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Lynn B

LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Lynn B

  1. 9/12/05-10:30am Arrived at BIDMC, waited about a half hour before being brought into pre-op, one of my anesthesiologist came and started my IV (BIDMC is a teaching hospital so although he got my IV in with no problems you could tell that he needed to practice more - he almost forgot to put on gloves - but he did a good job).

    2pm still waiting to go into the OR - they were cleaning the room - must have been the cleanest one around when they were done. The anesthesiologist came and wheeled me into the OR - My main anesthesiologist is also my surgeons wife - Stephanie Jones, she was wonderful - she went out and talked with my Mom after surgery and told her that I wake up very well.

    3:45ish Surgery went great - no problems, I lost 25lbs before so my doctor was able to fit me with the smaller band. Recovery - my first though "What in the hell have I done" I was in pain but that was quickly remedied.

    5pm Into my room (my room mate had been taken to brain surgery and did not return until the next day) I rested comfortably - had a morphine pain button that I could dose myself with - Wonderful. Nothing by mouth until tomorrow but the mouth swabs are great for getting that dry feeling in your mouth and throat to go away.

    Vitals ever hour or so - I don't remember what time I got up for my first walk - it must have been around 8pm. One lap down the hallway and back - the nurse said that was enough for day one.

    9pm-7am I don't sleep well away from home and this was no exception I was away every hour and the night crawled by but I wasn't in any pain.

    9/13/05-9am my IV stopped flowing - I was getting back in bed from a walk and bent my arm and that was it - no more IV. A nurse tried to start one in my hand but couldn't get it - no fluids and no morphine - but still OK.

    10:30am Transport came to take me down to have the barium swallow done - still no IV but my nurse got me a couple of Morphine injections - oww. Fluoroscopy was awesome (barium is not as bad as the clear stuff they make you drink first - gag) I got to see my port and all my plumbing - pretty cool! Back to my room - more walking - went to the solarium to read. Got to have my 1oz of Water by mouth - it was sooo good.

    12:30ish tolerated water well so I got to have 1oz strawberry CIB per hour. Not bad. Walking & resting. IV nurse came to start an IV - tried two additional locations with no luck - said that they should put a long line in my whole arm (I think not) - feeling like a human pin cushion. Got my catheter out - Yay.

    1pm another IV nurse arrives - told her to go away that I was leaving in a few hours and she wasn't poking me anymore - she left.

    3pm Peed - cleared to go home!!!

    5pm chocolate CIB for dinner - Yum.

    6pm My surgeon stops by to check on me. Told me I could stay and leave tomorrow. I had to convince him I was good to go (I needed to get some sleep and it wasn't going to happen there). He reluctantly agreed (Dr. Jones is so over protective - I like that in a doctor)

    Home by 8pm exhausted, sore but happy. (all times are approximate as morphine has a way of making you a little fuzzy)

  2. If you got a spirometer from the hospital (the breathing thingy with the ball that Lisa discribed) I would use it as much as possible - clears the lungs up and prevents pneumonia. If not take very deep breaths several times an hour - it really does help. If you doctor is local he may also be able to get you one.

    Good luck,

  3. I went out with the girls friday after work and had one cranberry juice and parot bay rum. I enjoyed it and stopped at one. Drinking poses no problem for me other than the calories in the mixers. At home or at friends houses I do vodka with lemonade crystal light and have had no weight gain from it - but always in moderation.

    Good luck,

  4. I have found that most chewable Calcium is calcium carbonate. calcium citrate is absorbed more easily and is recomended by my nutrionist for RNY patients because they mal-absorb. Band patients can take either one because we don't mal-absorb. We also need less calcium for that same reason. The nutritionish said 1100 for band and 1500 for RNY.

    I bought the GNC chewable in cherry flavor - very good!

    Hope this helps,

  5. I got a 47 - right on track (but I have to agree with Lisa, Dr. Phil is an @$$, IMO)

    41 TO 50 POINTS: Others see you as fresh, lively, charming,

    amusing, practical, and always interesting; someone who's constantly in

    the center of attention, but sufficiently well-balanced not to let it

    go to their head. They also see you as kind, considerate, and

    understanding; someone who'll always cheer them up and help them out.

  6. Hi, when you were released from the hospital were you tolerating liquids? If not they shouldn't have let you go. You don't need to worry about nurishment at this point but hydration is a must. If you can not keep Water down go to the ER now. Dry heaves at this point are detrimental to your band placement and must be stopped. I would call the doctors office every 15 min until they had someone that can help you get back to you. I hope you feel better soon!

    Good luck,

    <!--StartFragment -->

  7. Hi,

    I lost 18 lbs between surgery and my first fill at 7 weeks. I was afraid to do damage to the new surgical site so I followed the doctors eating guide lines almost to perfection. I know that "dieting" is hard for most of us but I would recomend trying to stay with in your doctors guidlines during this time so that you don't do any damage to your new pouch or band. Now that I've said that - I did eat a couple of things that I shouldn't have but I made sure that I chewed well and kept the portions very very small. The first 6 weeks is for healing so don't be to concerned about loss during this time, just pamper your pouch and keep your foods soft.

    Good luck,

  8. Congrats on the loss - that is awesome. I fall asleep the minute the plane leaves the runway - happens every time. I took a red eye from LAX to Logan in Boston and slept all 6 hours - except when they brought Snacks (of course). Bring some gum to chew during take off and landing - it will help your ears pop and equalize the pressure so it doesn't hurt (just don't swallow it). Also, I have never gotten motion sickness but a pop a dramamine every time just in case.

    Have fun!!

  9. Your still in the rough spot - at 6 weeks out I feel totally normal (have since about 4 1/2 weeks out). It may not feel like it now but things do get better - just tough through it and it will pay off in the end. Keep using the pain meds as long as you need to - your body heals better when you are not in pain. I went back to work on day 9 and came home every night for the first week and fell a sleep. Now I cant even tell that I had surgery except for the funky little port - If I put my hand on it when I walk I can feel it.

    Good luck!

  10. Hi Bandayed, You are using Dr. Schnieder right? You are going to be so thrilled. I am 6 weeks post op now and have not had a single problem. I go for a fill with Dr. Jones in 1.5 weeks. Sit back and enjoy - the hospital staff is wonderfull and that fist sip of CIB on day two is like heaven. Beware of the clear stuff they make you drink before the floroscopy (it is nasty so get it down quick) the barium is yummy compared to the clear stuff. They have a patient solarium that is a nice place to wheel your IV to and do a little reading.

    Good luck - update us when you return.

  11. Dont crush it!!! Unless you enjoy the most bitter - nasty tasting stuff ever invented. I went to the PCP for a UTI at the end of last week and asked for a pill that was crushable or a liquid. I got the big white horse pill and crushed it. Mixed it with Peanut Butter and that wasn't bad but I have to take these 2x a day for 7 days so that was out just on calories. Next I tried Jello - dont do this - it just sticks to the outside and gets worse. I tried applesauce and one pill contaminated 4oz of applesauce to the point where it was almost not edible.

    I switch to the pill cutter and I cut them in half and in half again and again until they are small enough to go down but not powdery. I have been doing this for 3 days and have not had any problems yet.

    Good luck,

  12. Well here is a funny flip to the coin - at my DR's office I kept running into another patient - we were on the same time schedule so we hung out and attended some meetings together. I was getting the band and she lap RNY. I told her the RNY was to drastic for me - I couldn't stand the thought of having my insides cut up and re arranged. She didn't want the band because she got the same feeling about having a foriegn object implanted in her.

    To each his own - I'm happy - she's happy so everything is good (different) but good. I would not bash anyone elses choice and I would expect the same from them.

  13. Hi all,

    I was just prescribed some antibiotics for a UTI and they are huge. I have been crushing them (OK'd by the DR) but I am having trouble finding something to mix the powder into that doesn't make me gag. I have tried Peanut Butter (the best so far but at 2x a day for 7 days thats a lot of extra calories), Jello and apple sauce. The pills are really bitter and I feel ill for about a half hour after getting the stuff down.

    Any advise would be appreciated!!


  14. Hi all

    I have found that there is a lack of support groups in my area. It seems that Boston or Hyannis are the two big locations and they are both to far for me to travel on a regular basis. I am thinking of starting a support group that would meet some where in between. I just wanted to get a head count of anyone that would be interested. I will be getting some training and will need to secure a location so it won't be immediate (unless you would like to have an informal get together to meet everyone)

    Let me know

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