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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by 4jin

  1. Hi all my surgery was smooth.

    I was in at 5:30AM surgery at 7:30 and I was home by 1PM.

    It was sort of difficult not being able to shower and having to depend on someone else to prepare your drinks and help you up but today I got up and felt great!

    I even walked on the treadmill for 15 minutes.

    And the incisions look good.

  2. Hello everyone. I was banded on Feb 4. I was able to be home by 1pm. perhaps it was earlier but the pain med had distraught.

    You cannot see your port. You will know where it is at because you will feel the most soreness in that spot. The worst part is not being able to shower until 48 hours after surgery. I gave myself babywipes bath and sponge bath in private areas. The most pain is the gas. The gas pain can get horrible if you stay sitting or laying for too long. I moved around and it has helped.

    I have even had bowel movements!

  3. Hmm, clear liquids, beer,:tongue: white wine, :martini_shaken:Martini's (skip the olive) blush wine, vodka, champaigne, :angry: I could make that work.:eek: Only kidding. it will be worth it in the end. All that junk food will only add pounds anyway. By Monday morning you will be real glad you stuck with the liquids. :smile:

    too funny!

  4. I would look for any doctor's office that won't give you this negativity before you even consult with the surgeon.

    The medical coordinator should meet with you in person and go over your policy if they do allow bariatric procedures.

    At that time in person she should explain and go over your insurance company requirements. ( I looked it up on my own) You can call them and ask for certificate booklet or tell them to show you where you can view these requirements online and print them out. go over them yourself they are very precise and you will understand what they need.

    I gained some weight in order to qualify.(did a bit too well actually) LOL

    Don't give up that is only the beginning and it can be a stressful process. If the surgeon's office is giving you more stress instead of being on your side and taking away some stress or attempting to relieve it I say time to find another office!

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