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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by kaninag

  1. I got pregnant 3 months after revision from band to sleeve....we had been trying for several years and my doctor told me that I probably wouldn't be able to get pregnant until I lost about 100lbs. We had stopped trying I was focusing on weight loss......Anyway long story short I am having issues with low blood sugar. I have a few questions and concerns.

    1. What have you all done to prevent this? I am eating about every 3 hours. Maybe I need to go to every 2?

    2. I am supposed to do that sugar test next week but I honestly don't think I can go from midnight until 8am with nothing to eat.......

    3. What about during labor....do they give you fluids with sugar in it? UGH so worried.

    Other than they low blood sugar I am feeling fine.....just nervous about all of the above. Thank you in advance.

  2. If your doctor has any insight please share! Mine didnt seem worried about it and didn't offer any info either. It really feels like I have eaten an entire thanksgiving feast and i need to nap!!!

    It went away for awhile but its starting to occur again. Now I have noticed it happens more when I dont measure my food and eat things that are a little more carb dense.

  3. So the main reason for me having the sleeve was to eventually get pregnant. We just didnt expect it so soon after the surgery. We have been trying for over 2 years and had not changed anything other than me losing weight of course. Im sure my surgeon wont be happy I go see him Friday as he told me to wait at least a year.

    BUT so far everything is going fine except I feel tired after I eat ANYTHING just checking to see how everyone else manages post sleeve with pregnancy. Thankfully no morning sickness!!! And I am 2 months preggo and now officially 6 months post op.

  4. Thanks! Any ideas are appreciated. I haven't had any issues since my last post. I am on Paxil and by day 3 I really felt more calm. The worry is still there but it is a ton better. Also no more flip flopping in my chest. I should hear from the cardiologist by the end of the week regarding my stress test. They recommended me wearing a heart monitor for 30 days...that seems like a lot so we will see.

  5. Was put on Paxil. Today is day 2. Scheduled for a stress test this afternoon. Frustrated because I had an episode where I almost passed out this morning. I was putting on my make up and my heart started flip flopping in my chest. Then I saw black. Thankfully it stopped but I cant keep doing this. Not really sure why the cardiologist just didn't put me back on a beta blocker like I was on a few years ago.

  6. I was put on Paxil and told to quit worrying so much. BUT this morning I almost passed out. I was putting on my make up and my heart started flip flopping in my chest, then I felt it in my neck and things started to go black. I stood there for a few seconds and it stopped but this is kind of what I have been dealing with since surgery. I have my stress test already scheduled for today. so we will see what that says.

  7. I know its crazy. I viewed the band as no biggie as well lol.

    I had the band for 10 long miserable years. It left me with trauma too. Even so, raise your concerns with your surgeon. ..just in case.

    It's funny that I thought the band was "no biggie" - not really bariatric surgery (i know I was queen of DeNile) while sleeve was scary life changing dangerous stuff. Hmmm. .. I might have gotten both slightly wrong. .a bit exaggerated!

    Going to see a GP today.

  8. I posted this in the general thread and then found this area that I feel like is more appropriate...

    I feel like I have to start from the beginning.

    I was banded back in 2008. I did fine for the first few years but needless to say over time I started developing reflux. I had my gallbladder removed because they felt like it was the problem. It ended up being my band. So I developed severe GERD and my band slipped. I had revision done March 3rd this year. First week was great, 7 days in my heart rate jumped to 160 and my BP dropped to 78/40. They checked me for a leak...no leak.

    WELL-- when I advanced my foods per my schedule I started to get fatigued after I eat...it went away until this past weekend. Friday I was going to the gym I think my blood sugar dropped because I felt clammy, numb, jittery. I felt better after I had eaten. I got a glucometer and about a hour after eating sugar (1/2 cooking Peanut Butter and teaspoon of sugar) my sugar was only 78 so I am not really sure how low it had gotten.

    before the sleeve I always had trouble with Constipation. Not any more. And I thought I saw blood in my stool last week so this week I tested it and it is positive for blood.

    I got anxious after eating yesterday and I feel like all this crap is just causing me to be paranoid. I feel like its starting to cause me to have anxiety attacks because Im just afraid something is going to be wrong. I may even be getting depressed.

    I have felt ok since Saturday but Im just nervous...nervous that something is wrong.

    Maybe its my mind and I need to talk with a counselor or something but Im not sure what avenue to take at this point. Im probably over worrying because I was so afraid to have this surgery from the beginning just something about having part of your stomach removed.

    I have never had health issues like this. I have never had the feeling of impending doom like I did 7 days post op. I don't ever want to have that feeling again.

    Right now Im just thankful to have a forum I can kind of share my feelings with. My friends and family just get aggravated with me because I didn't tell them I was feeling bad sooner.

    I'm losing weight and I am happy about that but at the same point 2 1/2 months post op and I am regretting having this procedure.

  9. I was revised in 1 procedure and he said I had a ton of scar tissue. I was banded in 2008. mThe surgery took over 3 hrs instead of 1.5. One of the scrub techs was actually a friend of mine and she said they have never seen so much scar tissue. They had to switch out midway between the procedure to give a break. I kind of wish they would have recorded it because I would have loved to seen it. Weird I know but I work in the health care field.

  10. I feel like I have to start from the beginning.

    I was banded back in 2008. I did fine for the first few years but needless to say over time I started developing reflux. I had my gallbladder removed because they felt like it was the problem. It ended up being my band. So I developed severe GERD and my band slipped. I had revision done March 3rd this year. First week was great, 7 days in my heart rate jumped to 160 and my BP dropped to 78/40. They checked me for a leak...no leak.

    WELL-- when I advanced my foods per my schedule I started to get fatigued after I eat...it went away until this past weekend. Friday I was going to the gym I think my blood sugar dropped because I felt clammy, numb, jittery. I felt better after I had eaten. I got a glucometer and about a hour after eating sugar (1/2 cooking Peanut Butter and teaspoon of sugar) my sugar was only 78 so I am not really sure how low it had gotten.

    before the sleeve I always had trouble with Constipation. Not any more. And I thought I saw blood in my stool last week so this week I tested it and it is positive for blood.

    I got anxious after eating yesterday and I feel like all this crap is just causing me to be paranoid. I feel like its starting to cause me to have anxiety attacks because Im just afraid something is going to be wrong. I may even be getting depressed.

    I have felt ok since Saturday but Im just nervous...nervous that something is wrong.

    Maybe its my mind and I need to talk with a counselor or something but Im not sure what avenue to take at this point. Im probably over worrying because I was so afraid to have this surgery from the beginning just something about having part of your stomach removed.

    I have never had health issues like this. I have never had the feeling of impending doom like I did 7 days post op. I don't ever want to have that feeling again.

    Right now Im just thankful to have a forum I can kind of share my feelings with. My friends and family just get aggravated with me because I didn't tell them I was feeling bad sooner.

    I'm losing weight and I am happy about that but at the same point 2 1/2 months post op and I am regretting having this procedure.

    • I feel like I am--granted I had surgery on March 3rd. In the beginning no problems but a week after surgery I had an episode with my heart racing and since then I have been so paranoid. To the point that I got some stool cards and I checked my own stool for blood. It is positive. Granted I don't see blood in my stool and its not black and tarry it is still there. When I eat if I get the least little bitty symptom post eating I start feeling panicky.

    I also think Im depressed. Not sure why....Im losing weight.

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