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Everything posted by Carsons_Mommy

  1. Carsons_Mommy

    Pre-op Diet

    The Protein Drinks really aren't that bad. You just have to find the right one. So far, the only one I've tried is Designer whey <plain/unflavored>. I bought one of those shakers for it too. A meal, for example: today for Breakfast, I mixed it with lowfat yogurt, vanilla soy milk and 1 scoop of Protein powder. Shook the hell out of it and it actually tasted really good! Lunch was some cheese and lean meat <ugh!> then a shake about 2 hours later... and now I'm STARVING!!!!!! <sigh>
  2. Carsons_Mommy

    Surgery Stories

    LOL! Well, if you take enough of your pain meds, that might just work out ok! Smarty! You know what I mean. LOL! You really are feeling pretty good, aren't you?! Little Miss Sassy!
  3. Carsons_Mommy

    Surgery Stories

    Vanessa - I'd heard that the port incision is probably going to be the more painful since they had to cut a little more into your stomach muscles. Take it easy and sleep, sleep, sleep!! We'll chat more with you in the coming days so let us know how you're holding up. Sending you all kinds of good, healing thoughts!!!!
  4. Carsons_Mommy

    Pre-op Diet

    Ok, so I am so totally sucking at the 2-week pre-op diet. Well, maybe that's a little harsh, but I know I could be doing better. I've been having my protein drinks in the morning, then I get ONE solid meal which I choose to make that lunch because - um, going all day until dinner without solids? Are ya' kiddin' me???? It could get ugly, my friends. I am so hungry, you guys!!!! Aaa! Help!
  5. Carsons_Mommy

    Surgery Stories

    Vanessa! So glad to hear your surgery went well. We're all so proud of you!!!! All, I actually have to give myself Heparin injections every 8 hours for 2 weeks post-op. They have all of their patients do this I guess. At my last appointment, the nurse had me give myself a shot of saline <into my belly area> so that I could prove to her I could do it. I'm not worried about it. My husband pretty much turned GREY when I asked if he would be able to help me if I found I was having trouble with it. That would be a big, resounding no. What he lacks in medical fortitude, he makes up for in so many other ways. Hehehe...
  6. Carsons_Mommy

    Surgery Stories

    Longhorn: I was telling Dianne <in another Forum> that I was really nervous about this being an "Outpatient" procedure, but shoot! You seem like you're doing GREAT! How long did the procedure take? Are you having to do Heparin shots? With all of us having different pre and post op diets, I wasn't sure if this was a common part of the whole thing for everyone. Wow... I just can't get over that you're so awake and that you sound like you're feeling pretty doggone good! That's so completely and totally encouraging!!!!
  7. Carsons_Mommy

    No one in Nov?

    Oh my gosh!!! You're so perky and sound so great!! That's so totally encouraging, Longhorn. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! Thanks for letting us know how you're doing. Any nausea at all? Did they give you that little behind-the-ear patch for the nausea? Wow... I am so encouraged to hear that you're doing so well. Thanks for hopping on line so soon to tell us. We're all SO PROUD OF YOU!!!!
  8. Carsons_Mommy

    No one in Nov?

    Absolutely!! I'm here for ya'!!! So by next Thursday, you and I will be getting all ready for our big day! How long will you be in Mexico after your surgery? I have to tell you, I got totally freaked out last night when I got home. I checked my messages and there was one from my surgeon's office: "Please call me as soon as you can. I need to discuss something with you." So cryptic! Thanks a lot nurse lady!! I could barely sleep because I was sure they were going to tell me that something had gone wrong with my tests and I couldn't have my surgery or that maybe the doctor decided to go on Thanksgiving vacation early and I'd have to reschedule. LOL! It's amazing what a nut job I was. My husband kept saying, "I'm sure it's nothing! They probably want to confirm your surgery or something." It turned out they couldn't find anything documenting my vitals from my physical. I called my OB right away and asked her to fax them her chart notes. Whew! Calm again. Good lord... By the way, not only am I 41, but I've got a very young son: 4 1/2 yrs old. He runs me RAGGED! I can't wait until I can go to the park and slide down the slides with him. He always asks me and I have to say, "Honey, mommy will be able to do that very soon! I promise!!" He says, "Ok Mommy. It's ok." breaks my heart. Soon, though. Very soon. Before I know it I'll be sliding, swinging, climbing, and running all over the park with him.
  9. Carsons_Mommy

    Surgery in 1 week...so NERVOUS!!

    By the way, Stranger138, I LOVE the dancing banana in your signature! LOL!!!
  10. Carsons_Mommy

    Surgery in 1 week...so NERVOUS!!

    Hey now, Stranger138! "Thin little ol' me" is definitely going to happen! Hell! Thin to me would be to fit into a size 14!!! I don't want to be a candidate for America's Next Top Model, for cryin' out loud! Hehehe... but I think "thin little ol' me" is just around the corner!! Dianne, thanks for the encouragement. I may just "Ow! Oh my! Wow! That hurts!" a little more than usual if I feel uncomfortable about going home. My surgery is next Friday, 11/9/07. WOOHOO!!! I had a little 'scare' from my surgeon's office this morning, though. They called and said they were missing some of my paperwork - the chart notes from my physical. If I didn't have those, I would have to get in to see the doc and possibly reschedule. NOW you tell me you're missing them? Good lord!!! But I called my OB and she's going to send the notes she has. It practically takes an act of Congress to get in and see my docs because they're all so booked up. Everyone think good thoughts that the chart notes she sends them are sufficient.
  11. Carsons_Mommy

    Surgery in 1 week...so NERVOUS!!

    Dianne - My procedure is an OUTPATIENT surgery. Yikes! I'm going in at 10am and then probably going home at 7pm or so. I'm a little scared about that. I've already had my gall bladder out (laparoscopically) and that required a 3-day stay in the hospital. I'm pretty scared about being sent home the *same day* after my surgery. Is anyone else doing that?? They said they'd keep me overnight if I was in too much pain or if there was severe vomiting.
  12. Carsons_Mommy

    Surgery Stories

    It is our big month!!! I'm getting so excited for everyone!!! I've got butterflies this morning. I think it's because so many of our group is going in today and tomorrow. Wow! I have a great book suggestion, by the way. Go and buy "The Secret" and read it during your recovery. If you can get the DVD to go with it, do that too. Watch the DVD first and then read the book. It's a little cheesy, but try to overlook that and just take the message from it. "The Universe sends into your life that which you truly want." So be careful what you focus on and what you ask for. Send out the message of quick and easy recovery from surgery and successful weight loss. Here we all go on our new life journeys!! I'm thinking of you all and sending you all good, healing, healthy, happy thoughts!!!!!
  13. Carsons_Mommy

    No one in Nov?

    Hey Banded4Life... I hear ya'. I'm scared too. But you know what? This is the BEST decision we've ever made for ourselves - EVER! The alternative, not doing it and struggling with diet after diet after diet? That's not an option. It doesn't work. This will work and we will all be here for one another to make sure it does. I'm so sorry that you have to go alone, but I want you to know something: my husband and I were traveling last week and I just happened to meet a woman at our hotel <during Breakfast, of all things - hehehe> whose sister had her surgery done in Mexico. She said it was a FABULOUS experience! The doctors there were amazing! I don't know where you're going, but I'm sure there aren't all THAT many surgeons down there doing this procedure. We will all be with you in spirit, cheering you on, waiting for you to get back and tell us all how it went -- so, technically, you're not REALLY alone. :-) When do you actually leave for your trip down there? We'll definitely keep in touch right up until you go and as soon as we're both able to chat afterward. We're here for you!!!
  14. Carsons_Mommy

    No one in Nov?

    Stranger138: I found it all a clever (or cruel) irony that I went to a bariatric surgeon and was put on a diet. LOL! What the heck??? The logical-thinking individual in me can totally see what their reasoning is. It's all very smart and wise to get your brain conditioned to the notion of smaller amounts, chewing longer, etc. blah, blah, blah. However, the food adoring, chip-munching, coffee-drinking, compulsive-overeater in me looked them square in the eye and said, "You have GOT to be kidding me???" All I have to say to your splurge is "Tomorrow is a new day, sister!!" You know, I think the fact that we've had ANY bit of success on our pre-op diets is AWESOME!
  15. Carsons_Mommy

    No one in Nov?

    Hey Banded4Life! I am SO excited!!!! Are you? The 9th is SO close - just around the corner. I cannot wait and I'm SO ready. What time is your surgery? Mine is at noon PDT. I check in at 10am. My best friend is actually having a car service chauffeur me, her and my Dad to the hospital. My husband can't be there because of work, but he'll be picking me up later that night. This 2-week pre-op period is rough. Without the restriction in place, I get SO HUNGRY!!! Have you found that too? It's so incredibly frustrating because I know I'm not doing as well as I could be with this pre-op phase. <sigh> I'll just keep working at it until next Friday arrives. I'm going tonight to pick up my prescriptions. Heparin shots - EEK!
  16. Carsons_Mommy

    No one in Nov?

    Yes! Vitamin Shoppe is great! Also, just so you all know, if you buy something from Super Supplements, you get it home and find you don't like it, YOU CAN RETURN IT!! Even if it's been opened! My Dietician told me about that. It's a beautiful thing especially if you get some completely NASTY tasting protein drink or, in my case, the world's most disgusting liquid multi-vitamin! Holy cow!!! Just about put me over the edge of reason when I tasted that sludge! That went back to the store the next day.
  17. Carsons_Mommy

    No one in Nov?

    I haven't bought anything from GNC, but I picked up some Designer Whey from Super Supplements. I got the plain/flavorless kind. It dissolves really well and doesn't taint the flavor of the beverages that I use it in. I've mixed it with tomato soup, Crystal Light, Vanilla Soy Milk, juices. It works pretty well.
  18. Carsons_Mommy

    Surgery Stories

    We'll be waiting. GOOD LUCK!!!!! Remember: take it EASY after your surgery. Don't rush your recovery. Enjoy the relaxation time that you have. Small bites. Long chews. Small sips. We're here for you!!!:clap2:
  19. Carsons_Mommy

    No one in Nov?

    Oh, honey I'm so sorry!! I know you probably don't want to hear this because I, myself, wouldn't want to but keep drinking water. It will actually help to flush the headache out. See? You didn't want to hear that, did you. Sorry!! Also, if you are a coffee drinker, that's why the headache. Another "Duh!" but again, water, water, water will help. Plus, seriously, a TEASPOON of coffee or anything caffeinated will get rid of your headache. Did you know that just a teaspoon of caffeinated "something" is enough? I hope your headache gets better. Hang in there! It's all for the end result friend!!!! You can do it!!!!!!:whoo:
  20. Carsons_Mommy

    No one in Nov?

    Kristina, you're gonna do GREAT!!!! We'll all be sending good thoughts and prayers your way and we'll be here waiting to hear how it went when you get back.
  21. Carsons_Mommy

    Surgery in 1 week...so NERVOUS!!

    Laura: We're all ABSOLUTELY going to be here for you through this entire process. Who better to support you, understand what you're going through and provide an "ear" for venting when things get scary, frustrating, annoying, exciting, et al. Bring it on, baby!! We can take it!! GOOD LUCK LAURA!!!!! Kandice: Hey!! A fellow Washingtonian!! I'm down in Des Moines, WA!!! I'll have the lovely sounds of SeaTac airport to lull me to sleep post-surgery. LOL! I'm having it next week - Friday the 9th. EEK!! Good luck to you!!
  22. Carsons_Mommy

    Surgery Stories

    What a great idea!! Very thoughtful of you. :nervous The countdown has begun for so many of us. How EXCITING!!
  23. Carsons_Mommy

    No one in Nov?

    KristinaDawn: That is so AWESOME! I'm so excited for you. I have to just spend the next week and 4 days twiddling my thumbs, tapping my toes, annoying my co-workers. Hehehe... Good luck with your surgery!! Let us all know how you're doing as soon as you can!
  24. Carsons_Mommy

    November Surgery Dates

    Hey!! I'm going in on 11/9/07! WOOHOO!!!! Aw, yeah!!! Who's excited? Why that would be ME!!!!! :whoo: november date 1stPattyPoo Nessa3678 brandymom1234 Mom_of_Chuy 2nd lizzie_07 lindata 5th DLW Hungryforchange Forestcat 6th ndmom 7th Goldie1109 susieq125 shadst83 8th anw5102 9th Banded4Life neen7171 maccy mariaxoxo4u Carsons_Mommy 10th Selisejohnson omlagirl 12th jrsyshoregrl684 suebob 27th 731Shawty 29th Sassafras
  25. Carsons_Mommy

    No one in Nov?

    Hi Everyone! Well, I'm going in on 11/9/07 for my surgery. I'm really excited, but I'm also scared. They put the fear of GOD into you about blood clots, so that part of it has me all nervous. I told my husband that I had to give myself Heparin injections every 8 hours for 2 weeks... I thought he was going to pass out at the thought. LOL! Guess he won't be helping with those. No worries. I'm tough. I can do it. It's so great to have other people to talk through who have either gone through this or are getting ready to like me. GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE!!!! By the way, I'm having "Ticker Woes" too. I've got it all created on Ticker Factory, but now I don't know how to upload it. :-( Help!:faint:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
