ways and doesn't think he deserves a beautiful, fit wife, or maybe he will be jealous of the attention you'll get. Wherever he's coming from, you can't let it derail you.
    If you're like so many of us, you've spent way to much time worrying about what others think, or doing everything for everyone else and not for yourself. This is your chance to take care of YOU. You're not alone in this, because you've got all of us on your side.
    Let him eat whatever he wants......you eat what you need to eat. Keep good thoughts and maybe as time goes by he'll see the remarkable strength you have and his lack of support will turn into pride. Don't give up!!!!
  7. Like
    Dabliss111114 reacted to Theresa H in Question for the slow losers   
    It has been 16 months since my surgery. I am still fighting for my goal weight. I am on thyroid medication and I am a slow loser. It gets daunting but I have lost about 80 pounds and I want to lose about 45 more.
  8. Like
    Dabliss111114 reacted to Elode in Question for the slow losers   
    I don't even know what's considered a "slow" loser? Who knows the guidelines for that?? I think sometimes we put too much pressure on ourselves. If your working your programs like you should and your losing weight that's all that should really matter. In order to be "slow" you would have to be comparing yourself to someone else's weight loss. Don't do that.
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    Dabliss111114 reacted to Sunshine_Gal in Question for the slow losers   
    This thread has been really good. It's like the old saying misery loves company, well in this instance it's slow losers love company, just so we know we are not alone, failing or the odd ball out. I have never lost like this in my entire life. The last time I lost a great deal of weight was in 2001 and it was a little over 90lbs in less than 6 months. I just 'assumed' it would be the same this time if not faster. WELL the scales are sure showing me wrong. In the last four weeks I've lost 4 pounds. It's frustrating, but I keep trying to tell myself this is the 'FOREVER' time not like any of the times that have come before. Every pound gone this time is gone for good. At 65 I just wanted to hurry up and loose it all so I could get on with my life. Now I'm beginning to think it might take me a couple of years to loose it unless something turns around. The good thing I've read is that the slower you loose the less saggy skin you have. Have to keep looking on the bright side my friends.
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    Dabliss111114 got a reaction from Swampdoggie in Question for the slow losers   
    I think I qualify as a slow loser too. It seems that I'll lose several pounds one week, and then not lose anything for nearly a week. I eat my Protein, drink my Water and don't eat carbs. I also exercise as much as I'm able. My NUT tells me not to worry so much about it, and that I'm "on track". I'm averaging about 8-10 pounds a month. I know others that are losing up to 18-20 a month.
    My doctor on the other hand is not as kind. He's very condescending in general, and when I saw him for my 3 month visit he made a big deal out of "how much volume are you eating?" "how much exercise do you really do?" etc. I try to not let him get to me. This is the same guy who before my surgery threatened to cancel my surgery if I didn't loose at least 12 lbs during my 2 week pre-op. He has a rep for being a jerk, but he also is considered one of the very best in my area. I choose to go with what the nurses or my NUT say, and I feel great, so it is what it is. Slow and steady in the right direction.
  11. Like
    Dabliss111114 got a reaction from wannaBthinsoon in Starting out at age 45? How common?   
    I turned 62 in January and had my surgery in Nov. 2014. I'm about 3 1/2 months out and haven't felt this good in over 20 years. I wish I had found the courage to do this years ago.
    My only worry now is whether or not my husband will be able to keep up with me once I reach my goal. He'll be 70 this year.
  12. Like
    Dabliss111114 got a reaction from Alex Brecher in BariatricPal Launching Online Store to sell Discounted Bariatric Nutritional Products ? (Vitamins, Protein etc.)   
    So glad to see so many others interested in the store launch. I had posted to this topic awhile back, but wanted to add the VICTORY Protein bars by Oh Yeah. They're all natural and the flavors are great. They even taste better than the Quest bars which are also good.
  13. Like
    Dabliss111114 reacted to Sunshine_Gal in Starting out at age 45? How common?   
    @@KS123 Hi I've got a real jump on you. I turned 65 on December 15th and had surgery on January 16th this year. I would have done it much sooner if I'd had insurance that would pay for it. It's up to the individual but I don't see that age is a factor as long as your physician and surgeon agree you're a candidate for surgery. My choice was live a few more years at the rate I was gaining and feeling, or have surgery and perhaps live to be 100 like my Momma. It's a struggle, probably the hardest thing I've ever done but I'd do it again in a heartbeat! I would think you're probably the norm age. Go for it and don't look back just forward at all those years you'll spend in a healthier, more active body! Good luck.
  14. Like
    Dabliss111114 reacted to della street in Starting out at age 45? How common?   
    Turned 59 last October; had RNY in January. 4.5 weeks out, I've lost 29 lbs, plus 15 pre-op. Tried to have surgery for almost 10 years, but insurance specifically excluded it, year after year. Finally, this past fall, purchased my own policy and came off hubby's work policy - thank you Obamacare, because in Arizona, all Marketplace polices are required to cover WLS. Yes, it costs me monthly premium, plus my out-of-pocket max, but nowhere near what the surgery would cost self-pay, which we couldn't afford. So looking forward to my 60th b-day this coming October now--sure wouldn't have said that before surgery! I expect to be at least 100 lbs lighter than last year!
  15. Like
    Dabliss111114 got a reaction from wannaBthinsoon in Starting out at age 45? How common?   
    I turned 62 in January and had my surgery in Nov. 2014. I'm about 3 1/2 months out and haven't felt this good in over 20 years. I wish I had found the courage to do this years ago.
    My only worry now is whether or not my husband will be able to keep up with me once I reach my goal. He'll be 70 this year.
  16. Like
    Dabliss111114 got a reaction from NYC1992 in Body Lift (Tummy Tuck, Thigh/Butt Lift) + Arm Lift - February 27, 2015!   
    Mark, I'm so happy that you've shared your story with us. I had my surgery in Nov. and have just gotten to a 60 lb. loss. I can't believe how great I feel and how happy I am that I made this decision. I admire you so much for having made such a huge decision at such a young age. Now you have your entire life ahead of you to live and enjoy to the fullest. Be proud of everything you've accomplished.
    Having all the surgery is a big decision too. Even at my age (62) I've already made up my mind that when the time comes I'll be eager to have whatever surgery I need to make my new body the one I've missed and grieved for over the last 20 yrs. I look back over these last few months, and I wish I had been able to consider having WLS many years ago. I look forward to the day when I can once again do all the things I haven't been able to do for so many years.
    I'm curious about the recovery time too. I'm going to follow this discussion so that I can get "educated" on what to expect down the line.
    Congrats on your incredible success, and be sure to keep up posted.
  17. Like
    Dabliss111114 got a reaction from Healthy_life2 in fingers and toes   
    I've noticed that my rings are already getting too big too. They slip around on my finger moving the stones to the back, which I know isn't good. I think the idea of a ring guard is a good idea until I reach goal and can then have them resized.
    As for shoes getting too big... what a shame.... I guess I'll just have to go shopping...
  18. Like
    Dabliss111114 got a reaction from Healthy_life2 in fingers and toes   
    I've noticed that my rings are already getting too big too. They slip around on my finger moving the stones to the back, which I know isn't good. I think the idea of a ring guard is a good idea until I reach goal and can then have them resized.
    As for shoes getting too big... what a shame.... I guess I'll just have to go shopping...
  19. Like
    Dabliss111114 got a reaction from Healthy_life2 in fingers and toes   
    I've noticed that my rings are already getting too big too. They slip around on my finger moving the stones to the back, which I know isn't good. I think the idea of a ring guard is a good idea until I reach goal and can then have them resized.
    As for shoes getting too big... what a shame.... I guess I'll just have to go shopping...
  20. Like
    Dabliss111114 got a reaction from Healthy_life2 in fingers and toes   
    I've noticed that my rings are already getting too big too. They slip around on my finger moving the stones to the back, which I know isn't good. I think the idea of a ring guard is a good idea until I reach goal and can then have them resized.
    As for shoes getting too big... what a shame.... I guess I'll just have to go shopping...
  21. Like
    Dabliss111114 reacted to gowalking in fingers and toes   
    Yes...go to a jewelry story and have them add a ring guard. It can be removed once you are at the weight you expect to maintain at. I have ring guards on many of my rings because the stones will pop if they cut away as much as they have to to make my rings fit correctly.
  22. Like
    Dabliss111114 reacted to loriemoms in fingers and toes   
    I was prepared for some weight loss in my feet and finger but its been more dramatic than I thought. My question is my wedding ring keeps slipping off especially in the shower and washing dishes. I dont want to get it resized yet because.i have 50 lbs left to loose and I dont want to stop wearing it. I actually put it on my forefinger sometimes but it feels funny any one else.have a solution?
  23. Like
    Dabliss111114 got a reaction from ProudGrammy in Cereal   
    I just bought the Special K Protein Cereal in the Cinnamon Crunch flavor and have about 3/4 cup with a little light almond milk. It's real crunchy and tastes great. One serving has 7gms. of Protein. They're great for a little snack when you need one too.
    I also buy the weight control Quaker oatmeal. It has 7 gms. of protein too. I've added a little unflavored Protein powder to it too.
  24. Like
    Dabliss111114 reacted to Luvin_Life125 in It's Getting Close...don't know if I can do this   
    Being nervous is perfectly normal! You are making a permanent change to your body which will make you change your lifestyle. It is a lot to take in. I suggest journaling to help you work through these feelings. The biggest help for me was 2 lists I made and kept right on the fridge. The first list is all the reasons why I chose surgery. The 2nd list was all the things I can't wait to do when I lose weight. It is my bariatric bucket list. Those papers helped me keep everything in perspective when I started to get nervous or overwhelmed. You made this decision rationally and after much consideration. There are reasons why you have worked so hard to get ready for surgery. Stop sabotaging yourself and reset your eating habits. You can do this. We all are here if you need to talk or need support!
  25. Like
    Dabliss111114 got a reaction from Luvin_Life125 in three months post opt.   
    I'm 3 months out too. Down 57 lbs. as of today and I'm feeling great too. I love "shopping" in my closet right now, but know that when the season changes I'm going to have to go shopping for real. I'm excited. I've got more energy than I ever thought I'd have again, and I can eat pretty much everything, but in tiny amounts.
    I do get hiccups whenever I get full, which has become my signal that I'm done eating.
    Congrats to all of you who have come this far too, and are also doing well. Let's all keep up the good work!!!

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