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Posts posted by built2livenotexist

  1. I still enjoy cooking very much. Especially, the prep work which has a calming effect on me. It's odd to me, but I'm not interested in the same kind of food that I was before the surgery. I expected to be in mourning but I'm not. Reading labels, tracking and weighing everything has totally changed the way that I see food. I'm excited about some great clean and Paleo recipes that I've saved for future use. ..now if the rest of the household were excited. .....

  2. My stall lasted for 2 weeks as well. The scale bounced back and forth between 239 and 241. I finally stopped looking after a week. It's frustrating, for sure! I stayed on my plan part of which is logging everything. I raised my Protein and caloric intake and cut carbs down by about 15g when I did that the scale moved. I'm not positive that that's what broke the stall but it was the only thing I changed before beginning to lose again.

  3. I can't speak for anyone but myself @@VSGAnn2014, but nobody helped me get fat or stay that way but ME.

    I work in the field with the population you mentioned. The subculture mentality happens when a

    person is participating in a set of socially undesirable behaviors, surrounds themselves by

    people who are doing likewise and when confronted about said behavior cries 'but everybody is

    doing it!' While it's true that the person is surrounded by others who are participating in thebehavior, it is also true that person sought out this group or chooses to remain a part of it.

    That said, not all of my friends are fat. In fact, most of them aren't. Just as I was never

    inspired by my thin, fit friends to follow suit over the years, I didn't need my fat friends to hold the fork for me so that I could get to my highest weight of 262. Nobody made me fat. I

    can't even blame on genes or bone structure, as I come from a family of petite women. I never

    required anyone to cosign on my behavior.

  4. How do you kick the habit? The first thing I did was get the crap food out of my house; my son has his own snack shelf out in the garage but there's nothing out there that I would want anyway.

    Second, I plan my meals for a couple of days in advance so that I have something to look forward to and have a lot of variety.

    I'm on soft foods now, so the whole crunch business is out for me but I do get it. Maybe you could go back to the liquid diet for a day or two. This would remind you of the drastic measures that you had to go through for this surgery.

  5. I wouldn't call myself a food addict, but saying I have an effed up relationship with food is an understatement. I have been fat forever and was diagnosed by a therapist as having BED (binge eating disorder) earlier this year. I've never gone to OA, but I go to therapy for an hour and a half each week to work on the core issues that led me to morbid obesity. Is not food; it's me. After all, food never attacked and devoured me, it was the other way around.

    I really appreciate your honest post and I get where you are coming from. Food allowed me to feel in control or out of control. To feel decadent or gluttonous. Food never told me I was fat and it was always available. Both friend and enemy. .. or so I thought.

    I've learned that my perception is skewed and that I spent an awful long time trying to make discomfort comfortable. I cringe at the thought that I've been destroying myself forkful by forkful for the better part of my life. Getting down to some of the effed up messages that I believe about myself(my worth, self-image, shame, guilt) was where I began in therapy. I spent a couple of months pre-op working at digging in to those patterns so that I can recognize them for what they are and exchange them for new, productive ones.

    I'm about 3.5 weeks post-op. The hunger I experience is only in my mind now. It's scary sometimes to think about the forever aspect of this surgery, but the one day at a time concept fits well for me. I, too, wondered how I could ever change my ways. It's still surreal that I'm actually doing it! It feels great to be participating in the process of building myself up as opposed to the converse.

    Congratulations on your willingness to try something new; that is what recovery is all about ,doing things differently, finding new solutions to our problems. I'm certain you can do this.

  6. Ask your team for their specific requirements. For me, I'm allowed to have 30-45 carbs per day, 30 or less of fat grams and keep it under 900 calories in a daily.

    You may want to download My Fitness Pal or a similar food tracking app to log your food and provide info to take back to your team to show your daily intake. They should be able to help you tweak it.

  7. I did not cheat on my pre-op diet either. I was on Clear Liquids with 2 Protein Shakes per day and was allowed one chicken breast(poached) or fish fillet(poached) daily. This went on until 24 hours pre-surgery during which time I was allowed nothing; including Water. It did suck and it was hard and I was a complete grouch.

    This whole deal is difficult. It caused me to really change my mind about what is important and what I really want. Like anyone else, I want the end result but the work... not so much. I just decided to suck it up! I knew going into this that I would struggle to change lifelong behaviors and thought processes and its way harder than expected, but I want this enough to push past the discomfort. Staying in my comfort zone is how I became a candidate for WLS.

    I'm still on pureed foods(which I'm so over) about 3.5 weeks post op and in the dreaded stall and I know that any other time in my life I would've quit after not seeing the scale budge for a week. But this wonderful tool is allowing me to push past and giving me the opportunity to change in so many ways; physically, mentally, emotionally. All I have to do is keep up my end. If a forever fatty like me can do it, anyone can. Dust yourself off and try again.

  8. I am 24 days post op, still on pureed food, and in a stall! I get missing the crunch. .. but I know that I'll be able to have it again one day; just not while my guts are swollen and recovering from an amputation!!

    I agree that seeking some therapy around your relationship with food is an important component of having this surgery. I'm not speaking for anyone but myself here but I didn't get to 262 in by eating sensible portions of healthy food and being active. A lot of poor Portion Control, poor impulse control and some other unresolved emotional stuff added to a lot of excuses and a sedentary lifestyle helped me get to a place where surgery was even a viable option.

    I get it, I really do. I'm in a stall, the scale isn't budging and I want a chip! But then I remember that I have never in my life eaten one of anything that I enjoyed. That's how I got here.

    Let your body heal. Give this thing 100%. Most importantly, please don't risk your health needlessly. There will still be chips out there (plantain and otherwise) when you're able to eat normal food;that is if you still want them.

  9. I've told only 2 people personally. I have had people remark that I'm losing or look great but have yet to have anyone ask me if I had the surgery or how I'm losing weight. I'm not sure what I would/will say if it comes up. I'd written a previous post about dealing with some fat friends who I hadn't told about the surgery and got a few great responses that allowed me to think about my original choice to keep mum.

    I work in the human services field. Keeping the confidence of others is a part of my job.Even when directly asked by a clients' anxious spouse or parent, I cannot ethically divulge information that I have about the client. Even when I want to.

    I'm a firm believer in the right to privacy, especially around disease processes and the treatment of those diseases. I think that this is a personal decision for us all, and I know that, for me, it wasn't an easy one. I also think that any of us has the right to respond however they wish, when someone asks us about our weight loss and how it's achieved.

    I am glad to hear so many positive reports of the people who have shared with others. I will keep that in mind.

  10. @Mel13..... I guess the question is can YOU not do Mexican, cake and all the rest of it? Would it make a difference if it was pizza or chicken wings and pie?

    I do better in relationships when I ask for what I need. If you just asked for support and did not clearly articulate what that means to you prevailed you should really figure out what you need from your family and try again with clear cut requests. If you've asked clearly that everyone else in the house do a complete lifestyle change with you or not bring junk into the house, it sounds like you got your answer.

  11. Yuck. I get it...I so get it. I'm dealing with people in my life who also aren't interested in eating healthier and it is tough, but I don't have to live with them like you do. I brought up a topic a few days ago about dealing with fat friends and I got some great responses and some valid points that really made me think. I don't just want to not be fat; I want to be healthy and in control of my emotions.

    I'm about 2.5 weeks post op and someone made me really mad the other day and I was ready to eat! I see a commercial for some good food that would destroy my new tummy and I want to eat! I smell Chinese food while walking through a parking lot... and I want to eat! I guess my point is, that I stopped eating to satiate hunger a long time ago and most of my eating revolved around emotions, boredom and social events; I didn't need to be hungry and I sure didn't need someone to tempt me.

    I agree with @Babbs. I feel strong and empowered by my decision to have WLS. Each time I use my sleeve for the tool that it is, I'm taking another step away from that old destructive behavior and toward a life that I truly want

  12. I'm only a couple of weeks out myself, but i just didn't want the high maintenance that goes with the bypass; Vitamin deficiencies, dumping etc. I would have wanted the super quick drastic weight loss though! Also, I have a family history of diverticulitis and other intestinal issues and I'm only 37; I'd hate to have problems with my intestines a decade from now and wind up with a stoma.

    I want to give myself a chance to treat food properly; I have never done that. I am looking forward to being able make better choices with all types of foods and the bypass wouldn't allow for that. I made the right decision for me.

  13. @Rogofulm... maybe you should be a psychologist:) I'm not worried about a negative reaction, but my privacy. There are a few things/conversations I don't have with others which includes my sex life, religion, politics (particularly around social issues) and my health. But let's say I were going to share my truth. .. any thoughts on how to best approach?

  14. I have only told one of my friends out of several dozen that all move in the same social community where I live. It's been difficult for me to keep such a huge life event from my two besties who are also both morbidly obese. As much as I love my girls, one of them in particular has a huge mouth and I am not interested in our whole social circle knowing about my sleeve. I am not asking for tips on lying here, but people are beginning to comment on my weight loss and of course all have noticed that my eating habits/lifestyle has changed. My question is how have you all dealt with the change in dynamic among those with whom you are close? My gfs and I used to all congregate at my house for some food themed hang out and I also throw a couple of parties a year for various occasions which typically revolves around food as well. It's hard because, I'm part of a trio which bonded with and around food and also these lovely women and I have a truly intimate relationship where we really understand each other especially as it relates to weight/obesity and all that goes with it. Part of me feels like I'm leaving them behind. I read the Emotional First Aid Kit so I've been careful not to dominate conversations with tales about my weight loss journey but I could really use some experience here.

  15. Oh, do I ever get it. This was a while back but I went to Cedar Point for my birthday with my now ex-husband and a couple of friends. We waited in a really long line and it took about an hour and a half for a ride that was brand new. I was nervous about fitting the belt but I just barely made it. I wasn't anticipating the over the head and shoulders mechanism not being able to latch securely and that two skinny young employees would come to j form me that I couldn't ride the ride. I had to get off in front of dozens of people and I was mortified.

    I have a great many embarrassing fast lady moments but that's the worst.

    Cheer up though; thaws days will soon be a thing of the past

  16. You are not a failure. You made a mistake. I had to do the pre-op diet for 2 weeks which included giving up caffeine and smoking both of which were long time habits for me and it sucked! The diet wound up being the easiest part. This is tough stuff; huge epic changes in lifestyle and thought process. ... there are bound to be some bumps in the road. Be kind to yourself, but don't self-destruct! You're almost there!

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