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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by timetotakeitoff

  1. @@Paulina Green. Is Dr. Lopez in Tijuana? May I ask the price range you paid if you self-paid? I found one doctor in Mexicali that I was excited about (for my daughter) and the price they quoted with their paperwork was nearly double what is listed on this site under his doctor profile. I really need to get an idea of how much this would cost in Mexico.

    @@Memilie80 I'm so sorry that happened to you! How awful and scary!! Was this in Tijuana too?

  2. I'm wondering if anyone but me feels like they are weaker than before being sleeved? I'm a big, and should be strong girl at 5'9" and now 187 pounds. I've lost 60 lbs over the last six months and run on the treadmill and lift (light) weights, just as I did BEFORE surgery. But I'm so much weaker overall without the extra weight! I have trouble lifting a costco sized pack of soda from my cart onto the check out conveyor (soda is for my kids' birthday party-Not Me BTW ;-) and even taking a pack of Water up the stairs is just too much. I used to be able to hoist anything!

    It seems weird that I'm in BETTER shape, but overall, weaker. Anyone else notice this?

  3. I hear you too. I totally get it. Today I am two weeks post op and I have lost 10 lbs. "Big whoop" I'm thinking for going through a surgery! It seems disheartening when you look at other's profiles and they have lost like 30 lbs in their first two or three weeks!

    I'm hoping it will kick in once I can really exercise hard. Right now it is just the daily walks around the neighborhood because with work, being mom to 4 kids and daily life I'm completely pooped. And I'm sure at 2 weeks I'm still recovering.

    Also, like me, it looks like you started out in the 240's and it looks like those in the 300 lb range lose more quickly.

    Also, like me, you are eating so little that you can't believe the weight's not just falling off. Exactly what I am thinking!

    Keep me posted on your progress and if you find anything that works to kick this fat off! I'm frustrated too!

  4. @@TeacherMommy I feel mine is "real" hunger too. I can tell the difference between that and gas. And I take Protonix too. You can't have Protein Shakes along with your Jello, broth and Water? I was advised to start those right away, I make them with unsweetened coconut milk. It takes the edge off the hunger and gives you Protein, Vitamins and nutrients! That sounds odd that you can't have them, unless there were complications, you need calories and nutrition to heal!

  5. Hi teacher mommy!

    I had my surgery one week ago today and I am feeling the same thing! I'm very hungry! I have to be to work in a half hour and I am just dragging myself to even get dressed. I just blended myself some healthy request Campbell's bean and bacon Soup, hoping that the carbs will give me a boost! I don't seem to have any problem swallowing nor do I feel "full" after about 4 spoonful's here so far.........Can't call the doctors office til Monday so I'm wondering what's up with this hunger as well!

  6. Hello! First post here, had my sleeve surgery one week ago today and I am weak and HUNGRY! Everyone seems so upbeat on this website and I am just starving and dragging myself through my days. My surgeon was not worried about a clear liquid diet, just "slip and slide" the first week, so today I'm trying some puréed Campbell's Soup. I have not once felt full yet, just HUNGRY! Any advice?

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