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Joyful WeightFree

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Posts posted by Joyful WeightFree

  1. Hello - I have been working towards this surgery mentally and physically since the first of 2014. There were glitches with a change in Doctors but I had lost 50 lbs during the time preparing for the approval date and was just about to be scheduled - and my mother passed away, and a week later was my Therapist Consultation for my psychology approval. I have been through a lot and the therapist said I needed a few more sessions - which I agreed. But she has not returned any phone calls or messages or made another appointment. -- So now what? I had emptied my kitchen cabinets of regular food and bought a supply of Bariatric Protein Soups, Jello, drinks, Vitamins and shakes everything necessary to be prepared. Now I don't know what to do? Shouldn't the office tell advise me to forget it - or find another therapist and perhaps get another's view? I was told I had 2 months but I was right at the point of getting a surgery date! I don't know how to eat now! What Do I Do???

    I believe I am going to have to let this one go and accept this as "it was not meant to be for me" I think I understand now - there was a sign... that I should acknowledge the therapist is right, and I can do it on my own if I've come this far - ? - why not!


  2. Hello - I have been working towards this surgery mentally and physically since the first of 2014. There were glitches with a change in Doctors but I had lost 50 lbs during the time preparing for the approval date and was just about to be scheduled - and my mother passed away, and a week later was my Therapist Consultation for my psychology approval. I have been through a lot and the therapist said I needed a few more sessions - which I agreed. But she has not returned any phone calls or messages or made another appointment. -- So now what? I had emptied my kitchen cabinets of regular food and bought a supply of Bariatric Protein Soups, Jello, drinks, Vitamins and shakes everything necessary to be prepared. Now I don't know what to do? Shouldn't the office tell advise me to forget it - or find another therapist and perhaps get another's view? I was told I had 2 months but I was right at the point of getting a surgery date! I don't know how to eat now! What Do I Do???

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