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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by minerals13

  1. I am excited that I am down 2 lbs . I was stuck on another plateau

    and now the scale finally moved. Usually when that happens I go down 5 lbs and then stall again for awhile.

    Denise, so happy to hear about your 2 lbs! :clap2: Congratulations on hanging in there & glad the new restriction is helping. You're so close to goal.

    Merry Christmas to everyone!


  2. :kiss2::clap2::whoo:My request for lapband authorization was submitted on Nov. 1. It was approved on Nov. 4. I am still in shock. I don't have it in writing yet but I have the approval number. I'll post my surgery date as soon as I know it.

    This gives me a whole new meaning to "down side"!

    NEWLIFE! Congratulations on getting your approval! I think I read earlier that you're going with Dr. Blackstone. Keep us posted when you get you're band date! You have worked so hard to get your approval. Good job!:clap2:


  3. Carol,

    I have experienced (and still do!) so many mixed feelings. I guess it's just part of the process. You are right, though; We must take care of ourselves and make that our priority. Hopefully, everything else falls into place.

    Only 2 days left until your appt. Are you getting excited?

    Thank you for your response! YES, I am excited about my appointment. There are so many different preop & postop stories on the liquids, mushys etc. I look forward to knowing what I'll be doing per this Dr.'s instructions. They said to expect to be there 4 to 5 hours. Pyscho testing & evaluation, meet with dietician and consult with doc. Have written down my questions.

    I understand the ups & downs / mixed feelings. I suppose that is part of our journey in the decision making process and living it. I want this, I believe this is the tool to help me get to a healthier weight & life.

    Thanks so much!


  4. Hi blooh. What part of the PH are you from? I go to metro Manila quite often for work.

    I was worried about missing food too. For food was my very best friend. After my surgery I wrote a goodbye letter to my "best friend". I always used food to comfort me. In my loneliness it was always there for me. However, it has not been too hard to let it go. The reason is that I can still have almost everything I did before, but in small portions. I don't stuff myself anymore to drown my feelings.

    Good luck!!

    Hi all! I'm in the beginning stages of my journey too & missing the food for comfort is a concern for me too. I don't eat because of hunger in my tummy....definately an emotional eater.

    TulipStar - what are some of the things you do NOW, instead of stuffing yourself to drown your feelings?

    My best wishes for you all to reach your BEST LIFE! Happy journey!:whoo:Carol

  5. My surgery was this morning. It went well. I was at the centre about 6:15 and on my way home by 10:30. I did have a huge hiatal hernia, which was repaired. I feel pretty good. Sore when I sit up. The surgeon told me I might be more sore tomorrow when the anesthesia is fully worn off. All in all, not a bad experience

    Cota, what great news! I'm so glad today went well for you. That sounds like a record discharge time! Good job. Take care, rest & I wish you the best! Glad to see you post so soon!:clap2:


  6. Welcome Flashkatt! You'll love this board. There is so much information and all from other's experience. I've been here only a couple weeks and have just started the process to a healthier me. Just keep reading all the different threads and ask questions. There is a ton of support here!

    I'm 56 and want to live and enjoy my kids & grandkids and LIFE! I've been to a 2 hour info seminar and my first consultation is Friday. I'll have the psych testing & evaluation and meet with a dietician. After that not sure?

    Congratulations on taking this step. Best wishes on your journey! Oh! If you go back to the first page and scroll down toward the bottom to US Threads (not sure of the name), Enter Ohio, you might find someone in your area and maybe someone that has been to your doc. Good luck!


  7. Hi ethansgrandma! I'm sorry to hear about your set back, but you have done a great job on your loss and you're gonna make it. I feel a little silly, but I just discovered (yesterday) that there are before & after pics on this site. I was so inspired and looked at them all! I love this site, you get the good, bad & the ugly and support beyond expectations. Hang in there.....we're all going to get there!:clap2: I feel better already, just because I made the decision to go forward. I swear my posture is even better....I feel a little lifted. That's good!

    Thanks for your note.

    Best Wishes,


    Another Dr. Blackstone patient. I am very very pleased with her office. I was banded about 1.5 years ago, had a minor set back but im back on the road to being a new thinner me.

  8. :omg:OK karlvr! You're CRAZY! But WOW, I'm impressed. I don't have the energy to move now, much less after surgery. But you go for it! It's got to be that you are positive & stoked! Congratulations! Hope you'll share your progress with us.


    Okay call me crazy but, I was banded on 10-30-07 and I painted my dining room this morning. The more I move the less sore I feel.

  9. Thanks, Carol, that's nice of you to say! (Now if only it were true.....:()

    For what it's worth, I'm right there with you in the husband department. My husband was completely supportive before surgery, but has had a difficult time since. I'm not sure if he feels insecure, or upset by the financial burden this placed on our family, or both..... But, it would be nice to feel a little more support from the one person you count on more than anyone else. This is a difficult process and a difficult decision to make, and it only makes it that much more complex if your loved one isn't 100 percent by your side. I get it. It hurts.

    Congratulations on getting your first appointment scheduled. You are on your way! :biggrin1:


    Thank you! I was so shocked when they called me & my husband was standing right there...I wanted to jump up & down...mixed feelings for sure. I really feel he'll come around but I know it will change our lives. It is going to be as difficult for him to see me eating small portions. He's not going to think I'm eating enough. We have to take care of ourselves though.

    You have a great positive attitude. I look forward to your postings. You have been so successful and I know you've worked hard for it.

    Best wishes on your continued journey.:clap2:


  10. S. Elaine,

    Yes I did go to my seminar yesterday! I really liked Dr. Blackstone....very down to earth and very informative. I had turned my application packet in earlier last week. They just called and my first appointment is this Friday 11/9!!!! I so need my husband to join my side, before I go. It would be so much easier.

    Thanks for the note. You are such an inspiration for us all! Soon S. Elaine will stand for "skinny" Elaine. :(


  11. Hi everyone! My husband is loving & supportive of me, but is definately playing the devil's advocate on my decision to do the lapband. I'm 56, in good health except for mobility, joint pain, feet & knee pain from my 300 lb+ weight. My BMI has been 50+ for ten years or more. I've talked about lapbanding off & on for about 5 years and he has always said no way.

    In August I discussed with him again & he said if our family doc gave his blessing, he would give his. Long story short, doc said he would rather I try something else first (like I haven't tried everything presented in my adult life!!!!), presented all the risks, etc. IF later I decided on the lapband, he would agree. After I got over my bubble being burst, I joined Weight Watchers and have lost 10.5 lbs in 8 weeks.

    A couple weeks ago I made my decision and discussed w/husband. His response "if you know you are strong enough to make this decision and do all the work to make this successful, ie the liquid prep and post op, exercise, discipline, etc., why can't you use that same strength you know you have, and do it without the surgery?" ouch It's not that I have not thought of that myself......but I do not know HOW to answer that question to make him understand. And maybe I'm looking for an answer for him that isn't there.

    I want this and I would really like to have his understanding full support. Not sure that is possible.

    Any suggestions would be SO appreciated!

    Sorry for the long message.


  12. Diane, congratulations and best wishes for tomorrow and your recovery. What an exciting time for you. I understand it all takes time. I'm anxious like everyone, once you make the decision, you want it now! I'm going to stick to Weight Watchers and try to go with the flow during the process.

    Thank you for your response & I look forward to hearing about your experience and progress.


  13. Hi Newlife & Jacole1820! I have started the process at Scottsdale Bariatric also. I waited until I made my decision to Lapband and then picked Dr. Blackstone. I'm scheduled this Sunday for the seminar and have already submitted my paperwork. I'll be self-pay. Do you know how long the process is for this facility? Hope you both receive your surgery date soon!

    I'm so ready. Husband is a bit apprehensive....any suggestions from anyone?

    Best wishes!


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