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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Meonthelist

  1. I had pretty severe reflux pre surgery as well. My Dr. also recommended bypass rather than sleeve due to this. They found an esophageal hernia in my scope pre op. Dr. said that repairing this would not guarantee no more reflux and that the sleeve surgery makes it worse for many. I could not wrap my head around bypass for some reason. I was willing to try the sleeve first and I am so happy did! I have had ZERO reflux issues! I took 1 antacid pill about 1 month out and have never taken another. I was taking Prevacid and Nexium 2 xs a day most days before surgery as well as Tums and Pepto. I think the surgical repair of the hernia as well as the change in amount of food and type of food has done wonders. I wish you the best of luck!

  2. I am so glad to hear from people on this site again! The Facebook thing was too scary for me! I haven't been losing in several months. I think I've relaxed a little too much on what I am eating. I am not gaining either. I really want to get down to 164 which puts me in " normal" on the bmi chart. I am currently at 176. I feel like "me" again! I haven't been back to see the Dr yet but I saw the nutritionist last month to check in and make sure I am staying on top of things. She told me that a Dr wouldn't even talk to me about my weight at this point! I wanted to cry! I can't remember a time in my life where I wasn't the girl with a weight problem! Those of you still losing, would you mind sharing what a day of your food journal looks like? How much are you exercising? Is anyone considering surgery to remove excess skin?

  3. @peekboo. I am stuck as well. My weight has stayed exactly the same weight to the ounce for about one month now. My jean size has just gone done though so I think my body is just resetting again. I sure do hope! I'm not ready to be done losing! I am thinking about hVing some blood work done soon. I am VERY lethargic and I'm not sure why. Is anyone else experiencing this? I am doing sublingual B-12 and taking a Multivitamin. I am also very dizzy when I get up quickly. That's happening more often than it used to.

    Any recommendations are welcomed!

  4. Today I hit 100 pounds gone!!! Forever! I am no longer questioning if I can do this. I am DETERMINED that I can!

    I CAN DO THIS! They say you have to write your goals down, so I am writing it down that this girl will NEVER see a

    "2" in the front of my weight again. I checked this weekend and for the first time since I can remember, I am "overweight" rather than "Obese" or "Morbid Obese". Feels amazing! Hope everyone is doing well!


  5. Hello everyone! I am loving all of the updates on how everyone is doing! I wanted to share the most eye opening moment I have had since my surgery....

    I am leaving for a business trip today. I usually have my Husband weigh himself and then my bag for me to make sure I am not past the weight limit for checked bags. In the past, I had him do this for fear that my little bathroom scale couldn't

    handle both my weight and the luggage. That brings tears to my eyes saying that "out loud" but it's the truth.

    Today, I weighed myself and then my bags! When I struggled to get my 45 lb bag and myself up on the scale and I saw the weight displayed at first, I was elated that we both registered! Success.

    What happened next literally took my breath away. I was able to put into perspective just how much extra weight I have lost! It was amazing how heavy 45 lbs felt! And to realize I was carrying double that just a few short months ago was an amazing revelation. I would highly recommend stepping on the scale with the weight you have lost to REALLY understand how successful we all are!

    Happy Monday everyone!

  6. I am only 6 months out but just wanted to pass along some encouragement. I hope you find the answer to be able to continue your journey. I am terrified of failure. Are you saying you never felt any restriction? I find that certain foods are easier to go down but I still feel full with liquids. Again, I wish you the best!

  7. I am so glad to see people posting on this thread again! I have been wondering how everyone is doing. I am curious how everyone is eating. I have recently seen the nutritionist and was told I can eat "normal" This scares me!!! If I know what "normal" was, I don't think I would have put my self in a situation to need bariatric surgery! LOL!! I am just curious how and what everyone else is doing. Are you "dieting" or following a meal plan from your surgeon of some sort? I have been focusing on Protein but was told I need to begin eating more and not relying on Protein supplements as much at this point. Are you all avoiding carbs or fat? So many questions!!

  8. I am a little over 4 months out and still use Protein shakes often to reach my Protein goals. I had a hard time finding ones that I liked also in the beginning. A few of my favorites are Syntrax powder. My latest favorite is called Roadside Lemonade (23 grams of protein) and it tastes like a watered down crystal light but does not have the protein after taste. Another one that I love is BariWise Protein hot chocolate. I drink this every morning and it has 15 grams of protein. I also found Muscle Milk light at costco and I like these to throw in my purse when I am on the go. This does have more of the protein taste than the other 2 I mentioned. I hope that helps! Good luck to you!

  9. @@Kathy812 Thank you for sharing this recipe!! I can't wait to make it. Sounds delicious.

    I just returned from a week long work trip in Chicago. This was my biggest fear pre and post op. How am I going to do?! Are people going to notice I eat like a rabbit? Will my stomach give me problems? (either I can't go, or I can't stop going!) I was terrified!

    I am so happy to say it was all OK!!! The first exciting moment was sitting in my seat on the plane! I fit!!!! I didn't have anxiety about a seat belt extender and I felt like I could move around!!! AMAZING!! Not one person commented on what I was Or wasn't eating. The only thing people wanted to know was where I buy my yummy Protein hot chocolate! Lol. Everybody is on some type of diet or another, so I had no worries at all.

    I am not great about getting on here because I have to be on my computer to be able to figure this site out. I do read the posts and am so happy everyone seems to be doing well!

    I don't remember who posted about having poop problems, but my Dr. recommended Miralax and that has been very gentle. I also gave it to my kids as babies so I felt comfortable trying it myself. Just in case y'all need another option!

    Take care everyone!

  10. @shmeyers. I bought it at the store. I had them make the shake for me a couple of times before buying to make sure I liked it. It is a large tub of powder (only 1 size and I wanted to be sure I liked it). I was told that if I didn't like it I could bring it back for a credit which surprised me. I bought strawberry flavor. It also comes in vanilla and chocolate but strawberry was recommended as the best flavor by employees. I also asked them to tell me exactly how they make it in the store so there were no surprises at home.

    1 scoop powder

    3 tbsp of Water

    1/2 cup ice

    2 fruits of your choice

    I have been making with

    1/2 - 3/4 of banana ( I use frozen- makes shake a little thicker). Didn't care for the "airy texture"

    2 slices can pineapple and just a splash of juice from can.

    I also bought frozen peaches and blueberries to try as well.

    My NUT said to just make sure all of the new fruits are blended up well and I should be good to go!

    I hope this is helpful! Have a great day!!

  11. @@chellede I hope you are feeling better! That is terrible! I have had some tummy trouble as well. I have just started "real" foods. I didn't eat for 3 days at first because I was so scared. Kinda crazy I was counting down to be able to chew and then being afraid once it was ok! LOL.

    I wanted to share a couple of yummy finds with you all:

    HealthSmart Hot Chocolate- this can be found online and comes in several flavors. 15 grams of Protein. I love this at night when I need to get in more Protein and I am not hungry. I have also mixed with Mootopia (additional 12 grams of protein)

    Gladiator Protein Drink at smoothie King is DELICIOUS! 45 grams of protein and only 2 grams of Carbs. I had them make mine with banana and Blueberries. I have since purchased the powder and have this for Breakfast every morning. I love knowing that I am more than half way to my protein goal before lunch! This has really helped me to meet my protein goal for the day. I have also mixed pineapple and that was yummy as well!

    I hope everyone is doing great. I love hearing from all of you!

    Also, can I please be added to the Facebook group? My email is istu24632@hotmail.com.

  12. Hi Everyone! I haven't been super active on here but I have been listening and am so happy to have you all to go through this with! I appreciate all of the words of honesty and encouragement you all share. I had my sleeve and hiatal hernia repair on October 1st. For about 2 weeks I wondered what the hell I did to myself! I am happy to say things are better. I am on "mushy foods" right now although I have to admit I am not very creative with this. I eat an egg a day and usually a 4 oz container of greek yogurt and sometimes I get a 1/2 cup of cottage cheese. I was told I need to get in 95 grams of Protein a day so this stage has been difficult for me. I can get so much more Protein through the drinks, yet wonder if/how I will sustain myself on food....? Anyone else going through this? I have begun walking to increase my stamina. I have a job that requires travel and walking around quite a bit. I feel like I am one day "on" and the next day is difficult at this point for me. I remember someone saying only 4 oz of Soup at a time. I tried soup yesterday and it was a welcomed change. I think I probably had 6-8 oz. Does this mean I could be stretching out my sleeve? I would hate to mess things up with soup!!! Best wishes everyone!

    PS. I also did the stall for almost 2 weeks! I am now averaging about 2 lbs a week. I have a friend that had this surgery and said the weight didn't really start moving until he moved to real food. I found this encouraging and hope it help someone else as well....

  13. I had surgery October 1st. Had to do 2 week pre op diet and lost 14 lbs. I am 3 weeks post op and have lost about 14 more. I didn't lose a thing last week and started panicking. I really have struggled with the emotional side of this. I think I can wrap my brain around the fact that my body is physically changed and I can't undo that. I didn't expect to have the emotional roller coaster about not losing and immediately feeling like I was failing (again) at a diet. It's crazy how quick I am to beat myself up! Trying to weigh once a week from here on out and take things one day at a time. Have started walking and really enjoy feeling "normal" doing that.

  14. I had terrible acid reflux. My Dr did the EGD to see my anatomy before "cutting" as well as to check for a hernia. Since I was cash pay, my insurance covered the hernia repair and I paid the rest myself. It was very quick and painless. It gave me some peace of mind that my Dr was able to take a look at my anatomy and let me know there was a chance to help my reflux as well.

  15. I had my sleeve Oct 1st also! I have been HANGRY as well this weekend :-) I am so ready for something different than the shakes. I have also stayed the same weight for 4 days this week and today was actually UP 1 pound! I am trying not to be discouraged and just keep going, but this has been tough! I have my follow up with my surgeon this Thursday. I have scheduled an appointment with the nutritionist as well so that I can make sure I am making the correct choices this next phase. Good Luck everyone! I hope to stay in touch!

  16. Hello everyone! I wanted to check in and say Hello! I am one week post op (October1) and doing much better today. I have had very low energy this week. I am trying to listen to my body and rest while I can. I was having trouble swallowing the first few days after surgery because of my hernia repair but that is much better. I feel very hungry every so often but feel full when I drink Water or my Protein. I am going to have to learn that it is OK to "eat" often instead of overeating once or twice a day. Today, I tried about a tablespoon of refried Beans. I was nervous about what would happen but it actually went very well! I was so excited to have something that was not chocolate, vanilla, strawberry or "fruity" flavored! That has been challenging to me. My pre-op diet was liquids for 2 weeks as well. I am finishing up my last week of liquids and really looking forward to moving on to some new flavors!

    I hope everyone is doing well!

  17. Okay you awesome sleevers ! Here's a list of everyone who posted their surgery date and their location. Lots of people on the same days ! If any of the data is a mistake, let me know. We can also tag those we haven't heard from on the 1st or 2nd and see how they are doing.

    I know a lot of us are nervous, excited, and scared.. and also happy for spelmanite10 for the surgery on the 1st ! We are all in this together ! We have a good group of people here.

    10/1 - spelmanite10

    10/1 - EndlezzPozzibilities - North Carolina

    10/1 - joyful0402

    10/1 - Pennyface

    10/1 - trisey

    10/1 - genniexfresh

    10/1 - JenW~79 - Texas

    10/1 - Lin1738

    10/1 - kmuecke

    10/1 - tardis76 - Massachusets

    10/1 - Me on the list - Texas

    10/2 - jmsgal - Chicago

    10/2 - kccat3594 - New York

    10/3 - jazzymom17 - Virginia

    10/3 - unkowns

    10/3 - BigMAlways - Massachusetts

    10/4 - nikkydizzle - lives in Africa / surgery in England

    10/6 - lisam495 -

    10/6 - ljbobcat - Tiawana

    10/6 - kelew39 - Louisiana

    10/6 - Tee's new life - New York

    10/6 - Queenz_Cece

    10/6 - orrio82 - New York

    10/6 - Sleeveme61 - California

    10/6 - It_only_gets_better - California

    10/6 - itsjessica - California

    10/6 - robga999

    10/6 - FilthAngel86

    10/7 - AmyinNC - North Carolina

    10/7 - Dana875 - North Carolina

    10/7 - Biz

    10/8 - Peekboo - Virginia

    10/8 - leenieceymic1

    10/8 - mwill68 - New Jersey

    10/8 - larissanicole - New York

    10/8 - Sistersuz - Florida

    10/8 - Kcameron1 - Australia

    10/8 - pbake01 - Ohio

    10/8 - Pulelehua - Oklahoma

    10/9 - marcasla - Washington

    10/9 - stephaniegencs

    10/9 - Disneymomx2

    10/10 - 4EverChang'nSpy - Texas

    10/10 - naan

    10/10 - mnmlst

    10/10 - akflatt1986 - Kentucky

    10/12 - kim74951 - Oklahoma

    10/13 - Livelaughlove2014 - Tijuana

    10/13 - babybearsmum - Texas (from OK)

    10/13 - friejenn - Idaho

    10/13 - BP'sMamaG - South Carolina

    10/14 - Marielbx

    10/14 - lovelytrl - Louisiana

    10/14 - chellede - Texas

    10/14 - shmeyers - Indiana

    10/14 - Angie413

    10/14 - fosho1976 - Ohio

    10/14 - jab315 - New York

    10/14 - Kpar909956 - Tennessee

    10/15 - shrinkingjill - Pennsylvania

    10/15 - catinthehat

    10/15 - apeters9284 - Texas

    10/15 - groomergirl - Texas

    10/15 - Samiuah Octavia Garnes

    10/15 - OnePhatWhoDat - Tennesse

    10/16 - ToMissKA - Australia

    10/16 - athomas125 - South Carolina

    10/17 - Kathy812 - Illinois

    10/17 - sportymommy95

    10/20 - laynie427 - Colorado

    10/20 - Smiling Panda - New Jersey

    10/20 - Kya Wolf - North Carolina

    10/21 - FireWife678 - Iowa

    10/21 - krimrod

    10/21 - manibeaux - Mexico

    10/22 - Vsglady - Maryland

    10/22 - Monasongbird_38 - Georgia

    10/23 - Jen - a work in progress - Wisconscin

    10/24 - librarianlk - Alaska

    10/25 - tiffin-scott

    10/27 - kelliebell1973 - Mexico

    10/28 - pink1028 - New York

    10/28 - readyforitnow - North Carolina

    10/28 - sschoch

    10/29 - Lazy_Lilly

    10/29 - Skinnyme45

    10/29 - reeny

    10/29 - Stephanie Kandace - New York

    Waiting for Date

    JerzyTomato74 - New Jersey

    jessiquoi - Maryland

    paigecoop -

    Gendy - Iowa

    lindalue - Minnesota

    hogman - New Jersey

    CherokeeGirl - Arizona

    zcortes21 - Delaware





    dogloverlosingit - Iowa

    candicanec - Maryland


    Changed to November

    happymama2014 - California

    Thank you so much for doing this! I am so excited to have people to walk on this journey! I hope everyone who has been sleeved is feeling well. I wish all the luck in the world to those awaiting their date!

  18. I've kept everything very private too! I was also sleeved on oct. 1st so if you need to talk or anything at all feel free!!! ❤️ good luck!

    Yes! Let's please stay in touch! I kinda feel like I am on my own island over the weekend. How are you feeling? My swallowing has gotten better, but now I am having diarrhea very often. (I hope not too much info! ) but it really worries me that I am going to become dehydrated. I have stopped all pain and anti-nausea meds just in case that could be causing this. Yesterday I had a terrible headache all day. I am wondering when and what "normal" will be. Trying to stay focused on the prize. Not trying to be negative but just curious if you are having any of the same symptoms or if you know if this is normal...? What are you taking liquid/protein wise? My Dr office told me Isopure does not count as Water. Seems impossible to get in proper amount of liquids and Proteins right now. Are you having better luck?

  19. I had my sleeve on October 1st. I am so glad to have people to be on this journey with me! I am having some trouble with nausea and difficulty swallowing. I had a hiatal hernia repair and wonder if that is my reason for some of the discomfort. Dr said things will loosen up over time. I sure hope so! So thankful to have this site since I have kept things very private in my "real world"

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