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Pre Op
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Everything posted by Riz2006

  1. I know it's the fear of the unknown.... Between this and the drain (post below) my anxiety is raising! What does it feel like to be put under? Just a nap?
  2. I seriously wish I could have a big bowl of green beans or a salad! They've never sounded so good right now! I'm in day 4 of preop.
  3. I can have protein shakes, sf Popsicles, sf jello/pudding, cottage cheese, cream soups, applesauce. oatmeal... A few other things on the list but these are the only things I like. I did find some sf/low Italian Ice that is delicious and my NUT said that was fine as well.
  4. Riz2006


    I haven't but I am using my toddlers plates and spoons. Hoping that will do the trick!
  5. I'm not a huge fan of the premier protein. I actually really like the Pure Protein in chocolate.... It taste like chocolate milk!! I get the pure protein at Walmart.
  6. Riz2006

    Pre-op isn't easy....

    Today is day 4! After day 2 it really isn't too horrible! The shakes make me pretty full. Problem is lack of variety of food! And good news is I'm down 10lbs in 4 days!! That's a good motivation to keep going!
  7. Riz2006

    Pre-op isn't easy....

    What type of oils are you taking? I'm really concerned about my Diet Coke addiction. Normally if I attempt to "detox" from it I feel really bad. It's actually an oil from theoilshoppe dot com (it's a local place but they have where you can shop online). It was 9.95 for the bottle and it's amazing! A few of my family members laughed at me for it until they needed it! Lol. They were surprised how well it worked! It's labeled "headache". The shop mixes their oils so you don't have too! This one has peppermint, eucalyptus, and tea tree in it. It's been used a lot and my bottle is still full. I actually have thought about doing this!
  8. Same here. My family (parents, siblings, husband, few aunts/uncles) all know and are very supportive. I've also told a few of the teachers I work with and again very supportive. It makes me happy! Once I'm done with surgery I don't think I will not tell people if they ask how I did it. I will say lots of very HARD work and WLS. I don't know if I will ever make it "facebook official" though. Lol.
  9. Riz2006

    Out of pocket expense?

    $28k.... ::Gulp:: my insurance doesn't cover it.
  10. Are protein shakes/smoothies usually part of the pre-op diet?
  11. I'm think last week in February or early March.
  12. Riz2006


    I had back pain that started about 4 days ago, thought I just slept wrong. Well yesterday it turned out to be so painful I couldn't move, ended up in the ER with tears! Lots of them. This pain was worse then labor. I was told I have two hernias. I know they won't go away in their own and I will need surgery (hoping Dr. Can do this same time as WLS.) my only problem is I am not having surgery until end of February and if this is the pain I have to deal with daily I can't wait that long. So question is.... Anyone have painful hernias at some point but the pain goes away?
  13. This question is for pre and post op- do fresh/frozen fruit with a low fat yogurt smoothie and protein powder count as a protein "shake"?
  14. I am a teacher as well (substitute teacher - currently long term in K until Feb.) so I'm not much help. I probably would try to aim for spring break as well. I have told my K teachers and they have all been so supportive. I also told my principal. I wasn't sure I wanted too but it just kind of came out in my convo to him. So it is what it is.
  15. Riz2006

    My Journey in Video

    You look amazing! Great job!
  16. Riz2006


    Not to bad anymore. I am a little sore (muscle sore liked I just worked out). What upsets me is the Np said I had hernias, rest up take it easy. Well with muscle spasms you don't want to lay on a couch for more then 1-2 days bc it makes it worse which is what I did via NP orders. My Dr told me to start moving, stretching, etc and I started to improve quickly. Not once did the ER check me over physically. Never touched me more then to give me an IV. My Dr felt my stomach, back, etc and could not feel one hernia but could easy feel the knot in my back.
  17. I had back pain that started about 4 days ago, thought I just slept wrong. Well yesterday it turned out to be so painful I couldn't move, ended up in the ER with tears! Lots of them. This pain was worse then labor. I was told I have two hernias. I know they won't go away in their own and I will need surgery (hoping Dr. Can do this same time as WLS.) my only problem is I am not having surgery until end of February and if this is the pain I have to deal with daily I can't wait that long. So question is.... Anyone have painful hernias at some point but the pain goes away?
  18. Riz2006


    Not to bad bad anymore. I am a little sore (muscle sore liked I just worked out). What upsets me is the Np said I had hernias, rest up take it easy. Well with muscle spasms you don't want to lay on a couch for more then 1-2 days bc it makes it worse which is what I did via NP orders. My Dr told me to start moving, stretching, etc and I started to improve quickly. Not once did the ER check me over physically. Never touched me more then to give me an IV. My Dr felt my stomach, back, etc and could not feel one hernia but could easy feel the knot in my back.
  19. Riz2006


    The Nurse Practioner in the Er was apparently clueless. Which I should have known because not one time to she touch me on my back or stomach to even to check me.
  20. Riz2006


    Update - I have no hernias. I went to my family Dr and after reading the ct-scan and checking me over I had a muscle spasm. She ordered up some muscle relaxers and a massage
  21. Riz2006

    Cold feet

    I think it's completely normal. I haven't scheduled my surgery yet but I'm estimating end of February. I'm nervous as crap. Not really about surgery persay as I've had 3 c-sections and handled those well. I keep thinking about the 10 day pre diet and the weeks after but i know this has to be done and I will be so happy once I see weight start dropping and I start feeling better physically. I don't have anything medically wrong right now and I know this will help prevent alot is it. I'm scared financially as we are self pay but I know we will make it work and it's not different then forking money out for a 5 year car loan. you got this!
  22. Riz2006


    Well good news is... The NP in the ER had zero clue what she was talking about. Went to my family Dr and I was having muscle spasms(she read same ct scan has NP and it was completely clear) so no surgery for hernias needed!
  23. Riz2006


    My hope is that my pain goes away and I can hold off on hernia surgery until I have the Sleeve done and do it all at once!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
