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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by dashofsunshine

  1. dashofsunshine

    Birth control

    I take my BC pill just as I did pre op. My surgeon never said there would be any issue whatsoever. 18 months post op and I haven't had any issues at all. I've taken Yaz since I was 18.
  2. Just so ya know, I'm 18 months out and the stomach noises never go away fully. They don't always mean you're hungry in fact, mine rarely do. My sister in law is 6 years out and her stomach is just as loud as ever. Truthfully, most if not all "hunger" you feel this soon out of surgery is head hunger. Stick to your plan, measure, and keep yourself busy so that you don't become bored and have time to wonder "am I hungry? I can't tell"
  3. dashofsunshine

    Maybe I'm doing this wrong...

    This. Kindle knows what's up. Lol. I had 3 weeks of liquids after surgery as well, and couldn't eat more than 2 bites of food for quite a while. Now at 18 months out, I max out at 4 oz. If it's a particularly dense protein or a "snug sleeve day" (as I call it), I can often not reach 4 oz. Everyone's sleeve is different and everyone heals differently. Don't be sad because you can't eat MORE, especially being so soon out of surgery. That's really kind of a good thing, lol.
  4. dashofsunshine

    Long term vsg food consumption

    I'm 1.5 years out and there is absolutely no way I would be able to eat a steak dinner in 6 more months, or for a very long time, if ever. I still max out at 4 oz of anything, sometimes sooner with really dense protein.
  5. dashofsunshine

    Sex life

    Are you asking if I feel like a sexy vixen now? Because the answer is a resounding AFFIRMATIVE. Lol, but no, really...yeah. It changes. Most people have a good bit more confidence after surgery, which of course...helps
  6. 18 months out here. Same issues with plain Water, although I do find that ice water is more difficult for me than just cold water (from the fridge) or room temp. Also, first thing in the morning is always hardest. I literally cannot drink it in the morning without something added. I keep a bottle of reduced sugar grape juice in the fridge (13 carbs for 8 oz, I think) and I sometimes add a splash (maybe 1 oz) of that to my first glass or two in the mornings, just to keep the nausea at bay. Once I get started drinking for the day, I can usually switch to plain cold or room temp (not iced) water and be fine. It's bizarre. Also, infused water is fabulous. I do a fair bit of that, too - lemons and strawberries or limes and raspberries
  7. dashofsunshine

    vacation after surgery?

    We go to Disney most every year - I had surgery in November 2014 and we were at WDW in May 2015. So, about 7 months. It's just as fun as before, only with less emphasis on alcohol and food. We still ate great stuff, but split everything, obviously - and I drank tons of water. Seriously couldn't get enough water, because Orlando in May is brutal. I was thirsty the whole time we were there. You can find protein/veg options in many places at WDW - just gotta look also, a treat here and there is to be expected - you'll be sharing them and walking about 10 miles a day, so it will be ok. Just make good choices within reason and you'll be fine!
  8. dashofsunshine

    How many ounces?

    I'm 18 months out and still max out at 4 oz. If it's meat or something fairly dense, usually more like 3 oz.
  9. dashofsunshine

    Eating out

    My husband and I share, a lot of times. It works out really well because his eyes don't end up being bigger than his stomach, and he doesn't end up "finishing" my plate, too. I eat my 5 bites and then he eats the rest of our shared meal. If we don't want to share, we just get what we want and I take mine home. You'll learn quickly the kind of things that reheat well, and the kind of things that don't an appetizer is also a good idea, but I can never finish an appetizer on my own either. So if I'm going to have leftovers regardless, I just order what I want. We really enjoy sharing, though! We save a ton of money (and excess pounds) that way.
  10. dashofsunshine

    Healthy Snack Ideas?!

    Sargento cheese snacks, cooked uncured turkey bacon (STAPLE in my house. I cook up a pack on Sunday's in a pan with some EVOO spray and use it all week for snacks - I also use it as a high protein, sturdy "chip" for things like hummus or chicken salad), Quest protein chips are all must haves for me.
  11. dashofsunshine

    How many ounces are you ACTUALLY eating?

    18 months out and I max at 4 oz - I can eat 5 oz if it's yogurt (well, some days, lol...). With everything, some days I can only eat less than 4 oz, but I always max out at 4. I get around 900 calories per day and am in maintenance. Good luck!
  12. dashofsunshine

    Help please

    I am 18 months out, well past goal weight and in maintenance, and I still don't eat 1000-1200 calories per day. There is no way I would have lost weight eating that many calories, sadly. Is that the amount your doctor told you to increase your calories up to? 800 was the maximum number we were allowed to still be in weight loss mode. I eat about 900 per day now, in maintenance. I hope things improve for you soon!! Good luck!
  13. dashofsunshine


    I did chewables after surgery until I ran out, so probably a few months? Since then I've been taking calcium & multi vitamin daily (both gummies), and a sublingual b12 once a week, per my NUT's orders. Labs have never been anything but perfect, no issues whatsoever.
  14. dashofsunshine

    I Want To See Before & After Pics! (Cont'd)

    Wow, incredible! You look fantastic. Sent from my phone, please forgive brevity and misspelling Thanks BigViffer!!
  15. Honestly? Nope. I don't know of anyone who met the water and protein goals immediately. Those are a guideline; "try your best to reach these, and keep trying as swelling goes down, but don't expect to get anywhere near these levels at first" is probably what they should say, but ehhhh, doctors don't say things like that. Lol. Make water your first priority (dehydration in those first few months is horrible, don't want that) and just get in what you can. It will get easier. Everyone always gets so scared about not getting their water and protein goals immediately, but just rest and drink what you're able to drink.
  16. dashofsunshine

    Exhausted : sleeved 5/17

    I was tired for about 3 months after surgery, honestly. Every day, it got a little better, and of course everyone's body reacts and handles surgery differently. But I was exhausted for quite a while. It DOES get better, though! Just give your body time
  17. dashofsunshine

    Pant sizes?

    I was a 26. I'm an 8 now.
  18. dashofsunshine

    How soon did you go back to work?

    I wasn't allowed to do heavy lifting for five or six weeks. I think that's pretty standard, and you should definitely ask your surgeon, because nasty stuff can happen if you lift a 200 lb person before you're ready I'm a teacher, and I tried to go back at 2 weeks, but after a full day I was exhausted, weak, and dehydrated. I went back at 3 weeks full time and did fine. Everyone is different, though! I would think your job would be pretty strenuous and exhausting, so definitely speak with your surgeon.
  19. dashofsunshine

    Experienced Sleevers - Tolerances/Intolerances

    The only thing I struggle with is eggs. I was never a big fan of them before surgery, but they make me sick as a dog now, and have since I came out of surgery. They're quite good Protein, so it's a shame, but oh well. My sister in law is 6 years post op RNY, and for the first 5 years, she couldn't have milk in any form. Threw up every time. The doctors all told her to just try it maybe twice a year and see what happens, because apparently, things that we couldn't tolerate early on, can change... She can drink milk now. Lol. For the past year, it's been fine! All of the sudden. Interesting, eh?
  20. dashofsunshine

    So what's the deal with fizzy drinks?

    Soda was never my thing. I loved sweet tea and Starbucks, so giving up carbonation wasn't difficult for me. I've had a few seltzers and, at 18 months out, the only kind I can tolerate as a treat is Spindrift. La Croix is extremely uncomfortable. I had a sip of champagne on New Years and handed the glass to my husband as it didn't go down well. But Spindrift, I do alright with. It's lightly carbonated, so a bit easier on the tummy. I have maybe 2 cans per week. It's a nice (and pretty healthy) break from Water PS I use straws all the time. Lol.
  21. dashofsunshine

    Before and After Pics

    You look f**king fabulous! Yes girl!!! Work that sleeve. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-J320A using the BariatricPal App Thanks girl!!!
  22. I got my very first high waisted bikini from Amazon on Monday, so y'all know I had to do a before and after! Can't wait for the beach in September HW: 330 SW: 323 CW: 155 (Sleeve, 18 months out on the 20th, no plastic surgery...yet, lol).
  23. dashofsunshine

    I Want To See Before & After Pics! (Cont'd)

    I got my very first high waisted bikini from Amazon on Monday, so y'all know I had to do a before and after! Can't wait for the beach in September HW: 330 SW: 323 CW: 155 (Sleeve, 18 months out on the 20th, no plastic surgery...yet, lol).
  24. dashofsunshine

    Before and After Pics

    I got my very first high waisted bikini from Amazon on Monday, so y'all know I had to do a before and after! Can't wait for the beach in September HW: 330 SW: 323 CW: 155 (Sleeve, 18 months out on the 20th, no plastic surgery...yet, lol).
  25. I'm amazed that you were able to eat that much, or even wanted to. I was choking down Protein shakes for over a month after surgery with absolutely no appetite whatsoever. Eating was a bit of a chore. I still don't get terribly hungry at 18 months out. That first time eating too much though, phew - THAT, I remember! Lol. Mine wasn't for several months, though. Puked in the parking lot...sliming everywhere...sick for an hour. Haha.

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