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Posts posted by crystalsleeve

  1. Well I survived! I am postop 3 and starting to feel somewhat like myself again. I'm not going to lie the first 48 hours were very hard. I was so nauseous all the time. I couldn't get all of my Water down. I also had a hard time staying awake after the anesthesia. My husband was getting very worried. He was good about making me walk. Today I have had very little nauseas and i am so relieved. I did experience the normal panicked feelings of what have I done. I am getting more fluids in but not enough protien. We traveled for my surgery so we will be leaving to hotel for the drive home. I worried about the drive with a lot of construction and bumps. My husband has been wonderful and very attentive but I feel bad that he going through the surgery too from the other side. It has been very stressful and tiring. I don't know how I can make it up to him.

  2. In 14 minutes my surgery will be just 7 days away. I am filled with so many emotions. This will be a busy week of packing and checking all of my lists 10 times. My surgery is 3 hrs away so we are planning to stay in a hotel for a few days in case of complications. I can't let go of the fear of the surgery being canceled or postponed. Praying for strength and positive thoughts.

  3. I have openly shared my decision to have sleeve in Dec but I have been guarded on Facebook. I haven't shared my decision or how I'm doing on my preop diet. I've lost 58 lbs already but I don't want to share that or any updated pictures. If someone asked I wouldn't hide it but I am afraid to share. I think it's that fat girl brain that reminds me of all of my failures in the past that afraid this won't last. It's so hard to change that thought process. I also feel like I would be gloating or annoying people. Isn't that sad that my brain thinks sharing monumental improvements in my health is bad.

  4. I'm starting to get nervous about my will power after surgery. I've been on liquids since Aug and it's easier for me to do the all or nothing thing. But when I get to actually eat food again I fear that I will not be as strong. Yesterday was one of those days where I wanted to eat all day long. I didn't cheat yesteday but I worry about those feelings later on.

  5. I am 5 wks away from my surgery date and I'm still short 4900 for my surgery. My final payment is due 11/17. I'm very nervous. We are selling my husband's motorcycles to cover the cost, which was or plan. If they don't sell in time he said he would sell his truck. I'm freaking out a little. I have faith that the money will come it just may not be from where we envisioned it from.

  6. I am always open, even if the problem is of a more personal nature like urinary incontinence. I believe in demystifying and taking the fear out of things that people see as too personal to share, if I think it will help another. I actually got a woman convinced to have WLS when I tearfully shared with her how happy I was when I could finally wipe myself clean after using the bathroom, thanks to the weight I had lost. I had no clue she was dealing with the same issue. TMI? In my opinion there is no such thing if what you are sharing is for the benefit and education of others. Our voices have been self-stifled for way too long. Had we been more vocal, perhaps insurance companies would have been more receptive to paying for the surgeries that many of us had to finance in order to save our own lives.

    On another note, I think is is kind of crappy that someone I know who has lost 170 pounds has people convinced she is some kind of amazing because she only attributes her transformation to diet and mega exercise. She's even started health forums and has quite a following. The truth? Gastric bypass 11 years ago. Will I call her out on it? No. She told me in confidence (after I saw her scars by accident) and it's not in my nature to be cruel. It makes me angry and I've lost respect for her because she could be giving hope to so many who will never lose and be healthy any other way than by WLS. But, we all can only be who we are, I guess.

    I applaud your TMI about personal hygiene. I am so happy that I am not alone. I think it is a personal decision to tell our not, but I agree that if people are beginning to look up to you and how quickly or easily you are losing weight is different. Knowing how much I have struggled through the years I can imagine how defeating it would be to watch someone losing so much weight with just "diet and exercise" when I'm trying to same thing with little result. I would feel like even more of a failure. Not knowing they have a secret tool helping them that I could never match on my own would be giving me a false expectation. Not that anyone is trying to hurt others by keeping it a secret, but think of how many people you could help instead. Would you have appreciated someone sharing their story with you during your struggles? Your story may not help them but it may help one of their family members. It also helps to remove the stigma about obesity. Now they may think they were right all along in thinking we are just lazy and some good old diet and execute would solve all of our weight issues. You may be able to help them understand that it's ok to get help.

  7. I have also always been heavier than my sister. She commented that I was getting close to her weight now so she better get busy. I think she is genuinely uncomfortable with the thought of me actually being smaller than her. I don't blame her though. We all use other people as a measurement for ourselves. We look at them and judge weather we are smaller or larger than they are. It's a natural behavior.

  8. For me I decided that in order for me to be successful it is necessary for me to be honest. That includes everything. I am now vocalizing my concerns, struggles, anxiety, happiness, everything. I want to be more accountable to myself and support myself. I need to be proud of my decisions and that means not hiding any more. Telling someone what's going on with me is not about them it's about me. I am speaking out in support of myself instead of hiding myself as I have in the past.

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