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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by tomi71

  1. tomi71

    Hate eating

    Thank you! I am always grateful to hear pov. I struggle to be mindful so I thank you for your support! Best wishes to you!
  2. tomi71

    Always always cold

    You got the right idea! Upside is lower energy bill! If you are near the shore or a swimming spot, do what I plan to do this summer, lay on the hot sand until I am baked. LolPS: congrats on your great weight loss! ☺️????????
  3. Don't beat yourself up. Take it from me, I am an expert at beating myself up. Realize we all fall off the wagon. You realized that and that is half the battle. Keep on trucking. It's called a journey for a reason. Celebrate your achievements and don't cry too much of failures.
  4. tomi71

    Always always cold

    I am always cold. Ugh My NUT said its because of the fact that we've cut down on sugary foods/bad empty carbs so our bodies do not have to burn as hot and fast anymore. I've noticed that If I eat a piece of tortilla I do warm up. I had sushi earlier this week and tried a piece of my husband's plate. It was the first time in 12 months I had any rice. Probably was lest than a tablespoon. Warmed right up.
  5. I am planning my escape route too. Life is too short to be in a place full of misery. Best of luck!
  6. I have slowed down a lot too but I am okay. I didn't set a hard time limit to get to goal. My scale # is a 2nd goal. But it is frustrating at times. I was told to lay off drinking my protein. I still drink protein shakes but get most of my protein from solid, healthy foods. I have noticed nuts were becoming an issue for me....seems like I switched one addiction, carbs, for another addiction, nuts. Lol so being much more mindful. The other issue is a knee injury I sustained at work. That's slowed me down too. One thing this experience has taught me is patience and mindfulness.
  7. tomi71


    You know what? WLS never said it'd make us super-human and infallible. It simply promised to give us a tool and support on our Quest to get healthy. Also, you should not be ashamed of owning up to mistakes. I, for one, admire your willingness to be human! So many of us are so hard on ourselves particularly because of our weight and self-image. Isn't a relief to just be human? I have been teetering in the low 190s since Jan and I have worked very hard to not beat myself up over a stall. I do what I can. Have I eaten things I shouldn't? Yup. But I am not going to obsess over that. You shouldn't either. I realize this can be easier said than done but it's well worth the effort. Are you in a better place now than prior to surgery? Are you allowing yourself to make mistakes? It's a-ok. Your post says to me that you are very much on the right track because you are owning your behavior and that right there is the #1 tool to happiness. Keep on trucking! You got this! Yesterday I was so damn hungry I cleared 1700!!!!! But looking back at the past 2 months I have been under-eating because of some serious stress management issues stemming from work. So it makes sense that it caught up to me. I eat all day because I lift and exercise like a fiend and if I don't make myself eat, I will get famished and we know we can't do that with a sleeve. But yesterday I ate some calorie heavy garbage during a panic attack. Not going to stress. Just going to work to be mindful. Beating myself up my entire life is why I was so overweight. Not going down that path any more. Best wishes to you and everyone! Salud!
  8. tomi71

    Easter's Challenge

    Keep forgetting. 192.
  9. tomi71

    STILL STALLED. help :(

    Just remember, the lower your weight gets the slower your weight loss (usually.) It's extremely frustrating. I stalled before New Years. Started losing again in February but it's slow. I was 198 right before Xmas and now I am 192. If you aren't lifting weights, start. That's is a big help and has started to get my weight down. Also my measurements are smaller too. I just bought two shirts and a skirt from Ann Taylor Loft and New York and Co! I have NEVER been able to buy from those stores. And guess what, the large skirt from Anne Taylor is now too big! Be patient. It's going to get better.
  10. tomi71

    Easter's Challenge

    Don't feel sad! That's a great weight! I can't weight to get to the 170s. What is your goal if you don't mind me asking? Maybe is 135. So 60 more. Hoping to be there by next Fall or late summer. Good luck and keep up the great work everyone!!! ❤️
  11. tomi71

    Easter's Challenge

    I completely forgot to log in! 192. Down 4 lbs.
  12. tomi71

    Drinking Sodas with sleeve?

    Since July 14, 2015 I've had the equivalent of a 16 oz bottle of Dt. Pepsi. Small sips, I find settle my tummy but I only have small sips. I was a diet Pepsi fiend. WLSS helped me lose my taste for it. So I am now a water fiend.
  13. 42 on July 14, '15 when I got sleeved & turned 43 exactly one month later.
  14. If I don't see MD, DO, or some other professional, licensed designation behind their name, I ask when will they achieve those designations! That usually stops that. I have had to tell a couple of folks who "figured it out" to f*<%^ off . To one person I've said, "I don't concern myself worrying about what others think of me because what they think of me is none of my business." Their reaction was a surprised dear-in-headlights stare. It's fun! I didn't tell many folks so I don't run into this issue much. A couple folks saw my literature I left out accidentally and guessed. Oh, & btw, I am much lighter now and healthier than those anti-WLSers who criticized me. One even started looking into it.
  15. Non issues for me as I read labels and look out for additives. As far as butter goes, this sounds weird but I don't dig the taste of real butter, at all. So Smart Balance is what I use either way, too much margarine is as bad as too much butter so I limit that.
  16. I was just about to ask. I made some and had it as a breakfast sandwich this morning; bacon and a little slice of cheese. DELISH & very satisfying
  17. I don't consider myself on a diet, using the conventional definition of diet. I like to say I've changed my diet, i.e., what I take in. That being said I stick to mostly healthy Proteins and plant-based foods that are mostly unprocessed. I am at 8 mos and my honeymoon phase is over I think so I will reassess what I eat & do. I am losing inches because I am lifting weights so I am ok with the slow down on the scale. The foods I eat are nuts, Beans, eggs, cold Water fish, some shellfish, chicken, beef, pork on a very rare occasion, lamb, turkey, venison, ostrich, buffalo, a wide spectrum of whole veggies, low carb tortillas, oranges, grapefruit, and just about any edible berry I can get. No apples, grapes, bananas as I can't stomach those very well...they cause a great deal of discomfort. I do eat oatmeal, margarine and sugar-free Peanut Butter and jams. No syrups--real or fake. I rarely if ever eat bread. If I do it's a few bites of pizza. I don't have much of a desire for simple carbs and I intend to keep it that way. I also eat dairy such as cheese but try to keep it low fat. Definitely nothing deep fried. No Pasta or rice either. I eat sugar-free Jello. That pretty much sums it up. Most definitely better than what I used to chow on.
  18. tomi71

    Being put under

    I have to say that whatever the sedative is they gave me before wheeling me into the OR was phenomenal. Lol was like soaking in luxury hot tub...stress less.
  19. All day long today this exact topic has been weighing on my mind. I so badly wanted to post about it but kept chickening-out because I felt like I was being silly. I know better than to think that & I was so glad to see this thread. Everyone keeps hitting this issue on the nail.....we no longer self-medicate with food to drown out our emotions and now we have to face them. It is not easy. It's really hard but we are stronger. I keep a picture of the "tiny blue dot" (Earth from space) that I view every now and then to remind myself that my stuff is but a fleeting moment on Earth's time line and to not spend that time being miserable. Easier said than done especially with what's going on in my life currently. I made a promise that with this WLS journey I will start living more. It won't make work better or solve my problems but it sure will make me much more satisfied with life.
  20. tomi71

    NSV shout outs

    I was in my local Target with hubby & daughter the other day and I happened upon a really sweet Spring-weight jacket. So, I go to take a closer look & notice that the size L is pretty small-looking so I take a look at the XL and decide to try it on. Right away I knew it'd be too small when I put my arms through sleeves. I move up to the 2XL, a size I haven't seen in MONTHS and lo-and-behold even that was snug. So hubby starts to have a fit about the eff'd up way womens clothing is sized. All I could do was laugh because for once it wasn't me getting pissed. I consider the fact that I didn't ruminate for days as I used to do, a victory because I am finally getting that fitness and health is more than a clothing size, number on a scale, etc. I was in my local Target with hubby & daughter the other day and I happened upon a really sweet Spring-weight jacket. So, I go to take a closer look & notice that the size L is pretty small-looking so I take a look at the XL and decide to try it on. Right away I knew it'd be too small when I put my arms through sleeves. I move up to the 2XL, a size I haven't seen in MONTHS and lo-and-behold even that was snug. So hubby starts to have a fit about the eff'd up way womens clothing is sized. All I could do was laugh because for once it wasn't me getting pissed. I consider the fact that I didn't ruminate for days as I used to do, a victory because I am finally getting that fitness and health is more than a clothing size, number on a scale, etc. I was in my local Target with hubby & daughter the other day and I happened upon a really sweet Spring-weight jacket. So, I go to take a closer look & notice that the size L is pretty small-looking so I take a look at the XL and decide to try it on. Right away I knew it'd be too small when I put my arms through sleeves. I move up to the 2XL, a size I haven't seen in MONTHS and lo-and-behold even that was snug. So hubby starts to have a fit about the eff'd up way womens clothing is sized. All I could do was laugh because for once it wasn't me getting pissed. I consider the fact that I didn't ruminate for days as I used to do, a victory because I am finally getting that fitness and health is more than a clothing size, number on a scale, etc.
  21. tomi71

    Cheated every day of 7 day pre op diet

    I am guessing tons of PhDs, MDs, DOs, lic. therapist, the world over are just giddy about your research showing therapy is obsolete. Let's put this back on the rails: I am grateful for all experiences because I choose to learn from them. These boards are full of wonderful and kind human beings who are helping me every step of the way, whether they know it or not and for that I am grateful.
  22. tomi71

    Cheated every day of 7 day pre op diet

    If one is going to go through the seriousness and uncomfortableness of any surgery it's important to follow the instructions of the medical team.
  23. She is toxic. With a capital T!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
