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Everything posted by Dabliss111114

  1. Dabliss111114

    3 month-before and during pics!

    Day 2 of my 2 week prep diet. I've had my 60+ gms of Protein and at least a half gallon of liquids. I've got a little headache but other than that I'm doing ok. I've heard that days 3 and 4 are the worst, then after that it gets easier. How did the pre diet effect you?
  2. Yes, I'm having the bypass done. Today was my day 2 of the prep diet. Lot's of Protein and liquids. I spent most of my day in the bathroom. I actually have a little headache, but it should go away once I go to bed.
  3. Dabliss111114

    November Surgery Dates Anyone? Let's Connect!

    @michellew and @ready28......All there of us have our surgery within a day, our height and starting weights are very close and our goal weights are the same. How's that for coincidence? I think we'd be great support for each other. Let's buddy up??? I've also ordered some shakes and chewable Vitamins and such. I'm on day 2 of my 2 week pre-op diet. I'm supposed to have at least 60 gms. of Protein each day and one small Fiber rich meal (veggies, fruits) and another protein (fish ,chicken) No more than 800 - 1000 calories a day. Also a minimum of 60 oz. of liquids. I've spend most of the day peeing. I hope I make it for 2 weeks.
  4. Dabliss111114

    3 month-before and during pics!

    You go girl!!!! I'm inspired by your enthusiasm.
  5. Hey ladies... I'm having my bypass on Nov. 11. I'm in N.Carolina. I'm also worried about it all...... Skin for sure. I'm not a "spring chicken" anymore and I'm afraid I'll look like my 86yr.old mother when this is done. I've also heard that if your primary care doctor supports your claim of rashes and such that it may be covered. Right now all I'm concerned with is getting through this next 2 weeks of liquid prep and then the actual surgery. After that I'm hoping that all the positive changes both physically and emotionally will out weight the negatives. At this stage of my life I want to be able to enjoy the things I used to love doing and can't do now. Retirement is supposed to be fun and a time to enjoy your spouse/partner now that the responsibilities of raising a family has passed. I don't want to have to spend that time sitting in front of the TV, probably getting heavier by the week because I can't do anything else. My hat's off to those of you that are younger and are taking this step sooner rather than later. You have so much life ahead of you. You deserve to be healthy and able to live it to the fullest.!! I'm all in for supporting each other through this journey. I'm going to follow this thread, but am open to IM too. Deb
  6. Dabliss111114

    November Surgery Dates Anyone? Let's Connect!

    For sure.... I added you as a friend. We can IM back and forth anytime.
  7. Dabliss111114

    November Surgery Dates Anyone? Let's Connect!

    Hi. My surgery is on Nov. 11 and I know what you're talking about first hand when it comes to quitting smoking and giving up the caffeine. My surgeon told me in no uncertain terms that he wouldn't even touch me unless I was smoke free for at least 2 months before surgery. I quit (pack a day) cold turkey on Aug. 25. It was hard, but I did it. I chewed a lot of gum and yes I ate...... I got off the coffee by mixing my regular coffee with decaf in fractional amounts over a month so by the end of the month I was drinking only decaf. That helped with not getting the headaches. I was pretty proud of the fact that I did both things that were really hard for me to do in order to get ready for my surgery. The only problem is that while trying to quit smoking i gained 8 lbs over that 2 month period. I had my pre-op appointment today and nearly left in tears...... The nurse was very supportive and made me feel good about the fact that I had accomplished 2 big goals in spite of gaining a few pounds. She said that most people gain weight when they quit smoking whether they are overweight to start with or not. When my doctor came in he made me feel like crap. I was surprised at how brutal he was with me. There was nothing good said about the fact that I had managed to quit smoking and was off the coffee, but instead he climbed all over me for the 8 lbs. and the fact that I hadn't been exercising 1 hr. everyday. I told him that I was trying to walk some each day, but that right now I have too much pain in my knees and ankles. I told him that I realized how important the exercise was, and that I fully intended to build up what I did each day. he still fussed at me and asked me why I hadn't been going to an indoor pool to do aerobics or swim. I told him I planned on joining our local athletic club right after my surgery so that I could take advantage of the cycles, machines, pool etc. and he asked me why I hadn't already joined and started going. I was so stunned I didn't know what to say, but the truth is that with all the other expenses right now it just wasn't something I could do until next month. At that point he actually told me that if I didn't loose weight before my surgery he would make me postpone it. I started my 2 week pre-op diet today, which was the only weight loss I was told I was supposed to do in prep for the surgery. Now I'm scared to death that if I don't knock off the 8 lbs. I won't be able to have the surgery even after all I've gone through to get to this point. I'm so frustrated and depressed I don't know what to do. Has anyone else been in this position?????
  8. Dabliss111114

    Emotional Mess

    Starting 2 week liquid diet tomorrow. I'm ready, but still in panic mode. Going out to dinner today with family. It's been dubbed "the last supper". When I see my doc tomorrow for my final pre-op visit I'll probably weigh 10lbs. more than I did the last time I saw him. I had to quit smoking which was really hard to do, so I know I ate more than usual. I've also been treating myself to my favorites. I feel so guilty.
  9. Dabliss111114

    Support, relationships, marriage?

    You'll get a lot of support from this group. Remember that you're not alone in this and that no matter what our support systems may be, we're all doing it for ourselves and no one else. It's our health, our body, and our mental and self esteem. Hang in there and PM any time you want. I've added you as a friend.
  10. Dabliss111114

    Emotional Mess

    Hi. Has anyone heard from Lost1. I think she was supposed to have her surgery later in this month. I think I remember reading that it was moved up from November. My pre-op is Tuesday. My surgery is then 2 weeks later. I'm really starting to get panicky. So many family things happening right now that are very stressful, and I'm having a hard time coping with it all. I'm not sleeping well, and I'm really concerned about the 2 week pre-op liquid diet. My poor husband doesn't know if I'm going to cry to snap his head off at any given moment. I keep telling myself that it's all going to work out, and that I have to worry about taking care of myself right now, and let someone else worry about taking care of everyone else.
  11. Dabliss111114

    November Surgery Dates Anyone? Let's Connect!

    Yikes, My pre-op appointment is this Tuesday. I'm really nervous. I have to start my liquid diet that day too. On top of it all I've got my 98 yr. old father-in-law coming into town for a final visit with the grandkids and great grandkids as he's terminal and if afraid he'll be gone before they can get up north to visit him during the holidays. He'll need a great deal of help while he's here, and being his caregiver all week will be a challenge. My mom has alzheimer's and is in an assisted living now, and gets very agitated when she doesn't see me just about everyday. It should be an interesting week. I hope i get through it while trying to prepare for my surgery.
  12. Dabliss111114

    November Surgery Dates Anyone? Let's Connect!

    I tried the vanilla yesterday. It was ok but not great. Don't feel bad I can't tell the difference in the chocolates either. I've picked up chewable multi vitamins and calcium/vit. D at costco. I've been told that after surgery a lot of docs want you on a probiotic too. I haven't looked for those in chewable yet. My nutritionist told me to start taking 5000mg of Biotin now to help cut down on hair loss after surgery. Anyone else doing this?
  13. Dabliss111114

    Two Months From Today

    Thanks Auri P. You are an inspiration. My surgery is exactly 3 weeks from today. I'm ready........I think.....
  14. Dabliss111114

    Emotional Mess

    Hey ya'll... so good to hear that emotions are all over the place. For all of us getting ready for the surgery I think we're sharing many of the same fears. I think it's the fear of the unknown for me. I don't know what to really expect that first couple weeks, and then like jacileggs I look forward to seeing my reflection and wondering who that hot old gal is. Right now I avoid all windows and mirrors whenever I can. I want to know who the real me is again. That woman has gotten lost somewhere along the line, and she's dying to live again!!
  15. Dabliss111114

    Support, relationships, marriage?

    My husband went with me to the first seminar and then to my first doc appointment. He's being very supportive, but he's very worried about how this will change me. This is a second marriage for both of us and we've been married for almost 9 years now. I used to be active and fit, but like so many I'm also an emotional eater/stress eater. About 20 years ago (when I only needed to loose 50 or so lbs.) I went on a supervised diet and lost a lot of weight. During that time my first husband and I were in deep trouble with our marriage. He was a cheater, and I blamed myself for not being attractive enough..... blah, blah, you all know that story. When I lost all the weight I started doing things I loved to do, like play golf, swim, hike, etc. He didn't care...the marriage was dead anyhow. OK...fast forward to the divorce..... UGLY!!!! Need I say more. I ate myself through it, raised my teenage son on my own, and struggled to make ends meet. Ten or so years ago I met my present husband who is truly the light of my life. I was overweight when we met, but not nearly as heavy as I am now. He knows I used to love being active, and so did he some years back. He retired a few years ago, and I stopped working about 2 years ago. He also needs to loose some weight, but he's not nearly in as bad shape as I'm in. If he lost 35lbs. he'd be ok. I think his biggest fear is that I'll get all healthy again, and want to do things and he's afraid he won't be able to keep up. I've told him that this would be a great opportunity for him to try to change his habits some and maybe loose some weight too. We could get healthy together. He says he agrees and that he'll try but he's pretty resistant to change and a very picky eater. I think that the decision to do this is ours and ours alone. I think it's important to have a spouse that understands our need to do this, but I think we have to remember that unless they are in the same boat we are they're never going to really "get it". Try to stay positive and encourage your spouse to be part of the journey, but if they're just not able to travel the path with you, don't get discouraged. The end result will be that you(we) will all be healthier, have a new outlook on life, and hopefully our partners will be thrilled to see the energy and renewed spirits we have. hang in there Naynay31
  16. Dabliss111114

    For those on liquid diets now.

    I decided to start my pre-op diet today. My surgery is 3 weeks from today. I'm worried that I may have actually gained a few pounds because I've been eating things I love in anticipation of not being able to have them anymore. I feel so guilty..... Has anyone else done the same thing?
  17. Dabliss111114

    November Surgery Dates Anyone? Let's Connect!

    Sounds like there's a bunch of us getting ready for this journey. Those that are having additional procedures done along with the WLS have even more food for thought on their plates (bad pun) then the rest of us. I know that as their surgery dates arrive I'll have them all in my thoughts. Still waiting for instructions on how to add someone as a friend. I'm one of the "techno challenged" ones.
  18. Dabliss111114

    Why I am choosing not to share my WLS with the world.

    LipstickLady should be applauded. I'm not nearly as accomplished as she is, but i also have had a rich full life, and at one time enjoyed being "fit" and able to do many things. Life can deal us hands of crappy cards sometimes and we all handle those issues in different ways. I handled (mis handled) some of mine by overeating. I miss the person I used to be and want that person back before I get too old to do all the things I used to do. I don't want my surgery to define who I am either. With the exception of my family and a couple very close friends I haven't told the entire world. That's why I joined this group. Here we can all be open and honest and give and get the support we need or want without making the WLS the center of our day to day life. We'll hopefully make new friends along this journey within this group, and that'll be a lifelong bonus as far as I'm concerned.
  19. Dabliss111114

    One week to go before surgery

    Thanks for sharing your story. Like you I've dieted so many times and never really finished the job or maintained. The surgery puts a new perspective on things. I'm 3 weeks away from my surgery, so I'll be pulling for you big time. Good luck....you'll do great!!
  20. Dabliss111114

    Premade protein shakes

    Where do you buy Pure Protein? Does anyone have a problem with lactose intolerance? I tried the Premier Protein (yep Costco) and couldn't handle them because of the lactose. In the past I've used a Soy based Protein shake called Slim Quest which I got online. 20gms. of protein each and pretty good taste, but I'm not sure if I should use so much soy protein. Will ask at my pre-op appointment.
  21. Dabliss111114

    November Surgery Dates Anyone? Let's Connect!

    Hey everyone, Whoever knows how to add someone as a friend please post how to do that. It looks like there's a number of us that would like to know. I did figure out (by accident) that if you hover over someones username under their picture that it gives you the option to send them a message. I'm so glad to see that there are so many people that are getting ready for surgery in November. I'm going in 3 weeks from tomorrow. I'm really feeling anxious today. I'm going to order some Protein shakes today so that I have them when I start my liquid diet prep. I think I'm going to try the unjury ones that my nutritionist gave me a sample of. They seem pricey, but I figure I'll be spending less on groceries overall....
  22. Dabliss111114

    Emotional Mess

    Wow, I'm so glad to hear I'm not the only one with all the emotions. I'm happy to see so many of you with Nov. surgery dates. I just had posted a new discussion looking for people going in for surgery in November. I'm scheduled for Nov.11th. I start my pre-op diet in another week or so (need to check my calendar). How do you get one of the body weight tickers? Is it a phone app? It's great to know we're all in this together. Can't wait to buy my first pair of "skinny jeans"!!!!!!
  23. Dabliss111114

    Two Months From Today

    Reading what all of you have written makes me feel better about my own fears and doubts. My surgery is Nov. 11th. Like 1NaturalLoser I feel like my weight has has an impact on my family and the lives of those I care about. I look forward to the day when I can finally do the things I used to love to do, and not have to make excuses anymore. I'm very anxious and I think it's the fear of the unknown. I've read so much and heard so many things that at this point I'm trying to keep the positive and the negative information in balance. I know some people have bad experiences, and that's a reality, but I believe that the positives outway the negatives. We're all in this together, and keeping in touch will help all of us succeed.
  24. Dabliss111114

    For those on liquid diets now.

    I haven't started the pre-op liquid diet yet. My surgery is Nov. 11th, so I won't be starting it for another couple weeks. My doctor says I need to do it for 2 weeks, but I am allowed to have a light meal at dinner time. I think I have to go to all liquids for 3 days before the surgery though. What's really bad, and I feel so guilty about it is that this last week or so I've eaten some things I really enjoy thinking that I may as well indulge since it'll be forever until I can even have a taste of certain things. Has anyone else felt like this? The last thing I want to do is gain weight before surgery. I've got enough to loose as it is.
  25. I've only got about a month before my scheduled by-pass surgery. My doctor wants me to exercise, but between my sore joints and getting out of breath, how should I go about getting in the pre-op exercise he would like me to do?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
