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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by dashofsunshine

  1. dashofsunshine

    8 Days Post Op

    If you have to chew, sugar free Popsicles are a good choice. Or ice. My surgeon didn't allow gum, and definitely not a lollipop. Good luck! ????
  2. dashofsunshine

    8 Days Post Op

    I was on two weeks of full liquids pre op, and 4 weeks of full liquids post op. So six weeks of chewing nothing, lol. You can do it ???? keep your eye on the prize!
  3. dashofsunshine

    What is your full signal?

    I don't get a signal, either. 2.5 months out and I know how many bites to take - I generally just stop when I reach that amount of bites. I know that I've OVEREATEN when I start burping relentlessly and food comes up - it's awesome, lemme tell ya ???? so I generally try to avoid that. Haha!
  4. dashofsunshine

    Stomach gurgles after every sip

    Normal ???? mine isn't as bad now that I'm on solids, but it still gurgles a bit. It's just life now! The gurgles let you know that everything is working A-OK in there ????
  5. dashofsunshine

    Post op diet and amount

    I was on liquids for a month after surgery, plus two weeks pre op. So it was liquids for 6 weeks. That being said, I am now 2.5 months out and can eat basically anything. I haven't had a problem with anything I've put in my mouth. I generally eat anywhere from 3-5 bites and am full, sometimes less depending upon how heavy or dense what I am eating is. But if I eat more than 5 bites, I'm generally sick as a dog. I tend to cook/order things that are easily re-heated; I learned early on that ordering a $9 salad at a restaurant wasn't going to work well for me because they don't keep well for days in the fridge. I eat chicken, tuna, and on occasion a few bites of steak, and also seafood. Eggs are good, as are veggies (if you have any room - I generally don't. Thank God for vitamins!). When you get further out, try googling bariatric friendly recipes - there are many blogs that I've used ???? I work out probably 3 times a week (trying to up that to every day), get about 45-60 oz of water a day (they say 80 oz but I really struggle with that much!) and 40-50 g of protein a day. I'm down 60 lbs and 2.5 months out. Good luck, hope this helps!
  6. dashofsunshine

    Starting to worry

    Also, be sure you are eating enough. Working out twice a day burns a lot of calories and we don't eat much. Your body could be in starvation mode. Just talk to your nutritionist ????
  7. dashofsunshine

    Starting to worry

    Your body will fluctuate. It's all part of being a human being. Get your water in, get your protein in, and keep working out. If you gain 10 or 15 lbs, come back and talk to us ???? otherwise, keep on keeping on ????
  8. I had four weeks on liquids post op, and 2 weeks all liquids pre op. So six weeks of liquids total, straight. Just follow your doctor's plan ???? you got this.
  9. dashofsunshine

    Protein Suggestions

    I have literally tried it all. I started with several flavors of syntrax nectar, and did fine with that pre op, but post op it made me sick as a dog. Tried unjury, same deal. The clear isopure drinks were SO foul to me. I was drinking Premier (choking it down, because I'm picky about the way protein shakes taste...), and then I found Cellucor whey protein. You have to order it online, but let me tell you...it is the best. Tasting. Stuff. Ever. My favorites are the s'mores, red velvet, and mint chocolate chip, but I have yet to try a flavor that I didn't like from them. I'm frankly amazed that I have finally found a protein powder that I like and can stomach. Good luck!
  10. I struggled with the pre-op diet. I had two weeks of only liquids, no food whatsoever. I only lost like 6 lbs. I'm two months one week post op now and am down 60 lbs. Get your mind right and get determined and you will do awesome things ???? good luck!
  11. dashofsunshine

    Daily nutrition facts?

    I am 2 months one week post op. I do 500-600 calories a day, 40-60 G protein, and less than 20 carbs a day. Also at least 80 oz of water a day. Down 60 lbs. I hope this helps! ????
  12. dashofsunshine

    Check in: Week of Nov 17th Sleevers!

    Hi guys! Just checking in on everyone! I haven't been on in a while. I'm 2 months and 5 days out and down 58 lbs. I haven't had any issues with any foods that I have eaten (I've tried almost everything - all meats, dairy, carbs and even a piece of candy went down fine, haha). Back in the gym also! How is everyone else doing?!
  13. dashofsunshine

    Check in: Week of Nov 17th Sleevers!

    Hi guys! Just checking in on everyone! I haven't been on in a while. I'm 2 months and 5 days out and down 58 lbs. I haven't had any issues with any foods that I have eaten (I've tried almost everything - all meats, dairy, carbs and even a piece of candy went down fine, haha). Back in the gym also! How is everyone else doing?!
  14. dashofsunshine

    Before and After Pics

    Oh geez, sorry guys! Hopefully it will work this time!!!
  15. dashofsunshine

    Before and After Pics

    Hi guys! I haven't been on here in a while so I thought I would update! I'm 2 months and 6 days post op, down 60 lbs. I'm attaching a photo (sorry, it has my Instagram handle on it to keep those silly wrap people from stealing my transformation photos! Lol). I hope everyone is doing awesome!!!! KEEP AT IT AND DON'T GIVE UP! ❤️
  16. dashofsunshine

    Do you notice how much others eat?

    Yep. I notice all the time now. I would occasionally take a picture of a meal that my husband had made us for dinner - looking back at those now, I can't help thinking "my God, no wonder I got fat!!" Also, portion sizes in restaurants are completely out of control. It's weird that I actually prefer tapas places now when two months ago I would see a tapas restaurant and think "it must be so hard and expensive to fill up in one of those places!"
  17. dashofsunshine

    Still gave pain 5 weeks

    I'm 3 weeks out and I have some random pains, especially on my right side, where they took my stomach out. But nothing is terrible and remember, if you had a leak or anything, you would be SICK - like, vomiting and high fever and horrible stomach pains, etc. It is always good to check with your surgeon about pain but remember guys: major internal surgery. It will take us a while to heal completely. Nerves are re-connecting (which can be painful), muscles that were cut through are healing, body is reacting to change - it will be a while before we feel completely normal and without pain. I would check with your surgeon and then try not to worry! ❤️
  18. dashofsunshine

    How Long Was Your 3 Week Stall?

    I'm 3 weeks post op and down 40 lbs, and my stall started four days ago. Still not moving this morning. I've also had two days (not in a row) where I was up like 5 lbs or something crazy and then two days later I'd be back down. Trying not to let it phase me! The last 3 days I have done horribly with liquids and protein (I usually do great but I just went back to work and it's a bit harder!) so I think that probably has something to do with the stall, too ???? good luck everyone!!!
  19. dashofsunshine

    OMG The stomach pain!

    I had these weird pains for almost two weeks, not sure if they are what you're describing, but it happened almost every time I took a sip of anything...it was like a building sharp pain in my belly and it got worse and worse over about 5 seconds, then slowly went away....I asked my doctor about it and he said its gas (because we all unknowingly take in air when we drink) and that it will get better as time goes on, he also said to try and be aware when you are sipping and try not to take in any air. I'm now 3 weeks out and I burp a lot but no more horrible pains! Seriously, the first week was the worst, they were so painful I thought I was dying ???? it will get better! EVERYTHING gets better! Just give it some time ????
  20. dashofsunshine

    One month post op weight gain?

    Totally normal. I'm 2.5 weeks out and 37 lbs down and this morning I got on the scale and was up 4 lbs. we are literally eating tablespoons of food. Unless you are eating straight lard or butter, I don't think it is scientifically possible for us to gain that much weight overnight (or even in a few days, lol). Don't fret! I'm just going to stay off the scale for a few days and be sure I'm getting all my water in. Bodies are weird!!! Good luck ❤️
  21. dashofsunshine

    Hair today, gone tomorrow

    @@Jordan861 I'm only two weeks out but my fingers are crossed because I'm 26 years old and would really like to keep my hair...mine too is thick and curly, and I'm using special shampoo with biotin and collagen, getting 65g of protein per day, and taking hair skin and nail vitamins with biotin daily. I'm also trying to be really careful about combing, trying to be really gentle!
  22. dashofsunshine


    I am two weeks out and of course, nothing yet, but fingers crossed. I'm taking hair skin and nail vitamins (biotin) every day plus getting 65 g of protein each day and I'm also using biotin and collagen enhanced shampoo and conditioner. Here's hoping!!! My hair is pretty thick and curly so I am prayerful that even if I lose a little bit, it won't be terribly noticeable! Good luck ladies!
  23. dashofsunshine


    I had surgery on 11/20/14 and am really struggling with muscular pain as well. Some days I feel pretty good, and then I go to the mall for an hour and leave in pretty bad pain from walking so much. All my gas pain is gone, I'm just starting blended stage (eating lots of soup), and my incisions are all closed, but this muscle pain is killing me. Glad to know I'm not the only one ???? I hope it goes away soon, for all of us!
  24. dashofsunshine

    Pressure/Gas 3 days post op

    I'm gonna be honest with you - i walked my butt off and took gas x strips - it still took a week for the gas pains to subside, and even now over two weeks out I struggle with gas in my sleeve when I eat or drink. It's nowhere near as bad as it was, and is becoming less frequent as time passes. Also, the gas pains in my shoulder went away around day 4 or 5. Keep walking and tough it out ????I promise, it might take some time, but it will get better!!
  25. dashofsunshine

    First day post-op

    I had a lot of low and high pulse issues after surgery. I kept having "spells" where I would get really nauseous and my HR would drop down to 30 - it would pass within seconds. The second day I had 9 spells in one day. They did an EKG and an echo and found nothing but a strong, healthy heart. Third day I woke up and realized they had left my nausea patch behind my ear (it is meant to be taken off within 24 hours - mine was left on for 3 days). I insisted the nurse take it off and boom - never had another spell. They were talking about putting a pacemaker in me before they removed the patch (I'm 26) so I'm pretty relieved to have found the problem. My pulse got high (like 130) every time I even stood up from the bed. They didn't seem too worried about the high pulse, though - they sent me home and as my body has healed, my pulse normalized. I think the high pulse is just due to trauma. My blood pressure was excellent every time they took it. Good luck friend!!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
