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Posts posted by youknowit

  1. 11 hours ago, LovelyE140 said:

    Thanks for the well wishes. I do believe out of pocket cost is determine on insurance coverage although I'm not sure as it was not really explained.

    That's what I'm thinking as well... I believe my cousin has an h.m.o. that won't cover WLS, so she'll be full cash pay.

    Sounds like I might have to start Gov g her info on MX. I personally had nothing less than an outstanding experience there, but as with anything unknown, totally understand the fear.

    I know you'll do great! 👍 Sending well wishes. 😊

  2. It was fabulous... and while I'm sure this is a fun event in all the other cities, it is beyond fitting for Las Vegas! :)

    I also did the Color Run here in Vegas. Great after party downtown, wasn't it?

  3. Thank you for reminding me of this MamaBear. I'm in a bit of a freakout, worrying, because I was thinking I must be "stretching" my sleeve or something? I can eat more, and I have to remind myself that 1) this is normal after 18 months of healing, and, 2) my weight gain is likely due to food choices and eating too often, not the sleeve.

    Anyways, thanks to all who posted here. I'm feeling a bit fatter, but a lot better, than I did earlier tonight. :)

    I am four years out, and yes I can eat more than I could in the first two years. It does take a full 18 months to heal completely... a much overlooked fact.

  4. I've been away from VST for quite some time, but due to recent issues with maintenance and backsliding a bit, having gained a few pounds (and thus, the mental freak out associated with it), I'm back here. I'm very thankful for this thread, because I'm having a hard time right now.

    At one point, I was way below the goal my doc set, which was 120 lbs. I hit 114 on the scale twice, without even trying, and that actually freaked me out too. Now, I'm over 120, and I don't know how that happened. I'm hoping, like some others have stated, that I will be able to chill for a week, drop back to between 115-120, and feel normal again. I was really stable at about 116-119 for months and months. I had my surgery on Feb 1, 2010, so I'm over 2 years in, and am super happy with my sleeve, having had no problems or anything troublesome (unlike the band).

    Anyways, I guess what I'm wondering is, does this happen to everyone when they get to "goal" and are in the actual "maintenance" phase? Has anyone actually bounced back severely and regained a lot of weight? Does the sleeve actually "stretch" because I have read conflicting thoughts on that here, and really need some clear answers.

    Maybe I'm over-thinking this, and I should just chill out, or maybe I'm not focusing enough, and need to start from square one with reworking my diet, etc? I've been off the Protein Shakes in the morning for a really long time, but I usually do some high-protein, non-fat Greek yogurt in the morning instead. I also (usually) have a cup of coffee. After that, my day is pretty much downhill, I have days where I feel like I'm starving, all day, and some days where I don't feel like eating at all (the hunger is much more prevalent as of late). I guess I'm just scared s***less of the possibility of regaining or sliding. Any advice? Does anyone else here in maintenance feel "hungry" or stomach growls/pangs like I have? I went through a similar situation about a year or so back, when I started to freak because I was "hungry" and could eat pretty much whatever, but that passed, and I kept losing.

    Help!? Thoughts? Advice? Cheerleading? Anyone? Please feel free to throw your input at me. I need some focus, but I also need some facts. Thanks, thanks, thanks! :)

  5. I did The Color Run, here in Vegas, a couple months ago. It was SO much fun. However, I didn't "run" I was with a group of walkers, and to be honest, it seemed virtually impossible to do much consistent running, but the point isn't time or the "run", the point is having fun!

    Hope you enjoy it. I'll definitely be doing this again next year, here in Vegas.

  6. I had varying levels of depression my entire life, before the surgery. I went off my medication (Wellbutrin XL 300) before I had this surgery, was ok for about a month or so after, and then I had to go back on the medication. For the most part, I agree with many of the reasons people have expressed for depression after the surgery; however, a few things I would point out about this issue is that people sometimes cannot/do not identify symptoms of clinical depression they may have exhibited BEFORE the surgery. Because of this, once we unburden ourselves of the weight (or even just the fact that we will lose the weight, and it's not coming back), we are able to see these symptoms and issues for what they are; and, because of the many physical, psychological, social, and even cultural changes that may occur in our lives with this surgery, any one, or a combination of these things might bring on the symptoms and problems of depression. Let's face it, many of us may not have identified ourselves as "depressed" before the surgery, but really, we have to recognize that for a good many of us, the weight and issues around it may be a manifestation of depression/anxiety, or the inability to manage our weight might contribute to depression, etc. Really, I think all of these things in some way are likely interconnected, and it doesn't surprise me that many of us have depression or issues with anxiety/depression/etc, after the surgery.

    In my case, I've had the sleeve for more than 15 months now, and yes, I am still on the Wellbutrin; it is likely I will need antidepressants for the rest of my life, which for me is far better than the depression itself. I must say, taking this medication now, in conjunction with having the burden of my weight starting to lift, and getting stasis in my lifestyle and routine after losing the weight, I know that I need this medication, that I needed the sleeve, and that I can keep both of these issues in check through modern science and medicine. I say thank gawd for that, and I will keep truckin' on!

    Best to all in your journey! :)

  7. I was having lunch the other day with a friend who is an apartment property manager. While we were eating, her maintenance person came in to eat and he texted her that I was hot (totally makes me laugh) I am 43. He is 24. So silly, but made me smile all day - A 24 year old thought I was hot hahaha :heh:

    You go girl! That ROCKS! :)

  8. That's awesome! I remember going through these same emotions and situations, and am feeling these things again now... I have often picked up the wrong size pants when shopping now, because I cannot process that I'm a size 8/10 now, rather than the size 14 I'm stuck at in my head... I have to have a moment of clarity almost every time I shop, and realize that I'm a whole other body now, even though my mind is having a hard time catching up. ;)

    Best to you, and congrats! :thumbup::smile::smile::smile:

  9. Wanted to share with people who will appreciate this fact... I am now BELOW the lowest weight I ever achieved with the band. 146.6 today. Holy moly! The lowest I remember getting with the band was 148 (or 147 if on the right scale). Today I hit a landmark for me... below my lowest band weight! YAHHHHHOOOO. I can't say I don't want to lose more, I do... but this is a real mental victory for me, and I know others are going through some of these great moments too. My new mini-goal is to hit an "average weight" BMI... I'm so close, sooooo close!

    Thanks for listening! :)

  10. I saw an acquaintance that I hadn't seen in months today and said "Hi Jerry" as I walked past him. About 15 mins later he walked up to me and said "Where do I know you from?" He actually didn't even recoginze me at all. We both had a good chuckle after I told him who I was. lol

    That's awesome, Barbara! I must say, I've actually been able to use my major change in appearance to my advantage too... someone I never liked and who was always mean to me back in the day ran in to me at a local store, they looked right at me, and they were trying to place who I was... by the time they were able to figure it out, I had looked right back in their face and walked off. It was priceless... I heard through the grapevine that they told some people they swear they saw me, but weren't sure, I was too skinny. LOL... if 150 lbs is too skinny, I'll take it! :001_smile: hehe

  11. As of today, I weigh what it says on my driver's license! Which is hilarious because it was a HUGE lie when I gave them that weight in the first place!

    Ahhhhhh, that's priceless! I remember when that happened to me with the first go-round on my band... I didn't even think of it this time, but I'm 5 lbs away from that this time as well... very exciting! YAY!!! :001_smile:

  12. Tiff,

    You rock! I will definitely try this "pouch test" thing, and see what happens. I think part of my problem is that I have now encountered some dreaded "slider" foods, and I cannot have them in my presence, especially in the house. Also, I'm not going to lie... I have a lot of public functions and social activities that are involved with food... where it's not a problem to eat a little bit, but it's a problem what is often available. I've tried the "i'm not hungry," or "i already ate" stuff, but this just isn't going to cut it for people when you're out to dinner for a friends social gathering... the small amount of food i'm eating seems to really bug some people anyways, so not eating... they would totally get on me about it. I think I just need to make better choices, and learn to work things out better.

    I am taking Prevacid still... I think I might try Priolosec once the Prevacid I have now runs out (I have about 10 more days left before I'll need to buy anything else). I wish I could get my stuff RX, better dosing for our tummies, but that's ok... I'll make it work.

    Honestly, one of my major problems with Protein is eggs... I can't choke them down for anything. I've been like this forever, but with the sleeve, I've tried and tried, and it's just worse now than ever. I do have the beef and/or turkey Jerky, I'll try to throw in the Protein again, and perhaps I'll just get back to doing high-protein yogurt in the morning. Honestly, I think part of my problem is the protein, and part of my problem is the boredom of eating the same stuff, over and over. (I'm sure you know what I mean.) Nonetheless, I am going to do this pouch thing, and get my act in gear.

    Will keep you posted, and thank you again for being so awesome and supportive (and helpful!!)... :001_unsure:

  13. I think, perhaps, they are being courteous and not commenting on your physical appearance? Do these colleagues know about your surgery, or not? I've lost 50 lbs since my sleeve, and only a few people have said a word to me... some people comment on me eating less, but very few say anything about my weightloss, etc. I think perhaps they are just trying to be nice, and not get into your personal business? Hang in there, you're rockin' that sleeve! :001_unsure:

  14. Thanks for chiming in, Tiff. I was hoping you'd have some advice... yes, I'm still on the Prevacid, however, I'm thinking about changing over to something else? Maybe this will shake things up? Perhaps I need to take it twice a day, once in the morning, once at night? I don't know... might that help?

    On the food front, I've been having cravings and things like that too... it's been hard in that department too. I feel like as I go along I can also eat noticeably more food (noticeable to me, everyone else keeps giving me S*** about not eating). I have indeed added more carbs, so perhaps that's part of it too... I'm thinking I need to start over, go back to Protein, Protein, protein, and go from there? I haven't been doing my protein "shake" every morning like I used to... It just gets so tedious. But, perhaps that has to be happening too.

    Let me know what you think... I'm starting to believe I'll be one of those sleevers that is just going to have to deal with the hunger, suck it up, and tough it out? Gaining back two pounds has been so discouraging too... I need to keep myself off the scale for a bit, and ride this out I guess... :001_unsure:

  15. Hey all! So for the last couple of weeks, hungry-hunger has been back in effect for me. I can't figure out why, nor how this is happening? I am 5 months out, have lost 52 lbs, scratch that, I have lost 50, because somehow I have gained 2 lbs back. :scared0: I'm starting to get a little freaked out, being that the "hunger" seems to be back... did anyone else go through this? Are any of you going through this now? I know how tough the hunger pangs are in the beginning, when the Ghrelin is leaving the body, and when we're on mushies, etc. But this shouldn't be happening again, now, right? I'm just worried... I had felt hungry from day one of my sleeve, until I got the treatment for the H.Pylori. After that, I had a couple of awesome months... no hunger. Now it's back.

    Help me. I'm cracking... :001_unsure:

  16. Having been through this surgery gig a couple times now, I'll tell you my experience. You will lose hair. It doesn't matter what you take, what you eat, what you do... Last surgery (when they removed my band) I lost a ton of hair, starting at about 3-4 months out. I wasn't taking anything special, like Biotin (etc) last time. This time around, I've been taking Biotin, Selenium, multis, Calcium, and lots of Protein from day 1... and now 5 months out, I started losing hair at, you guessed it, the 4th months after surgery. This is ongoing for me, some days it's worse than others... I would say do the best you can, try the Folicure or Nioxin, and just know... the hair does grow back. Though it's a long road, this is all very normal... and for me, it's worth it.

    (I also lost hair starting at the 4th month when I had my band placed... so for me, this is a pattern.)

    Hope things look up for you soon, and our hair sticks to where it belongs (on our heads). :blink:

  17. Thanks to everyone for the great advice and insights. Unfortunately, things did not work out between me and the person in question. However, I will certainly keep all of your comments and advice in mind for future dating situations. Thanks again, all! You're the best! :):smile::smile:

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