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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by bobbyswife

  1. bobbyswife

    7 Months Post Op

    From someone who hasn't had surgery yet, please don't be a statistic! We all have spent the better part of our lives being statistics. Weight gain after diet statistics. % of fat American statistics. Do NOT be a gain after WLS statistic. Get your head back in the game, ladies! I'll be there with you one day and you might need to remind me, too!
  2. bobbyswife

    1 year ago today

    Congratulations! That is so amazing!
  3. bobbyswife

    The collarbone pose

    LOVE IT! Flaunt those collarbones, girl!
  4. bobbyswife

    Is this weird

  5. 5 lbs a week is pretty freakin' awesome if you ask me!
  6. Sounds like you're already doing good things! The more you can lose now, the better off you'll be in the long run! Just make sure you don't cross the line with going too low on your BMI before you meet the surgeon!
  7. bobbyswife

    The World According To Eggface

    ohhh, I like the binder idea!
  8. bobbyswife

    Getting rid of those flabby arms!

    Here's the link: http://www.thera-band.com/store/products.php?ProductID=26
  9. bobbyswife

    Getting rid of those flabby arms!

    Get a thera-band and do some resistance exercises. That will help more than you think!
  10. ahhh, just arranged for a deep cleaning of my house while I'm at the hospital so I come home to a clean house!

    1. sunnkistme


      I did that too. It was so nice to come home and not notice one dust bunny and be able to just focus on healing.


    2. bobbyswife


      that was exactly my thought @sunnkistme !

    3. BigGirlPanties


      love that idea...too late for my wls surgery...but I am going in for knee replacement next year... that would be LOVELY

    4. Show next comments  57 more
  11. bobbyswife

    At the 4 week mark and not losing any..

    @@kimpossible67 of course it's a matter of preference, but that's what my surgeon recommends. 3 meals and no snacks because snacking encourages grazing. HOWEVER, in the beginning, just after surgery, we should eat as often as possible to get in the required protein.
  12. Thank you SO MUCH to everyone participating. It warms my heart to see us all uplifting one another. It's the perfect time of year to reflect on the good things in life
  13. bobbyswife

    Cold liquid okay?

    It's one of those things you just have to try and see if it works for you. Some people say warm liquids only, while others say they lived on popsicles
  14. Keep that sweet spirit @@Elode! PS - the way to tag, you just do the "at symbol" followed by the name of the person as it is listed (but no space after the @). If they have a space in their name, make sure to include the space
  15. bobbyswife

    At the 4 week mark and not losing any..

    Eat 3 meals a day. No more, no less. Search this forum for 3 week stall. Everyone gets it around 3-6 weeks. Good luck!
  16. Oh definitely @@Alex Brecher, good one! And @@Elode for mentioning so many good things to remember to take to the hospital, etc. like the glade plug-in!
  17. bobbyswife

    Raw fiber? How to take?

    Thanks so much!
  18. This is one of those things to put on my "ain't nobody got time for that" list.
  19. You will find all the advice you can get here! This place is awesome! I'm getting sleeved on 12/18
  20. Imagine a funnel. Pour liquid in the funnel. What happens? Now, imagine that same funnel. Pour some finely chopped (or pureed) fish, or mashed potatoes. What happens? That's your sleeve. Be confident that the thicker foods will do their job
  21. I didn't like the Premier either. Too thick and too sweet. I think you'll be pleased with the chicken soup. I was very impressed.
  22. Awe, thanks! I hope others will chime in! So often I think we get wrapped up in what's going wrong in our life, we forget to take time to be thankful
  23. bobbyswife

    Two weeks from today....

    I think every person has had these feelings! Just stay positive and think of where you'll be next year at this time! Cute winter clothes!
  24. bobbyswife

    Shopping List

    I'm right behind ya chickadee!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
