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Posts posted by ehark

  1. Welcome I to thought that this journey would be much different

    the day after surgery I regret what I did cause I was in so much pain I said to myself what the hell did I just do. But I knew that I did the right thing for the long run and that what I did it for the long run the rest of my life . Yes the emotions are a trip

    They go up and down all over the place but hang in there it gets better . I haven't gone back to work as yet still trying to deal with this new way of life Its been trying but I have no choice but to keep going forward still on soft foods and liquids clothes fit different thats a good

    sign thus far. Hang in there it gets better . Ok

  2. Hello I am two weeks out l have lost 25lb.went to my fellow up yesterday just starting to do puree foods. hang in there and

    do all the things that you are supposed to do and you will see the weight go down. that dream

    was just that my be your subconscious mind this

    journey is very mental and physical the mood swings are

    unbelievable you are doing the

    right thing by talking about it

    stay strong and you will be ok

    remember one day at a time

    we did not get this way overnight good luck to you

  3. I to was sleevd on 9/30/14 in new york city at new York Presbyterian admission weight

    was 381 was discharged on Friday its been a week already

    down thirteen . after surgery I said why did I do this I was in so

    Much Pain put Every day it gets

    Better . I to like to sleep on my side and stomach still trying to

    Do the fluids sip sip my new stomach can only handle about

    7oz at a time . Hang in there it will get better a day at a tine

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