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Everything posted by alyce20

  1. I am 3 weeks post op... Woke up ... Made a protein shake ... Have not had one in a while because I entered into soft foods... Been having an egg white for breakfast ... However I was in a hurry... Made my shake and added a teaspoon of peanut butter... Which my paper said I could have...drank it... About 10 minutes by... I got horrible diarrhea and wanted to throw up... It passed in about an hour... What happened ? It's Sunday but I am going to call my doctor tomorrow. Any ideas? Alyce
  2. alyce20


    Can someone tell me if V8 juice is okay during the full liquid phase... I am needing to drink something other than water... I don't drink coffee or tea so I am lost. Diet Soda was my go to drink. Alyce
  3. Thank you everyone and Ann I think you are right... One day at a time! Just have to relax as I go through this ... You support is so comforting to me since I worry all the time. Alyce
  4. I have been taking the vitamins I was given preop... Mix with water they taste like tang ... For anyone that remembers tang... I am now 3 weeks post and it is making me gag... It was suggested I mixed it in my protein drink ... Totally gross... I want to go back to my gummies... Vitamin c... B12... Woman's gummy... Coq10....anyone taking these! Alyce
  5. Thank you so much.... I am going back to my gummy vitamins. I take woman's day.. Vitamin c... B12 and coqu10.... Just cant get the others down . Thanks for all the feedback
  6. I asked the same thing as I was in the holding area ....as a matter of fact my surgery was scheduled for 8am however due to someone making a mistake it wasn't until 1.... I thought that might be a sign to bail ... But I stayed ...24 days post up and happy I did it . Alyce
  7. Wow that is terrible... I spent an hour and a half with my surgeon first time .and she gave me her cell phone number if I needed to call her ever. She has two small children and a husband who is also a doctor so ism sure quite busy . I was sleeved on August 27 and she has called me personally herself to check on me. You have to be comfortable with your surgeon... Period .. End of story. I would have never even stayed as long as you did. Keep looking. Alyce
  8. I drink green juice but is delicious ... Kale... Spinach...green apples... A few grapes... Cucumber... Celery...my unflavored protein powder... All in my nutribullet....sometimes I add a tablespoon of plain yogurt....I make the individual bags for the week... Then in the morning it just makes things easier when I am getting ready for work. Just grab bag and mix.
  9. I wrote this thread somewhere and now I can't find it.... I am getting tired of plain water... I have never drank tea or coffee my entire life... Diet coke was my go to drink. Does anyone gave any suggestions of drinks ... Can we have V8 juice... I am 17 days post op.... Thank you Alyce
  10. V8 has 50 calories per 8 ounces...
  11. alyce20

    Time off work post-op

    I had my surgery on a Wednesday ... Was off until the following Tuesday... Not quite a week. I am a teacher and felt like that was all I could take off... I felt great... A little tired but I felt fine... The days I was off I did rest and sleep. I can't imagine that I would have needed 6 weeks. I also had a hiatal hernia repair. I am now almost three weeks post op and feel good. Been swimming and working out. Still no lifting . Alyce
  12. Will we ever be able to eat more than one fourth cup... Or one half cup...after that back and chest say enough. 20 days into post op... Need some advice....also what are some good fruit choices during soft food phase other than applesauce?
  13. alyce20


    I am 17 days post op... Anyone chewing gum or is that a no no? Alyce
  14. alyce20


    Thank you
  15. Is sushi considered soft foods?
  16. Yes... I had my first appointment post op and I lost 22 pounds!!! Was very happy! However... One more week on full liquids !!! Ugh!
  17. alyce20


    Sashimi has no rice correct ?
  18. alyce20

    Sleep Habits

    I am 2 weeks post op. First week I was getting into bed at 7pm.... Sleeping straight through until 5.... Have never slept like that. I did go back to work....6 days after surgery. Again... Liquids... Surgery... Hot Florida sun==a very tired me!!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
