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Everything posted by Ivanova8

  1. Ivanova8

    January RNY Surgery

    @@smoggie Maybe talking about the surgery with the nurse or surgeon's office would help? Maybe let them know your concerns and they can hopefully address them for you. I hope it gets easier for you.
  2. Ivanova8

    MyFitnessPal.com Members

    @@BLERDgirl Thanks, I see the settings you are referring to. But it doesn't allow me to put in the actual time I ate lunch today for instance. Maybe I have lunch set for 11:30 - 1:30 but I'm running late that day and I want to put in 2:00pm. I don't see where you can do that
  3. Ivanova8

    MyFitnessPal.com Members

    Alex I'd love to see a fitness app that had these things: My fitness pal doesn't allow you to input what time you ate a meal. That would be a nice feature. It syncs with my Jawbone Up which I like. It also doesn't allow you to delete favorite foods. They seem to be stuck there forever and that is not good. If your new app addressed those things that would be great.
  4. Ivanova8

    Where are all the Canadians ?

    @freshair. You go girl. You're doing great!
  5. Ivanova8

    Surgery Date-January 8, 2015

    That's great Mark! Are you on Optifast?
  6. Ivanova8

    Surgery Date-January 8, 2015

    Oh I think you and cab127 are on the same day at TWH.
  7. Ivanova8

    Where are all the Canadians ?

    @@Norsemanlady I don't think I've been to the Bariatric food website. I'll have to check it out. Thanks! Awesome journey! Hats off to your continued success!
  8. Ivanova8

    Surgery Date-January 8, 2015

    @@tristantanople I'm also at TWH. Are you also Jan 12th?
  9. Ivanova8

    Where are all the Canadians ?

    @@cab127 It's so refreshing to hear someone say that it was tasty. I also thought it tasted okay when we got to try it in the nutrition class. Granted it was just a very small taste but still it didn't taste bad to me. I hope I still feel that way after two weeks. I've got a few flavor extracts and a bottle of sugar free liquid all ready to go. Starting Optifast on Monday definitely makes the surgery more real.
  10. Ivanova8

    Where are all the Canadians ?

    @@freshair So what did you do for dinner yesterday? In fact how did you handle dinner for the weeks you were on Optifast? That's got to be a challenge and I'm not looking forward to it. And I always taste as I cook. Oh well, he'll live if it's not 'perfect'.
  11. Ivanova8

    Where are all the Canadians ?

    @@cab127 Have your started your Opti-fast? I start on Monday. Have you tasted any good recipes for them?
  12. Ivanova8

    Surgery Date-January 8, 2015

    January 12 in Toronto.
  13. Ivanova8

    Where are all the Canadians ?

    @@bigbattynatty Are you taking anything for the nausea and gas? Have you checked in with your doctor's office about it? I hear it happens fairly often and there's probably something they can give you for it or that you can buy over the counter. I hope you feel better soon.
  14. Ivanova8

    Where are all the Canadians ?

    @@bigbattynatty Congrats! I hope you're doing well.
  15. Ivanova8

    January RNY Surgery

    From what I can tell the pre-op liquid diet makes you go through detox getting all the sugar and junk out of your system. So basically we go through sugar/carbs withdrawal the first few days. I've been trying to cut out sweets, breads and pastries this past week. And coffee too is down to one cup every other day or two because boy coffee headaches can be awful. But like everyone says, by about the third to fifth day you're through the rough patch and then it's pretty good. I'm counting on that being true. I start next Monday and trying help myself now if I can to avoid too much awfulness.
  16. Ivanova8

    Any Canadians? Ontario?

    @@freshair Well that's nice to hear.
  17. Ivanova8

    Any Canadians? Ontario?

    @@freshair Well a private room would be quite the nice surprise. But I'd be more than happy to even share a room. I just hope it's not a big open ward. Ugh. =(
  18. Ivanova8

    Any Canadians? Ontario?

    @@freshair We don't have any private insurance so I guess I'll be in the cattle call area. I dread having no privacy. Especially when you're sick and just wanting peach and quiet. I think I might have to quit ice cream if it can only be sugar-free. There's just no comparison. Then again they say your tastes change after surgery so who knows maybe it'll be okay. I'm sorry you had such a rough start but wishing you only success from now on!
  19. Ivanova8

    January RNY Surgery

    @@MisforMimi So sorry. Anticipation is hard enough without them changing things. But as you said, everything happens for a reason. Which I know is sometimes easier said than lived. Hang in there.
  20. Ivanova8

    January RNY Surgery

    @@mspurty29 That's so mean of them. Why didn't they push it off until the 26th? Did you ask them if they could?
  21. Ivanova8

    January RNY Surgery

    @@jessiereece Nice to meet you! Here in Toronto, Canada they prescribe Opti-Fast 900. I'll be on it for two weeks. I didn't have a personal size blender before and it arrived from Amazon today so I've been thinking of trying one. Then again I think, "gosh I'll get there soon enough so why rush it." Some people like them and when I tasted a bit in our nutrition class I didn't think it tasted bad. But that was a taste and not 14 days worth. =/ You're drinking the Premier shakes? I've heard those are supposed to be really good. I think they have them at costco here so I might have to get someone to take me. Having nice supportive people at the office must be a real plus. There's always so much food in work environments. Sounds like you're off to a good start.
  22. Ivanova8

    Any Canadians? Ontario?

    @@freshair How are you feeling today? Up and about? I know patience is not my strongest asset so my hats off to you for overcoming all of those hurdles. The staff at TWH does seem to really supportive. I was orginally scheduled to go to St. Mikes so I'm happy I'm back at TWH now. So you were in the hospital for a week? That's quite a long stay. I hope you had lots of visitors. Did you have a private room? So far the only food funeral I think I'm going to have is for Haagen-Daz vanilla bean ice cream. I'm really going to miss ice cream. =( But who knows the night before I may suddenly go nuts for more! But gosh I certainly hope not. I think I'm kind of over it at this point. I'd just like to move on. Of more concern is just being bored out of my skull drinking Opti-fast for two weeks and wanting pizza like you had. Maybe someone will pull me off the ledge if I go there. I'm glad it all worked out with the pizza for you. I can't imagine how hard it must be to get through three weeks. I can hardly wrap my head around two weeks.
  23. Ivanova8

    January RNY Surgery

    @@jessiereece I'm January 12th too! That's three of us. =) My worries: My first biggest worry is getting through the two weeks pre-op Opti-fast liquid diet. Not having any complications from the surgery. Then there's watching everyone else (really just my hubby) eat and cooking the food he eats and not tasting it! Ugh! Effectively putting into place some good new habits I've been trying to practice the past month or so. Who to tell or just say the heck with it and tell everyone or no-one. But then you miss out on potentially valuable friend support. Failing to lose weight or not maintain it in the long run. Looking forward to: Walking without knee pain. Using the elliptical machine without knee pain (my most favorite exercise machine - when I used it ) Canoeing in the summer without worrying about tipping it over due to my weight. Seeing the tops of my thighs without bending over or looking in the mirror. Fitting into the various sizes of clothes already in my closet on my trip down to my goal weight. Shopping for new clothes when I run out of sizes in my closet! Not focusing on food 24/7.
  24. Ivanova8

    Any Canadians? Ontario?

    @@freshair Hi and welcome to the group! Congrats on your surgery! How are you feeling two weeks out? I also have Dr. Urbach scheduled for my surgery in January. He did a good job? I also met his assistant last week. Did Dr. Urbach come by after surgery to check on you? You must be so excited to finally be on your way. I'm happy it all worked out. That was a big wait. How was the Opti-fast for you?
  25. Ivanova8

    Any Canadians? Ontario?

    @@anewme2015 Thanks! I love reading about everyone's experiences too. There's really no one in my personal life that can relate to what I'm going through. My husband is supportive but he doesn't have a weight/eating problem. I don't post a lot but I do get inspiration and good tips and information from reading so much on here. And it's great when we get to celebrate someone having their surgery.

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