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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by SandyS

  1. I thought about this often before surgery. I am nine months post op and cook for my family with no issues. I have zero interest in food, have no desire to taste anything I'm cooking, and if I do eat what I cook for them it's very small portions. Some days I don't feel like eating much and I'll drink my Protein Shakes. To be honest my stomach feels better when I drink my shakes. I also pick up fast food for them and have no temptation what so ever to eat that stuff. I hope this feeling is forever! Best of luck to you with your upcoming surgery. You will do great!

  2. I had to agree to never drink alcohol again. Yup, for the rest of my life. Apparently there is a high rate of WLS patients becoming alcoholics/drinking in large quantities after surgery. My surgeon called it food transfer addiction. Instead of being addicted to food we become can become addicted to alcohol. I don't miss it. But two weeks post op? Yikes! Your pouch is still new and is not healed. ;)

  3. It is scary to think about long term consequences. I am eight months post op and have lost 102 pounds with 30 more to go. My regret is I didn't have surgery years ago! I'll be 44 years old next month and I don't know how long I'll live but I know I won't die because I was morbidly obese. I had no issues before surgery except for a fatty liver which has resolved itself. Surgery and the unknown is the scariest thing in the world but taking this leap has been so rewarding.

  4. My highest weight was 292 and six months post op I weigh 200 exactly. I am 5'6" too and was wearing 22/24 pants and can now wear 14/16. I have sagging skin on my arms but not much. You know the kind of sagging when I wave and my arm keeps waving after I stopped! But I'm okay with it. My stomach on the other hand is a mess but I still have 50 pounds to lose so I'm not worried yet. For me I would rather weight 140 pounds less with some sagging than to be extremely obese and miserable. It's a fair trade. :)

  5. My surgery was on a Thursday and I went home Sunday. My hubby was back to work Monday but our 12 year old son stayed home with me because he didn't want to leave me. He was a great helper! I think having someone with you on your first full day home is an excellent idea.

  6. I found this yummy no sugar no calorie flavoring for my sugar free hot chocolate! I also added it to iced coffee! I love that I can make my own speciality drinks without having to worry about dumping because of the sugar content or ordering something sugar free and it's really regular. I'm a happy girl.


  7. For me post op life is nothing what I expected. I no longer crave anything and I'm never hungry. I set timers on my phone when it is time for me to eat. I still cook and get takeout for my family but I don't eat it. I have my own food either Protein Shakes, yogurt, or other high Protein food. To be completely honest when I see people eating junk food and a lot of it I get nauseous. Food is the last thing I think about. I'm four months post op and had RNY. I'm not sure if other people feel the same as me but sitting around eating pizza and junk is not appealing. Plus with my pouch the size of a golf ball I could not fit a ton of food in there. I also have not experienced dumping. Best of luck to you during your journey! :)

  8. 1200 calories seems to be a lot. I am 4 months post op and my average calories per day are 700-800. My goal for Protein at this point is 70 grams per day and I meet that. I've had so many stalls and it is so frustrating. I am not allowed bread or Pasta until I am one year post op. To be honest I don't even miss it. I used to LOVE pasta! I don't eat meat of any kind except for beef Jerky which I can tolerate well. I get my protein from yogurt and Protein Drinks. Seems to be working right now but the weight is coming off slowly now. I have found that it is so hard to find my groove to keep the weight coming off in a good pattern. This journey has been a rollar coaster but I am so glad I did it! Best of luck to you. :)

  9. I messed up today! Walking through Walgreens and seen sugar free Reese's Peanut Butter cups. So I bought them. I stared at them when I got home and thought only one and its sugar free. Well, sadly they taste just like the real thing! Yummy!!! So every time I walked through the kitchen I took one. It was a bag of 10 minis and I my son had one. I just finished the bag! 9 mini ones in a day. I completely messed up and I promise myself I will never ever buy them again. The extra 360 calories was not worth it. Tomorrow I will also be staying off the scale. ????

  10. Hi SandyS, I have thinking about you and if you have any breakthroughs. I am still stalling (5 wks now). I am working out a lot, but I am now starting to revert back to some old habits. The frustration is really hurting me. I do hope that you are doing better. Any advice would be great.

    Hi! So nice to hear from you. :) I am sorry you are so frustrated. This too shall pass (I hope, lol). Since posting this I have only lost 5 pounds. I'm frustated but I see the changes with my body and I am happy. I am trying so hard to not focus so much on the scale but more on how my clothes fit. I read on here that exercising a lot will actually work against you. My exercise therapist told me that at this point it does not matter how little I exercise because my body is still adjusting and too much will slow weight loss. My body will begin to think I am starving and weight loss will stop. I only go to the gym three days per week and walk 20 minutes on the treadmill. I am focusing on getting my recommended Protein intake and I have a shake every night (Premier Protein, 30 grams per shake). Doing a shake everyday takes the pressure off of trying to get 60-70 grams of protein daily from just food. Today I hit my halfway point... 71 pounds lost with 71 more to go!!! :) All we can do is keep swimming! Keep in touch and best of luck to you.

  11. I've too have been at a stall and frustrated! I am 3 months post-op, RNY. My physician said at this point I should be consuming between 600-800 calories and 70 grams of Protein per day. I am right around 600 calories per day and I get between 60-70 grams of protein. My NUT told me she does not care how I get my protein as long as I get it either from food or shakes. I do a shake a day (Premier Protein, 30 grams of protein) and the rest I get from food. I also have 2-3 Snacks per day usually a slice of cheese, a cup of lactose free fat free milk, or mixed nuts. This has just changed for me because previously before my doctors appointment I was consuming between 300-400 calories per day and an average of 40-50 grams of protein per day. I was told I need to step it up because my weight loss will stall and I will start losing more hair. :( So I stepped it up and I am full all day! Eating is a chore for me. Hoping my weight loss starts up again before I pull my hair out! LOL Best of luck to you. :)

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