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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by abbyrn27

  1. Ugh I feel better reading this and so motivated. I too have been working from home since COVID. I work in healthcare administration but anyone not taking care of patients has been work from home since March. I have a high stress job and a lot of responsibility so this has been a truly difficult time. I've never worked more in my life trying to keep our teams safe and keeping up with constantly changing rules and regulations.

    I was sleeved 5 years ago and got pregnant a year and a half after. We had been trying for 5 years. After my pregnancy I slowly gained back and COVID has made it worse. I'm finally back in the gym and working my ass off but I need to get a handle on my eating. Thanks for reminding me to GET BACK TO THE BASICS! Protein first, Water, veggies, HINT of carbs.

  2. 3 months down and 60 lbs later. I feel like a whole new person. Life has never been so amazing. I seriously doubted my decision the first month. It was the hardest season of my life so far. But so so SO worth it. And I'm no where near where I need to be yet!!!

    Hi you look great! I'm almost due for my surgery, just a few days left. Would you mind telling me why you feel the 1st month was so hard? Just so I know what to expect..

    Absolutely! I had the sleeve and a hernia repair. The hernia repair was more painful than my sleeve incisions. It felt very tight to swallow for about 10 days. I drank Water constantly even just the tiniest sips at a time so I wouldn't get dehydrated. I had to do 2 weeks of liquids just after my surgery and that was the toughest part. I just wanted to chew something and I really recognized how addicted to food I really was.

    Week 3 I had a stall and stayed at the same weight. It was hard but I tried to focus on my clothes and things feeling loose. Now I'm back to losing again and I feel amazing. I truly eat now just because I know I need to not because it tastes good or helps me de-stress. I have more energy and more confidence especially at work. People can noticeably tell and that's a nice confidence booster. I'm on mushy foods for the next 2 weeks and it's going good.

    All in all it was hard immediately after but I had great care, good pain meds and tons of love and support from my friends and family. I'm really grateful I did this. It has truly changed my life.

    Good luck with your surgery - you'll do awesome!

  3. Ok. I've been grouchy and negative and whining about my stall so I just had to post something positive: it dawned on me today that I no longer am having ANY food cravings. I literally eat because it's time to...not because it tastes good or cheers me up or any other reason. The sight of cake nearly made me vomit yesterday at work when someone brought one in. As hard as this whole experience has been so far ...I am SOOOOO glad I made this decision. My clothes are falling off me, I chased my daughter around at the park for an hour tonight (I even went down the slides without worrying about my size) and I feel like I have control over things for the first time ever.

  4. Hey folks, can people post some stats from their pre/post surgery and maybe weekly updates? Seems like I have the farthest to go of all us may 19th sleevers.. Any one do estimates of how long till goal weight?

    Highest weight:244 lbs

    Surgical weight: 229 lbs

    Current weight: 214 lbs

    I'm 5'4. My goal is 125 lbs. Would love to make it there within a year of my surgery.

  5. I tried to eat a baked potato and could only get 2 spoonfuls before I felt like I was going to explode! I was sad because it looked and smelled so good lol This is what I needed though. A restricted way to make me limit the amount of food I can eat! Feeling grateful now :)

    I'm jealous! I still have to be on fluids til Monday :( Glad you're feeling the restriction!!!!

  6. The fluoroscopy showed I am healing perfectly. My Dr said it was the Levaquin. The diarrhea was a side effect. Because I was post op only a few days it was impossible to stay hydrated. It happen so fast. I began dry heaving and had my daughter rush me to the hospital. He said it was good I realized what was happening and rushed to the hospital. My electrolytes are all out of wack. I have had so far my potassium, phosphate and they will be replacing my Calcium. But I have not had any diarrhea since yesterday. I had nausea this morning but that's because my electrolytes are out of wack. But with my electrolytes are being replaced so I am feeling better. So my diet was changed to clear diet. Ice chips never tasted sooooooo good!

    Yaaaay! So glad to hear!

  7. I checked the scale today since today marks 1 week post op. I've lost 11 lbs :o I went for a walk yesterday and have been tolerating fluids pretty good. I see the surgeon tomorrow so I can move to full liquids stage

    Awesome!!!! I'm down 10! Can believe how fast is falling off.

    Anyone else have times where you feel like you need a few more calories? I've had a couple episodes of what I think is low blood sugar. I'm not diabetic but I had gestational diabetes so I know the feeling well. Any thoughts?

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