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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Iowa_summergirl

  1. Iowa_summergirl

    October 2014 sleevers check in please!

    Always fun to see where everyone is at...hope everyone is having a great summer! I am having a great time shopping in new clothes as I have officially gotten rid of every piece of clothing in my closet! Now that was a NSV! Last year I was between a 22-24W, and now I am comfortably in a size 11/12, sometimes even 10. I had my annual physical and saw a doctor who hasn't seen me in a year...she actually did a double take when walking into the exam room. Quite different from when I delivered my son and weighed 300. I also traveled on business last month and loved not feeling like I needed an extra seat on the plane or having the stewardess ask me if I needed a seat belt extension. Finally feel like I can eat normal too...get full easily, but can pretty much feel like a normal person sitting at the dinner table. HW: 256 Surg wt: 224 Current wt: 155
  2. Iowa_summergirl

    October 2014 sleevers check in please!

    Hi October sleevers! I haven't checked in for a while... HW 256 SW 224 CW 166 I can't believe the change in just five months! I feel like a whole different person. I was in a stall almost the entire month of February, but things seem to be on track now. I wasn't loosing any weight, but my clothes continued to fit better. Have had a great time doing some much needed shopping. I have never had a closet full of so many clothes that I can't wear (especially since they were too big)! I haven't been very good about keeping food journals or tracking everything I eat. I usually just eat sensibly and eat until I'm satisfied. I have been trying to curb my snacking (especially late nights). I have a particular liking right now for peanuts, jalapenos, pickles, and mac salad (not good I know but a little goes a long ways). Glad to hear everyone is checking in...it is great to hear that I have the same struggles as others. Keep the recipes coming too!
  3. I have a five year old, so life is pretty easy compared to you! My hardest part was meal times. I felt guilty not eating at the table with them, and I didn't feel like cooking either. My little guy has always been taught that we all eat the same thing...we don't make something like mac and cheese just for him if he doesn't like what we are having. So suddenly I didn't feel like I could practice what I preached. Now I still have an issue making him eat all his food, when I frequently leave food behind. Taking care of the house really wasn't that big of an issue, just the meal time issues.
  4. I have struggled with insomnia for years also. After surgery, I would be wide awake about four hours after going to bed. I am not four months out and it is getting better, although I still only get a solid six hours of sleep. I also take melatonin (there is a fast dissolve formula and Tylenol pm and those work pretty well for me. Sometimes I feel like the meds don't last as long with my new stomach...like it is digested quicker before it is completely dissolved/absorbed?
  5. Iowa_summergirl

    Advice on Pain Meds-Tylenol

    I crushed everything at that point and took it with applesauce or yogurt...I don't take any Tylenol or pain med on an empty stomach.
  6. Iowa_summergirl

    Retaining water

    I am four months post op...and have no ankles right now. My ankles are swollen worse than what I had when I was pregnant. I push my fingers into my shins and ankles and the dents stay there for quite a while. I never (except for pregnancy) had an issue with retaining Water...any others deal with this? I do drink quite a bit of water in a day, and I don't pee all that much. So I know that my body is keeping it in. Any ideas to shead the excess water naturally?
  7. Watch your Tylenol intake...too much of that and you can have ringing in your ears. I have also experienced rebound headaches from the pain medicine...you think you are taking meds to alleviate pain and causing more pain. One other thought...are you getting the headaches or ringing because of dehydration?? Had that too!
  8. I added soft and well chewed meats at 3 weeks post op. Now I am almost four months out, and chicken works the best for me, especially if it is very moist and tender. I tried some roast last week, and some minor frothing after it. I don't think I took long enough to eat. Hamburger still really doesn't work well for me. I think it is too dry? I also have good luck with thinly sliced deli meats such as turkey or ham.
  9. Our topics on here seem kind of serious...so here is a lighthearted one! I am having the weirdest cravings! Anyone else? If so...lets hear about them! My latest cravings....mustard, pickles, and ham. Sometimes all at the same time!
  10. Iowa_summergirl

    2.5 Months Out & FAIL

    This is a great post with lots of super replies. I believe that you have to splurge once in a while, just don't make a habit of it. Granted...I'm still in the honeymoon phase (3.5 months out)....
  11. Iowa_summergirl

    Post op diet and amount

    I had my sleeve on Oct 14. Up until about 2 weeks ago (3 months post op), I felt like I couldn't eat more than 3-4 bites of anything and I was full, sliming, throwing up. I feel like I have finally turned the corner and can have a small, but normal meal. I have even dined out a couple of times and been able to order a small entrée or an appetizer, and eat a decent amount of it vs taking it all home in a to-go box. My normal routine: Breakfast: 1/2piece of toast with 1/2 yogurt Lunch: small sandwich, piece of fruit Dinner: usually some sort of meat (palm sized portion) and 1/2 baked potato or about that much In between meals....lots of Water, water, water.
  12. Iowa_summergirl

    Change in sleep patterns

    Me too! I have always struggled with insomnia, so I have relied on Ambien for years. Before surgery I took one at bedtime and had no problem sleeping until my alarm went off in the morning. After surgery, I take my Ambien and four hours later I am wide awake. I feel like my body is processing the drug more quickly. I can't say that I am any more tired from getting much less sleep...so I think my body is just feeling better without carrying the 80 extra pounds along!
  13. Iowa_summergirl

    4 month post op! Opinions

    Sleeved on Oct 14 Highest weight...256 Surgical weight...224 Current weight...174 I'm on a two week stall right now...but I feel like I can eat halfway normally since the first time after surgery.
  14. Iowa_summergirl

    Anyone else having weird cravings?

    I'm amazed at the different cravings and I'm right there with every one of them...except sushi and crawfish (not a fish fan)! I am still sticking with my condiments...mustard, mayo, jalapenos...I'm not sure if anyone is familiar with ham salad or if that's just a Midwest thing, but I saw it in the grocery store today and my mouth started watering (mushed up ham with pieces of pickle and a little onion in it...best with a slice of fresh bread).! I haven't had it since I was a kid, but suddenly it sounds like the best thing in the world.
  15. Iowa_summergirl

    Chia seeds

    I used chia seeds in my morning smoothies pre op. I tried soaking them the night before, but hated it when I added them to my smoothie...it was like they got rotten overnight. I usually just added them to my blender and they seemed to puree a bit to the point where I could tolerate them in the smoothie. It did make me feel fuller, longer. So I thought they were great. I also added xanthan gum which worked great too, I have not used these things post op...I have a hard enough time getting my food in before I am full!
  16. Iowa_summergirl

    Why am I freezing?

    Yes yes yes! Cold all the time! I hope that my body will regulate eventually...but I agree with others that it is a great alternative to being heavier. I have never been so thankful for a "mild" winter in Iowa!
  17. Iowa_summergirl

    Anyone have regrets?

    I am 3.5 months out and still have buyers remorse. I love the progress I have made and the compliments are great too. I just struggle with some of the foods I miss, and I guess that is the food addiction I will always have. It definitely gets much much better and as others said, you are dealing with a major post op period. Give it some time and you will come around! Find some of the great things that go with your new lifestyle and embrace it!
  18. Iowa_summergirl

    NSADS and gout

    I don't have gout, but have a lot of arthritis and had two joint surgeries after my sleeve. I'm also having a hard time with pain control. I am using Tylenol and pain meds sparingly. My issue is that it feels like my body burns through the meds faster? I don't know if I'm not absorbing them well, like if they go thru my sleeve before fully absorbed? I have found that Tramadol has been much better than hydrocodone.
  19. Some of my family members think I'm losing too much too fast. I've been pretty fortunate in that the weight has steadily come off (except for the traditional 2-3 week stall). Does the loss eventually pretty much stop or plateau? What do you do if it keeps coming off and you can't keep up with your calorie intake? I'm 3 months out, down 42 lbs, (74 since my highest weight). I struggle with sliming, so some days I don't get a good amount of calories. Other days I do fine. Worrying for nothing??
  20. Iowa_summergirl


  21. Iowa_summergirl

    ethan and i.jpg

    From the album: Iowa_summergirl

  22. Iowa_summergirl

    Sliming / Throwing Up

    I had it a lot in the beginning...not as much lately but still quite a bit. It is definitely related to how fast I eat and if I take that one bite that was one too many. I also have it if I drink liquids too close to my meals...which has been really hard for me!
  23. Iowa_summergirl

    How do you take pills!

    I crushed everything for the first few weeks and mixed with my bites of yogurt. Now that I'm a few months out I can take everything normally again
  24. Iowa_summergirl

    October 2014 sleevers check in please!

    Love the NSV!! I think I had two this week...one was my husband telling me I needed new work clothes because the other ones are literally falling off! The other was getting hit on for the first time in like a billion years...while wearing my wedding ring!! HW: 256 SW: 224 CW: 182

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
