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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by NewLife'sGr8

  1. I have to use a recumbent bike due to ortho issues. I bought a Schwinn & it works nicely.

    Muscle Confusion is recommended by body trainers to blast through plateaus. It's all about not doing the same thing everyday, or even during one exercise session. Keep the muscles confused (rather than 'muscle-memory, i.e.; muscles knowing how and when they'll be worked) for better results

  2. I remember seeing an interview with a WLS patient that showed before during and after struggles.

    Post-surgery, after that extreme hunger phase, all he wanted was a nice bid salad. As much as he chewed and chewed, it wouldn't seat down & he had to vomit.

    What was said is that foods that are hard to keep down/eat are different for everyone.

    Personally, I have trouble with eggs of any kind, breads, crackers.........etc

    I found that If i mix some foods on the fork, like a Protein with a fibrous veg or chopped salad or something moist, it goes down better. Sometimes I have a glass of Water there in case something starts sticking- to help avoid getting 'stuck'.

    I found that cooking solid Proteins so that they're very moist helps get them in & down too.

    Still waiting to establish my new green zone after complications. Not easy.

    I'll advise you to not avoid eating because it's more frustrating to eat and vomit after awhile than it is to eat. DON'T DO IT! I did. Started vomiting blood-up all night w/ acid blood pooling in my stomach which the bod immediately rejects. Getting up several x's a night to vomit blood was not only not fun & worrisome, but I was exhausted- never getting into REM sleep for months. THAT was awful. Back off to softer foods if you have a day of probs getting in solid dry Proteins is my advise.

  3. 5yrs out.

    Today I made a smoothie in the nutribullet. milk(extra protein), Protein powder, frozen wild blueberries, Lecethin (brain), psyllium husks (fiber), liquid collagen (skin leasticity), L-Carnatine (fat matabolism), L-Glutemine (muscle support & muscle recovery) & ground flax seeds. Blended, was like a milkshake.

    I really had to suck it down & get ready fast. I could't. the band restricted it. I felt full and really had to push it into me.

    Mid-mornings is when I finally eat after waking. My band feels tight. Maybe it's the mucus plug that has to shift before I can eat. coffee is my daily Breakfast. then abut 10am I have a fortified Protein smoothie or a Protein Bar.

    Sometimes I forget to eat. I don't feel hungry when I'm in "flow" and hours pass before I realize I'm going to tank soon & rush to get something in me. Thses times, I go for the smoothie or bar. I carry bars in my purse and briefcase- just in case I'm in a pinch & need to get it in, quick, before I tank. I don't always chew to mush at these times. BAD Girl! Oh well.

    IMHO, a good take-home is to listen to your doc #1, listen to your body #2, and eat what you like, in moderation. The band works to restrict.

  4. The low Iron could be an issue for surgery even if it doesn't delay it.

    Low Iron is a high risk of bleeding, not clotting, during and post surgery-which gets surgeons very concerned. Greater risk of losing the patient on the table..

    also, iron delivers oxygen to the blood- and organs. if you don't get enough oxygen to your organs (brain too) it could cause probs including not healing well.

    low iron is a cause of lethargy, low energy, general can't ever fully wake up all day feeling

    low D causes scabies. can't remember what scabies are but surely, unpleasant

    VitaD manufactures melatonin which regulates your body clock and sleep cycle

  5. I don't know if this is why but chewing to mush extracts maximum nutrient from the foods. Makes for more soluble (absorbable) nutrients.

    Plus, if you take time chew-chewing everything, it's gives your stomach time to tell your brain time you've had enough to eat, and to stop eating at satisfied, not full.

    Eating fast with not enough chewing gets a lot of food in before the natural system can let the brain know to stop. You consume too many calories and get that OOF! I've eaten took much feeling

  6. I'm 5yrs post-op.

    I never really used straws. Probably one of those unnecessary expenses during those uber lean financial times years ago. It never caught on with me. Then again, I'm not a soda-drinker.

    That said, I do drink coffee through those little stir straws while I'm driving. I don't have air or gas problems with it.

    My bigger concern with straws is: do the have bysphenol (sp?) in them? Bysphenol is a carcinogen and is in many of plastics we use with consumables; Water bottles, storage containers, pitchers, etc.. I haven't heard whether or not straws have it in them.

    My health is more important than the continuance of using potentially dangerous straws or anything that has something in it that could kill me. just saying

  7. PureVida:

    I tend to do the same thing you do. Tell those little 'truths' without really telling them anything.

    We should be politicians! ha

    Another go-to answer for me is:

    Being in PAIN, from all that waiting around for surgeries in pain, and all those post-surgeries, OUCH! made me not hungry @ all (true).

    Pain eradicates hunger (true). Which did in fact help me with a lot of the WL. Now that the pain's gone, my final stretch is much more of a challenge.

  8. Thanks for the info again. SO helpful!

    I realized we're of similar height as well so your info on 'ending boobie-size, post implant" was extremely helpful. If you've always been a DD, then DDD isn't too far of a stretch for you. I'm happy for your improved body & self-image. SO important!

    We differ a lot on originating boobie sizes though. I'm 36B. If I went in for a fitting, I might be a 34B now. At my fattest, I was a 38B-probably needed a 40B but couldn't go there. I've always been B, fat or skinny, always a B.

    I Can't imagine being a DD or DDD. (with my warped sense of humor) I can picture myself toppling over at inopportune times as I try to get used them. hahaha

    Then again, you probably can't imagine being a B-cup! You'd probably be like, "Where's the beef?" LOL

    I suppose that conversation is best left for the Plastic-Man, as well as the over/under pec & saline/silicone debates.

    I didn't know silicone had come so far in respect to being auto-insured, not as leaky, and if they do leak, the goo now won't attach to organs etc. THAT was my greatest concern with the implants. Thanks for picking up on it & easing my mind.

    I'm 50, & this big multi-surgery expense will take a good long time to recover financially from. I have to ask myself- is it worth the investment? Will I get good return on this investment? I'm leaning towards yes.

    I've been single for a long long time. Put off dating to raise my kids in a safe secure environment w/out revolving door of men in & out. Now, I feel very unattractive with this saggy baggy skin. Outwordly, I look good, with clothes ON! lol I keep thinking what it'd be like ... errrr....SURPRISE! with this sag-skin. I remember on Oprah, someone showed their post WLS skin on-cam, and everyone gasped... repulsed.

    Right at the time I was ready to date to meet someone for LTR, I got injured. The next 4-5 yrs I blew up like a balloon from reduced activity & went through this WLS banding adventure while at same time, going through 7 other surgeries. oof!

    Now, I'm thinking I'm too old to meet anyone I'm attracted to for LTR so what diff would the Plastic surgeries make?

    Then again, I KNOW I'd feel better about myself regardless of love life status. I also know that when a person feels good about themselves, they're more likely to attract someone.

    I appreciate your honesty & help as I ponder possibilities. :)

  9. I told my daughters, one of which was with me during and after. I didn't tell my mom. She's too self-absorbed. Dad doesn't need to know @ 87yo, why bother?

    At work, I think some people know. I discussed it with 1 co-worker who was banded, on the QT, though I don't know just how QT it's really been. With so many other surgeries, I was out of work for extended periods & the last time I returned I was "tiny" (their words). One woman who really doesn't like me, & I don't like her- asked me, "I HAVE to ask: HOW did you do it?" I told her every time I wanted to eat something I shouldn't, "I pictured your face and lost my appetite." OK, not-so nice but she was just being nosey & wanted something to gossip/ tear me down over. None of her business, IMO.

    Not too many others know. I'm not ashamed or embarrassed about it. Early on, I did do a presentation of before/after and what I did, to a group of WL patients and patients in waiting. I don't mind helping others through my experience. I tend to keep my personal info close to the breast, in general. That's just me.

  10. Thanks again. That was really informative & helps me get a little closer to making a decision for my own needs.

    You & I were at similar starting weights, though I was 25-20lbs heavier. You're at my approx. goal weight now, So I'm assuming we have similar sag-issues. Everyone's different though; body type, exercise history, personal stories re: how we got there, and then here from there, etc.

    That's a huge investment at mid-life, closer to retirement than when I was in my 20's.

    Did Ins. cover any of it? Most of it?

    Thankfully, my banding was paid by Ins., minus co-pays, so I'm not complaining. It's just that I've seen so many posts rattling off multiple expensive procedures.... it makes me gasp & wonder, with this economy, how do they afford it?

    My other concern is that I've heard the full body lift is one of the most painful a person can go through. I imagine the full TT w/lift & augmentation is too. I've been through so many surgery

    ies over the past few years- some very painful- that I'm a bit hesitant to go through it 'electively', even though I know the pain subsides & is soon forgotten.

    Lastly, is 400cc a C cup? Not sure what to do there. I like my relatively small breasts, except for the bit of WL sag. I'd like them to be more shapely but avoid going for the big "watermelons". I'm a petite 5'2". I have no clue how many cc's are small or big; whether to go for saline or silicone, to place under the chest muscles or just under the breast apparatus'.

    I'd want my butt lifted with a brazilian butt lift. I always had a nice full "Latina" butt that went flat with the mass WL. I have those bat wings too. Hoping exercise will help too.

  11. When you're filled to that "sweet spot" your ravenous hunger will fade away. That said, I still have days when I feel ravenous. On those days, I listen to my body (eat more) but usually make good choices of what to eat.

    I'm 5-years post op & almost -100#.

    Your selection of watermelon isn't a bad one though. It's mostly Water. Yes, sweet but naturally so (the best sweetness for us!), no added sugar.

    You really don't have to feel bad or beat yourself up about putting something yummy in your mouth like a naturally sweetened fruit. Everything in moderation is a good mindset. That way you're not doing the psychological sabotage to yourself - self-guilt, can't eat anything yummy or sweet, etc.. Those thought set us up for failure. Back awaaaaaayyyyy from those thoughts....

    Rather, LOVE yourself in all your human glory! It's time.

  12. That gurgling stinks! It's socially awkward- just talking with someone in person or on the phone, and suddenly, deep body gurgle sounds (gas) piping its' way loudly up your throat & out your mouth.

    In a way, it mirrors poor upbringing- bad manners- like your parents didn't teach you to control your unpleasant body sounds, unlike tummy rumbles (hunger) which are uncontrollable.

    I remember I dated a guy a long time ago and he had that gurgling when he talked (DEF. not a wls patient). It was one of the reasons I couldn't bear being with him any longer, esp. in public.

    Now I do it, and for me, it's embarrassing. I wish it would stop or I could learn how to control it without the gurgles popping out unexpectedly at the most inappropriate times.

  13. You've made that first BIG step! Congrats!

    The hunger's going to last a few more weeks until you get a good fill that also restricts, and wha-la! You're suddenly not feeling hungry all the time, you eat to satisfaction, and you can focus all that freed-up mental energy on something new & cool- like painting or something.

  14. whey isolate Protein is the best quality Protein you can get. It's not a matter of taste. Rather, It has more SOLUABLE protein in it & Your body absorbs and metabolizes this type far better than any other. I usually get it from Vitamin World or GNC.

    I make a concoction-smoothie. Milk based (more protein), I toss the recommended amount of chocolate powder in the blender with Wymanns Wild Blueberries (antioxidants) straight out of the freezer (buy them in the frozen section). To that, I add Colon Cleanser (psyllium husks) to keep things moving along, *Warning! Too much will bind you & be a whole other 'situation' to deal with before you can resume normalcy with your band. I add liquid Collegen to restore/maintain elasticity, L-Glutemen (sp?) for muscle-support, Crushed Flaxseed or flax seed oil for Omega 3's (heart & brain function), liquid L-Carnitine (metabolizes fat), and Milk Thistle (supports weight loss). I take my multi-Vitamins & some hyaluronic acid (keeps joints cushy and skin taught) with the shake.

    Muscle Milk is good in a pinch too. Muscle Milk has a good array of Vitamins & nutrients in it. They sell it pre-mixed at convenience stores with the individual drinks or you can buy it in quantity at the big box stores. They have powder too. Muscle Milk has more alcohol sugars (sweeteners) in it than whey isolate protein but if you really need to gas up quick & grab a quick meal for the road- Muscle Milk works.

    I always use Protein shakes as a Meal Replacement. Not something you want to gulp all day or suck down with meals as your 'drink". I don't count calories, but these shakes ARE caloric!

    Protein Bars are good in a pinch too. I like Pure Protein best & buy in bulk at BJ's. Great to keep a couple bars in the purse for those times when you're ravinous and won't get home anytime soon- like when you have to pop & go to work w/ no time to fix a lunch or eat breakfast. The other kind I like are "Supreme"-something found in gas-convenience stores near the candy. They're bigger & feels SO naughty because they taste just like gooey candy bars. When I get the GOTTA HAVE candy/ chocolate, I hit up a small protein bar- guilt free. :)

    Best luck in your journey.

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