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Joy Joy

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Joy Joy

  1. Joy Joy

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    Namazj, we have the same date! Let me know how it went! I am freaking out a little now, but im excited too. Good luck!
  2. Telly I am all over this..printed it out, studied it, I will be ready to start once i've healed. Thanks for posting this ((hugs))
  3. Joy Joy

    Frightend Man

    I am getting my band on Wednesday too! Don't worry you will be fine...try to think long term & stay positive.
  4. Joy Joy

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    Hi all....well I got my official approval letter today...kinda weird seeing as though my surgery is Wednesday! Anyway on monday I have my sleep study....oh joy....at least its a queen size bed:-). I hope all you have a great weekend, for those that had surgery this week...way to go! For those this week good luck...we will soon be losers!
  5. Joy Joy

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    I had a lot cramed in this week. PFT, EKG, heart ultrasound, chest x-ray, upper GI, blood/urine test and monday I have a sleep study....whew. I still suck at the liquid diet----im a cheater---- I cheated once everyday so far, some small, some big...but still.
  6. Joy Joy

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    First I want to say congrats to all the new bandsters this week, and good luck to all of you preparing for next week! Day 2 of pre-op diet was ALOT better. But im not sure if its because my sinus/allergies are the cause but I have no appetite! Just thirsty because of the tylenol sinus meds. Just wanted to say thanks again for all of the support. October bandsters are AWESOME!
  7. Joy Joy

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    This liquid diet SUCKS so bad.....ugh this was the first day....and oh boy was it hard! 13 days til im official
  8. Joy Joy

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    oh boy...here's the thing My surgury is on 10/25, I just started a new job on wednesday. I didnt tell them I was having surgery because I thought they would take that into consideration to hire me. I Still havent told them. I think ...I know I have to tell them soon...ok tomorrow!
  9. Joy Joy


    wow what the heck was that all about. I thought my computer was going nuts.
  10. Joy Joy

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    oh also my date is Oct 25th!
  11. Joy Joy

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    Wow, I can't believe the time has almost come! I start my semi-liquid diet on th 11th. Not really looking foward to it but I know I HAVE to do it! Good luck to the rest of my October sisters!
  12. Joy Joy

    Mercy Hospital?

    Im glad to hear your doing well. Question do you think a week off work will be ok?
  13. Joy Joy


    I met with the psych today. It was great I actually talked and he listened. I dont have many people in my life that let me talk usually I am the one listening to there problems. Anhwoo, I am happy to say that I got the green light from him. So next is the cardio clearance on the 10th.
  14. Joy Joy


    I met with the psych today. It was great I actually talked and he listened. I dont have many people in my life that let me talk usually I am the one listening to there problems. Anhwoo, I am happy to say that I got the green light from him. So next is the cardio clearance on the 10th.
  15. Joy Joy

    Newbie from Illinois

    I am going with Dr. Bonomo @ Mercy Hosp in Chicago. I didnt see his name on the list. What I liked about them is that they work fast! Not alot of waiting for testing, or return phone calls. Good luck.
  16. Joy Joy

    Mercy Hospital?

    So how did it go. Im soooo excited to hear everything!
  17. Joy Joy

    diet doc

    I went in today to meet with Shaina the nutrionist @ Mercy, she went over all the pre/post op instructions. It was a little much but I think I got it.gotta practice chewing---ugh.
  18. Joy Joy

    diet doc

    I went in today to meet with Shaina the nutrionist @ Mercy, she went over all the pre/post op instructions. It was a little much but I think I got it.gotta practice chewing---ugh.
  19. Joy Joy

    Child support

    As some of you know I am going through a break up with my BF and he is the father of my child. We made a written and verbal agreement a few days ago. Here's the story. First, he has a very good government job, i work as a freelance makeup artist, we both lived in a house under his name. He moved out and I have to move out next month so we/he can sell it. He is giving me everything in the house besides the computer, and he is giving me 3000 to find somewhere new to live. I asked him for c/s of 600 a month he said he can do 400 a month. He makes about 65000/year. My question is should I still take him to court? Because I think if I do the judge may make him pay more...and im very sure he will be pissed about that and think I was trying to get back at him. I think if I do take him I should wait until I move out, because he might take back his offer to give me the money and the furniture which i need.
  20. Joy Joy

    The Break up....

    Well it happened. Me and my boyfriend of 5 years just broke up Sunday night. We have 1 son together, I have a son from a previous relationship and he has a daughter from a previous relationship. The daughter lives in TX with her mom. It makes me sad that we cant work it out because we have a family but honestly we have been coasting the last two years from the first three years( those three years were great)...does that make sense? The bottom line is that I loved him unconditionally and he could not do the same. Im half pissed and half heartbroken. How in the world do I move on. Its like a divorce even though we arent married. Its soooo weird we live together for now until he moves out hopefully this weekend, but I feel weird not telling him how my day was or asking him about his I cant hug him or kiss him. Just thought I would put this out there I dont post that often but I do read the post everyday and you guys are really good with advice and making people feel better. If anyone else is going through a divorce or breakup I am so sorry for I know your pain.
  21. Joy Joy

    The Break up....

    Scribby, wow isnt it funny when something happens to you, you think you are the only one going through it? I know I will eventually be ok people have gotten over breakups for years right. Thank you for sharing your feelings on this. I am going to the book store later to find this book called "its called a break up because its broken" how perfect is that tittle?
  22. Joy Joy

    The Break up....

    Tom thank you for your wise words. They came right when I needed them. I was wanting to get even and wish bad things on him and hoping he will hurt like this, but you have made me realize that I should want the best for him because he needs to be in a good place to take care of the kids too. thanks again.
  23. Joy Joy

    Mercy Hospital?

    Wow St Louis! That is quite a ways. I think you will be fine. He is very capable, your in good hands. I will be there wednesday for the support session at 3pm im sure you will be well on your way home. When you get back and feeling better please let me know how you are doing.
  24. Joy Joy

    The Break up....

    Thank you so much for your insight. I can say that I tried really hard to make this work, but like they say love is not always enough..soooo true. I took all of his pictures down started packing my stuff and I will be moving out in a month. It is all about me and my kiddies now. But I know who ever is next will have to take me as I am, I am not settling and a neither should he. Thanks again
  25. Joy Joy

    me small ?

    I met with Dr Bonomo he actually said i was small!!! Now im 5'1" 204 that is not small to me but I know how to hide the negative and play up the positives. Even my PCP asked me why I was doing this. I told her this is the best thing for ME only I know my body/mind. Didnt help that my dad found out that I was doing this ...he freaked out on me. telling me that all these surgeries were not good and that I should just modify my lifestyle...sounds familiar huh. jeez

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