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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by layknee

  1. I started yoga this past Wednesday and joined a gym again. My diet is not the recommended diet, but my body doesn't care about my food choice as long as it isn't dry, so of course I stalled. A bite of donut here a couple of french fries there. I need to do better. I still barely get 500-800 calories in a day. Going to go back to exercising 5+ days a week and start keeping better track of what I put in mouth. I waver around 254-256Lbs for the last 2 weeks. I have to be a good example because my aunt is having RNY Monday. I tried to talk her out of it but she's determined. So I'm going to try to do it the right way with her.

  2. My first full night out. I had missed my high school reunion this year. So a few of us decided to get together tonight. We went to a middle eastern restaurant called Alhambra. I stayed out until 1 something. Just had a few hiccups(issues). Started with an asthma attack to which the valet was so cooperative and had his guy run to my car and get my inhaler. I order the Tunisian Salmon and brought home more than three fourths of it. Had a taste of creme brûlée. A sip or two of a chocolate martini, some Water and pineapple juice. Pouch was okay until the creme brûlée. Had a mad dash to the bathroom but nothing came of it. Did a little dancing.

    All and all I'd call it a pretty successful night out.

    I tried to go out last weekend and got sick after an hour and had to leave.

    What changed is that 4 days ago I stopped having severe chest pain when I drink Water. Also, I had my B12 shot. I don't know if the latter affected the former. But I'm glad of the change.

  3. Layknee is right about everything here in her comment. And even though this is a sleevers thread, this is true from my experience as one who had an RNY last year. (My wife just had sleeve surgery last Tuesday, 11/25/14. So I'm pointing her to this and the other sleavers threads.) Life gets better. It REALLY does. ;-)

    this is actually a RNY thread. Lol we had a another thread for pre op then we all moved over here for post op. But sleevers are welcome. Lol

  4. My Thanksgiving pureed meal tasted like crap. Good thing everyone else enjoyed it though!! It's going to take some getting used to the food not being the center of get together with family.

    I have to work tomorrow and I'm pooped. Better head to bed.

    Food can still be the center, but it'll start not bothering you. I think I started focusing on food more since prepping for the surgery. I start watching more food network shows. Learning recipes. Buying organic , free range , and high end foods. More open to trying things because I know I can't eat much. It's almost like the show "the taste" where all the flavor has to fit on a single spoon. Some things that I used to love, taste awful to me. I think because before I would just wolf it down. I seem to taste things more clearly and it has fine tuned my pallet to where junk food has no place.

    The real question is:

    Does purée have to be bland?


  5. Today I made two cakes because I wanted my family to enjoy them. I love working on new recipes lately even if I don't eat them. My plate had a couple teaspoons of beef roast, a piece of turkey about the size of the old Kennedy half dollar, a tablespoon and a half of macaroni and cheese and a tablespoon of greens. Then later I had a couple of tablespoons of potato salad. Thankfully no complaints from my belly. So I say today was a success.

  6. I still enjoy cooking very much. Especially, the prep work which has a calming effect on me. It's odd to me, but I'm not interested in the same kind of food that I was before the surgery. I expected to be in mourning but I'm not. Reading labels, tracking and weighing everything has totally changed the way that I see food. I'm excited about some great clean and Paleo recipes that I've saved for future use. ..now if the rest of the household were excited. .....

    i do find that now I buy more high end, organic and free range foods. I will try new foods because I know I can't eat much of it anyway. lol

  7. I've always liked to cook and bake. But my enjoyment of it has neither waxed or waned. I do watch more shows about bad food like Diners Drive-ins and Dives (despite my dislike of Guy Fieti as a person).

    same with me. I have an extreme dislike for guy fieri yet I've watched his grocery games and dinner drive in and dives. But I absolutely love Alton brown and since my RNY I have watched every episode of cutthroat kitchen.

  8. Soo I'm being sent back to er now, my heart rate is 150 and I have a high bp now too, they think I might have another clot, this is getting real old ugh. Right before thanksgiving lol, so much for a happy ending. I hope they don't keep me.

    im praying for you Bronxy

  9. How far out did you starting feeling "good"? I'm 5 weeks out and yesterday was horrible. I'd say I have maybe 3 good days out of a week. Just started the foamies so I guess my throat is waking up. I'm afraid to try any more foods. I can have soft fish, but salmon the other night did not go down well, plus I just didn't like the taste.

    I'm with you. 5 weeks out and I have a few good days and a few bad days. I mostly feel like I need to sprawl out after I eat. There's the bad taste in my mouth so I've invested in mint gum. And I've never been an avid gum chewer. At first I was foaming and spitting up with everything I ate and drank.

  10. Well the scale finally moved- I'm so happy! Also, for some reason, my food and Water are going down so much better. Before yesterday there was a very "tight" feeling in my chest and stomach as the food or water moved down, (like rubber bands around my intestines) but magically yesterday that stopped and I'm able to drink especially and not have it get stuck in my throat. It is such a relief!

    i an can drink Ice cold water today. The feeling in your chest I described it as a pressure like you have to burp but no burp comes out. I saw the doc today and he said its normal and it should resolve.

  11. @@tacycakes

    Way to go!!! Love the lists! No contest positives really outweigh the negatives! I also have the driest skin in the world now ????

    yes what is this dry skin about? My feet look like I have been kicking flour for like days. I have to actually oil up after the shower or I start changing colors.

  12. The problem that I face is that drinking liquids still causes this pressure in my chest. So the only thing that works is my iced juices where I take 8 ounces of ice and blend it with 4 ounces of juice and have it with a spoon. And I found out the only way I can drink Water is if I drink while I eat. And you know they tell us not to drink and eat together but the only time I can get down plain Fluid is if I am eating at the same time. This is what I discovered.

  13. Layknee I had one incision reopen twice. I put peroxide on it then antibiotic ointment. Pulled it together & placed a bandaid on it daily. It finally healed. It was very frustrating because I wanted to do stuff & not worry about it.

    i know. I want to take a bath instead of a shower and I can't until it closes. I used some dermabond and will see how that works.

  14. @@layknee

    I think your scar is stretching and re-opening. Please consider butterfly band aid or an extra large bandaid that you apply by bending slightly in a way the tape pulls either side of the scar together. I did that to one that seemed to be spreading and it worked. It also helped keeping it together. Chance bandaid daily

    the doctor called back and said find steristrips and try to put it together and cover it.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
