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TX Diva

LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by TX Diva

  1. My bandiversary was December 17th, the day before my birthday! I'm now 70 pounds lighter, several dress sizes smaller, and most importantly.....way healthier!

    I've learned:

    • the difference between being done and being full.
    • life without soft drinks is possible.
    • healthier equals happier; and happier means healthier!
    • I can still ride a bike.
    • eating is a necessity; not a reward or thing to do when bored.
    • tucking in looks good.
    • G2 tastes yummy.
    • 30 minutes is not too long to be on the recumbent bike.

  2. I was at costco with my sister and mother and saw a Wii game called Outdoor Challenge. It has a mat that is probably similar to DDR. It has some really fun activities like Whack a Mole and jump roping that get me moving. I haven't tried the one where you sit on the mat and tilt to the left and right, but hubby said even that one seems to work some muscles.

    With that, the Wii Fit and my recumbent bike, I have no excuses to not workout during the Fall and Winter months.

    I've seen an ad for the Jillian program, but didn't know it was out yet. Thanks for adding a link. Those reviews were just awful! I love Amazon's customer reviews. I think I've been saved from bad purchases by going there first many times!

  3. Two NSVs (but they are related)

    Hubby and I went to Six Flags Over Texas on the 19th. Every ride I wanted to ride, I could! The belts fastened and the butt fit in the seat! After the Tony Hawk ride they have a booth where you can purchase a CD or DVD of your whole ride. We chose not to purchase, but I noticed that "the girls" were a bit bouncy on the screen so I knew it was time to by new bras again. I wore a 52DDD in June, and today I bought a 46DD! I was stunned standing there in the fitting room wearing a size that I haven't seen in years!

  4. I haven't had any PBs yet, thank goodness. I've been stuck a couple of times though, and I have a mental list of those foods to avoid. I've had pizza a couple of times...always thing crust and always crispy. No problems there, but I can only eat one or two slices where before I could finish off 1/2 to a whole pizza. I really haven't had the desire to have bread products.

    I had someone tell me that she keeps a box of sandwich bags in her car for PB episodes. I personally think that sounds yucky, but if I ever have a PB I might change my mind. I think the napkins sound better, but I'm passing on the other advice in case someone else likes the idea.

  5. Hello all. I haven't been on this site in awhile and I was excited to read about all the progress made! I am 3 months post op and I just had my first fill on the 17th. I weighed 287! I have been in the 300's for so long that it's difficult to comprehend that it's all behind me. At 295 it wasn't a reality to me because we all know how easily 5 pounds can be added. Now it's a reality.

    For all of you that are close...good luck...you can do it! Anyone who has not been there cannot know the joy we feel seeing a 2 in the hundreds place.

  6. Sept. 17th was my 3 month bandiversary and also the date of my first fill. I now have 1.5ccs in my band. I've lost 63 overall on this journey and 38 since my surgery. I was losing 1-2 pounds per week before my fill,so I expect my weightloss to stay on track.

    I have more energy at work, exercise almost daily, love my Protein shakes for Breakfast, eat way less than I used to, and spend less time plopped in front of the TV and computer. It's nice.

    I have set little mini goals for myself and have hit every one of them! My next goal is to lose another pant size by October 19th. My husband's company is having a party at Six Flags Over Texas and I want to ride a roller coaster that my butt barely fit in two years ago!

  7. It is just hubby and I, so I picked up a couple of Bertolli Mediterranian Style skillet bags that serve 2. I've had the Steak & Portobello Mushroom, and the chicken, Rigatoni and Broccoli. Easy peasy to make, and they were really good! Here is the nutrional links from thedailyplate.com: Bertolli Mediterranian Style Nutrition Facts, Calories, Fat, Protein, and Diet Information - food Search Results - The Daily Plate Calorie Counter

    I am the biggest cottage cheese fan right now! I need to buy stock in Breakstones because I am always purchasing their LiveActive 4 packs. I love the 4 oz. containers. I like my cottage cheese all "nekkid."

    My doctor gave me a sheet of recipes that use the AmazeRX vanilla Protein shake powder I buy from him, but I like the taste so much that I haven't tried those yet. When I do, I'll share the ones that "work."

    I have a South Beach cookbook that I was given for my birthday that I haven't even used yet. As soon as school starts I'll try out some recipes to share. What a great idea, greythope!

  8. I'm a baggy tie dye t-shirt wearing girl; however, whenever I wear something fitted my co-workers tell me how good I look. Someone always asks if I've lost weight. Plus, I've been watching "What Not To Wear" and they give good advice about what cut of clothing fits different body types.

    So, I think from experience and from that show, fitted clothing is probably more flattering. I know I still worry about my back rolls in fitted shirts, but I have to look at the whole picture!

    The bottom line though is to wear what you are comfortable in.

  9. Carrie,

    I have found I have trouble with turkey also. I purchased some deli sliced meats from Albertson's thinking that would be some nice easy Protein to chew. Both varieties of turkey give me that stuck, painful feeling. I tried the ham and it was fine. I chew, chew, chew, but something about the turkey's texture gives me problems. Now that I know you had trouble with the "real" thing, I'l know to stay away from that!

    No PBs here yet! I did overeat majorly one time. Hubby brought home the family value Taco Bell thing.....8 hard tacos and 2 bean burritos. I took one bite of the burrito and could tell I couldn't do that with the flour tortilla. I was enjoying my tacos and one bite into#4 I felt awful! I didn't want to stop but I did. I'm pretty sure I "shoulda, coulda" stopped at taco #2! I told hubby next time 3 tacos, and he replied, "No, let's do 2 and wait 20 minutes to see how you feel." He's so good for me!

  10. Good for you in doing what you know is right for you! My thinking is the longer that I do the right thing, the easier it will be down the road, and I think you are will on your way on the right road.

    Also, remember that we are your lapband family and we are here for you.


    PS....I think it takes a real man to tell people how he's feeling. Kudos!

  11. I had a NSV today! Hubby and I enjoy geocaching (Google it) and my weight and arthritis in my knees keep me from walking as fast as other geocachers. I also don't want to do too many...I get tired and sore!

    Well, today...even in the hot Texas heat. We found 16 in all. Not just get out of your car and there they are ones. Some required some walking, bending and reaching! I was NOT limping, and I was walking as fast as my 6'1" tall husband!

    I'm so pumped that I'm going on a girl geocacher road trip to Austin tomorrow and we have 450 caches loaded up! My goal is to do 150-200 before we return on Monday!

    PS....I'm even going to take my swimsuit since the hotel has an indoor pool and hot tub!

  12. More weirdness happened to me today. We went to my niece's birthday party. My step-mother-in-law asked me what I was going to to with my extra skin! I was like, um I had surgery 1 month ago, I've lost 50 pounds total...that is years down the road. She then proceeded to tell me that her friend donated her skin and she only had to pay the anesthet....etc however you spell that magic person who puts you out. I again said that I'll think about that years down the line when I'm near goal weight and she tells me that her friend was at goal weight for 2 years before she had it removed....well, hello then! My doctor told me that I'm young enough that I might have enough elasticity that it may not be a problem if I continue to exercise.

    Weirdness #2 - Also at this party was hubby's aunt that has had lapband. She gives me the weirdest freaking advice! She saw that I was not eating cake and ice cream and she said that ice cream is okay because it is low in carbs. I said, no thanks, I'm not a big ice cream fan and went back to my other conversation. (Weeks ago, she told me she chews food like popcorn and then spits it out....I'm like why bother?) I need to be as steadfast as possible at this point to really build solid, good habits, I think.

    Someone else asked if I could just have a bite of cake. I said, yes, but I choose not to.

    Later on in the car, I told hubby I should have said "Yes, I can have cake. I can have heroin and cocaine too, but I choose not to!" Hubby kept apologizing for his family, but I said it was okay. My family is so supportive in a normal way, that I think I need exposure to people that might be purposely or unintentionally trying to sabotage this.

  13. Ya know, the "somewhere beachy" appeals to me. I've stayed away from places like that for obvious reasons. How nice it would be to relax on the beach without fear that Greenpeace members are going to try to roll me back in the ocean! LOL (I'm pretty sure I stole that from a comedian....Louie Anderson maybe)

    I'm also excited about the day I can go back to an amusement park and ride anything I want!

    PS...Vegas still rocks.

  14. Welcome to bandland. I was banded on June 17th to avoid things like knee replacement, and so far I've lost 50 pounds (25 pre/25 post) and the knees are improving.

    Of all your consoles, the only one I have is a Wii. I think Guitar Hero is the only game I can play WiFi though.

    I'm still on the computer alot due to online grad. work, but I find my Facebook, Pogo time has really diminished!

    Keep up the good work!


  15. Hey there. You are making the right decision for YOU. I'm fortunate to have spousal support in my decision, but I"m pretty sure I would have done it even if he hadn't been in agreement.

    I live in Arlington, right next door to you! Good luck on your surgery!


  16. Well, I surpassed my first goal finally....

    Well, my first mini goal was to get that extra 32 lbs off so I would be at that 250 mark. Today I weighed myself and I am now 246. Thats bleow my mini goal and only 46lbs from my next mini goal, breaking 200.

    I know it will get harder and hrader as I lose weight but I think I am on the right path.

    Congratulations, Snuffy! :smile2: Yes, you are definately on the right path.

  17. I burped all the time before my surgery. I would try to say "Battlestar Galactica" or the names of people in the room. I was the champion burper. Now I have these little, delicate, petite flower burps that I have no idea are coming. I guess it's because I don't drink soft drinks anymore!

    The weirdest thing that has happened so far is that if I have sort of a craving (which is nothing like the cravings I used to get) I want some cottage cheese! Cottage cheese? That would have been the last thing I would have reached for before my surgery.

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