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Pre Op
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Posts posted by Texaslatina

  1. Yesterday marked 2 months post op for me. I'm down 27 lbs and happy. Needing new, smaller sized clothes which is awesome. People comment to me in person and when I post pics on FB how great I look. It feels wonderful. Also, my BP meds have been adjusted from 4 a day down to 1 a day. I travel for work often and find that one of the most difficult things is making smart food choices. I've started to travel with Protein Shakes to keep me on track. I've had two fills since surgery and now up to 6 ccs in my band. After my second fill last week I feel tighter in the mornings and usually only have liquids in the am. It took a while to get adjusted. I have gotten stuck with chicken a few times the last few weeks and it was a terrible experience. Thankfully I was alone. I've started dating someone the last month or so and wondering when is the right time to tell him about the band. I want to be honest. He has health issues and I want him to know how I struggled before and feel so much better now on the road to more success. I've told him I had surgery but no other details. I now eat much slower, in smaller bites and never drink while eating. It's something I've gotten used to. One of my fav meals to order on the go is chicken enchilada Soup from Chilis. Sodium is high but it is so delicious. The chicken goes down easily since it is soup. I plan on trying more snap kitchen meals too since I'll be home more often this month. Hopefully I will continue to see my weight drop and join onederland soon! I've got 10 lbs to go...my total goal is to lose an additional 65 lbs. Good luck to all!

  2. One of the main reasons I decided to get lap band surgery was for my health. I'm 38 and have high blood pressure. I've been on meds since my early 30s. Most of my family has hypertension and some have even had heart attacks. I didn't want that. I'm 1 month post op and I've lost 22.5 lbs. My hormones are definitely out of whack after surgery and weight loss (feminine issues!) but the great news is that I have been taken off of two of three BP pills last week by my dr. I was taking four pills a day and now take half a pill a day since my BP is more normal. This makes me so happy!! I feel like I made one of the best decisions for myself and hope it continues to go well.

  3. It's been 25 days since my surgery and I'm finally headed to get my first fill this Thursday. I'm excited and a little nervous. I'm down 20.5 lbs since surgery and really hope it continues. Hoping it all goes smoothly. Any suggestions or anyone willing to share their first fill experience?

  4. I am 2 weeks post op today and feeling great! No more gas pain. Just a little tenderness near the biggest incision. But I can already sleep on my stomach which is amazing. sleeping was hard before, most of first week, since I'm a stomach sleeper. I was waking up every 2-3 hours. But thankfully it's improved now. Been exercising everyday at least 15 min up to 45 min walking or going to the gym on the stationary bike. I'm down 19 lbs since the pre op diet and have a goal of 65-70 more to go. Been tracking food, drinks and exercising on myfitnesspal. It keeps me honest. On soft foods now starting today although I've been slowly adding day by day since I've been hungry. I'm scheduled to get my first fill week after next. I'm a little nervous to travel next week on a 4 hour flight. Sitting for a long period of time is uncomfortable. I've been working at home since 4 days after surgery so it's been easy to just lie down whenever needed. So any suggestions anyone has would be appreciated about flying and sitting for so long.

  5. Omg I didn't even think of this! I usually travel often for work but haven't been anywhere since my surgery at the beginning of the month. I guess I'll see next week when I head to NY. The band is all plastic though so it shouldn't make the sensors go off. That's strange. I'll see how it goes leaving Houston and then through NY.

  6. Hi everyone, I am 5 days post op and must admit I was thinking I would be back to myself within 3-5 days. I'm frustrated that this is not the case. I've been walking 10-15 min everyday and it tires me out but I keep pushing forward. In fact I choose to come back to work three days after surgery (working at home) and then decided to drive to my second job which is about 25 miles each way last night to teach a class at a local college. Now I'm regretting not taking more time off for myself. I feel extremely tired and achy. Last night I sneezed while I was lying in bed (first since op) and screamed and wanted to cry cause it felt like my stitches would pop open. I want the intense pain to go away. It's mainly near the largest incision as well as in my chest. Any suggestions other than meds and being more patient? I stopped my pain meds two days after scared of getting hooked on them. I appreciate any advice y'all can offer. I know time should be the best thing but I'm really just so frustrated at this point. I've never had surgery and don't like being dependent on anyone. I want to be able to take care of myself. Thank you in advance for your helpful comments.

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