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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by downsizingdiva

  1. At hospital 6 am, taken back about 15 minutes, was in a small room for urine, iv, etc, for about 30 minutes, then taken to pre-op, then talked with nurses, surgeon, anesthesia, then he knocked me out, I was in a room in about 2.5 hours.
  2. downsizingdiva

    January 15th, 2015 Anyone?

    scrambled egg hurt me this morning but I could eat the inside of an enchilada no problem
  3. downsizingdiva

    January 15th, 2015 Anyone?

    Ok I don't like to talk about food on here but I just tried a little baked ricotta it kinda hurt...just an fyi
  4. downsizingdiva

    January 15th, 2015 Anyone?

    I never had any shoulder passion, mostly just under my diaphragm. I will say my nurse kinda discouraged pain meds other than the iv Tylenol because it makes people nauseous so I kept holding off and holding off, wish I hasn't done that. I finally had some liquid pain med and felt so much better. Glad to hear you're doing good. Three short walls a day after I got home helped so much.
  5. downsizingdiva

    January 15th, 2015 Anyone?

  6. downsizingdiva

    Calling January Sleever????

    I was the same way last Thursday. You're gonna do fine, just don't be afraid to tell them you're in pain after surgery.
  7. downsizingdiva

    Chewable Calcium Citrate question

    If you look closely at the chewable calcium in the store, they ate calcium carbonate. I've yet to find one in ant store that is citrate. Bariatric advantage and a few others online seem to be all. I've got liquid for immediately post op then I'm going to take Caltrate +d minis. Mine said the centrum chewable were fine but recommended the Thompson all in one vitamins. They ate on amazon and are cheap.nutritionist said they are the only ones that have everything you need in a multi.
  8. I had fears of the worst and fears of complications and regret. I'm four days out and doing great and so so happy about this life change. You're going to do great!
  9. downsizingdiva

    January Sleevers ❄️

    I wanted to let yall know that a binder or something like Spanx sure does help.i had been wearing Spanx and then last night they were all in the wash and when I tried to get up or down or turn over in beef it felt like something was going to rip. So I swear by a Spanx, binder, or any somewhat tight body shaping cami. It's made all the difference for me.
  10. downsizingdiva

    January Sleevers ❄️

    I was sleeved on 1/15. Today is the best day so far. Food smells good to me. Before I didn't want to smell it, see it, or hear about it. I have all my vitamins and medicines in liquid form except for my atenolol, my capsule he prescribed for digestion, and the acid reducer. I wad s little scared to swallow them but it has been fine. My biggest concern was small slow sips. It did take about 2 days for me to realize I needed to make my sips smaller but now I'm surprised I can take normal sips. Very cold liquids did hurt but they are fine now as well. I didn't get all my protein in because, unlike I thought, I don't want them. But I have added more protein powder to the shakes. So basically I'm just having powerade zero mixed with water, plain water, vitamin water zero mixed with water, popscicles. I could have broth but I just don't want it. I don't think my stomach is swollen. My incisions have tape over them and they have been glued. I've only been taking half the dose of pain medicine and not taking any nausea meds and removed the nausea patch behind my ear yesterday before my shower. I really wanted to go to church yesterday but it was a rough day all day long. Today has been great, I think the sunshine helps. I'm an logging all my meds and vitamins til I get used to it and feel confident that i won't forget anything. About the scale, I really haven't weighed much but I know I've lost about 7 lbs as of yesterday. I guess the numbers don't mean much to me now, I'm looking for shrinkage and smaller clothes, and feeling lighter! I stay in the recliner most of the day and i only go to bed at night. Slep thru the whole night last night which maybe why i feel so good today. Oh and I had really loud stomach sounds, and a ton of gas, it wasn't painful but I finally took a gas x strip and haven't had gas like that since except when using the restroom, and I have a bm a few times a day. But I'm not going to complain, I know soon I may have to deal with constipation. Anyway, I'm so very thankful that everything had gone so well. I wad so scared of dying our some complications that would make me hate myself for doing this. But everything is fine, I'm so glad I'm on the path to a healthier life. I hope everyone on here is doing great also. Here's a pic, I have two more incisions that you can't see.
  11. downsizingdiva

    January Sleevers ❄️

    48 oz fluid, 58g protein, I didn't meet the protein goal. I got in about 51 g.
  12. downsizingdiva

    January Sleevers ❄️

  13. downsizingdiva

    January Sleevers ❄️

    I had surgery Thursday, came home Friday night, drank all that yesterday. But I have to say I'm not feeling good at all this morning. Chilling, sore, just don't feel good at all. I am trying to drink a shake now but I don't like it. I like my powerade zero with water. I went on three walls down my driveway yesterday and have gone once this morning. I ve got to get some protein like Nectar crystal sky so it isn't chocolate or vanilla.
  14. downsizingdiva

    January Sleevers ❄️

    Yep! That's the only time it hurts pretty bad. But when I finally get straightened up and out the door to walk my driveway, I feel so much better so I'm trying not to sit very long at one time. I got all my water and almost all my protein in, and all my vitamins except for iron because it says it may cause upset stomach and I'm scared to death of that. HOW ARE YOU?
  15. downsizingdiva

    January Sleevers ❄️

    Im sitting here still in awe that I can drink my water/powerade zero and protein shakes with no problem. I'm so so thankful to not have any complications. I didn't have any problems with the three Big gulps I had to take for the leak test either. I still kinda can't even believe that I've had it done. Anyway, hope everyone is doing great! Veronica, I'd say you're full of iv fluids? Ya think?
  16. downsizingdiva

    January 15th, 2015 Anyone?

    I'm surprisingly feeling good. Walked down the driveway and back with no problems it must have gotten things moving cuz I've released a bunch of gas tmi I know. But I wasn't having gas pains anyway. I'm drinking my first protein shake and I've had about 26 oz water mixed with powerade zero already. I have a tad bit of pain after I swallow sometimes. But other than that I just can't believe im doing so well. Been thanking the Lord all morning.
  17. downsizingdiva

    January Sleevers ❄️

    I'm very glad to be home. No problems taking liquid meds, water mixed with power aid zero ( I couldn't handle the powerade full strength) popscicles. I did get nauseous lady night waiting on my scripts to get filled, so I rolled down the window for fresh air and that made the nausea go away. Thank goodness cuz I'm so scared of throwing up. Anyway I'm so thankful that everything is going so well. Praise the Lord!
  18. downsizingdiva

    January Sleevers ❄️

    It's finally a done deal, headed home in a few.
  19. downsizingdiva

    January 15th, 2015 Anyone?

    Well they are working up my release papers so I'll be j home tonight. Very happy. I'm not having any trouble with water or popcicles. No appetite yay. Not even food commercials look good thank goodness.
  20. downsizingdiva

    January 15th, 2015 Anyone?

    Ok maybe now I can type and make sense. Everything went well. Horrible pain yesterday and last night. Went on a few walks, feeling better, when yall refer to gas pains do you mean the pain kinda under the breast bone? That as been the worst for me. I should be going for leak test this morning and maybe get togo home this evening. Dry mouth and dry lips were the worst yesterday. I've had ice and a few popcicles. Anyway so thankful that everything went smoothly.
  21. downsizingdiva

    January 15th, 2015 Anyone?

    Thanks everyone. I got here about 530, got called back at 6, tried to get ic in twice, would not work. Just now had some pain meds other than Tylenol so I'm finally feeling good. Passion was pretty bag. I didn't think it would be. Anyway I am chemically altered and tea rambling.
  22. downsizingdiva

    January 15th, 2015 Anyone?

    In my room now, very mouth dizzy, walked, pain in diaphragm and one incision
  23. downsizingdiva

    January 15th, 2015 Anyone?

    I'm about to go in to the hospital. I'm early n thankful I made it with no problems. Praying for all of us today!
  24. downsizingdiva

    January 15th, 2015 Anyone?

    Gosh ya'll, I just can't believe it's less than 11 hours away for me. ..
  25. downsizingdiva

    Calling January Sleever????

    I would be all nervous right now but honestly I'm too exhausted and mentally drained to be nervous.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
