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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by tomi71

  1. Yesterday was my 1-year anniversary. I can eat about 8 oz of food. If it's very dense protein it's less.
  2. tomi71

    Is it rude?!

    Hi I don't think it's rude to ask. Asking is a good way to get a ballpark figure. Asking can also helps one spend their dollars wisely. As a side note, I am very jittery about going to MX or any country (although these places have very reputable, qualified, and excellent med professionals) for any surgery but that's just me....I am very jittery about medical procedures of all kinds regardless of who is doing it so if/when I consider any plastic surgery not covered by my ins. I am asking around. The other thing about me is I need to tour the facility and talk to not just the surgeon but the anesthesiologist, etc., before I let anyone put me to sleep and cut me. So by asking about prices you could parlay that into even more pertinent info. Just some food for thought. ????
  3. Congrats!!! Today is my 1 year surgiversary!
  4. tomi71

    Major Stall

    This is where the battle begins because your body is wondering why it's losing all this weight, gets scared....thinking it is going to starve and so it starts holding on to fat. At least that's how it's been explained to me. I haven't moved below my current in months. My weight is NOTORIOUSLY. stubborn. However, I know if I keep being healthy the ol girl will fall in line. I have to watch those carbs...healthy or otherwise....
  5. #Blerdgirl^^^ what she said! Numbers on a scales aren't the primary goal. Losing excess weight and creating a healthy body are the primary goals. A scale will so fluctuations and that's not good you're obsessed about weight like I am (in recovery.) Also I weigh in maybe every 5 weeks at best. My blood pressure is low, body is stronger and I can buy clothes I really like...oh and run. Also, my sleep apnea? Dust in the wind! These are tools to measure progress instead of a scale...words from my psychiatrist/MD. BEST WISHES! It's a struggle but never give up on yourself! ????????
  6. Since being on solids, cashews, almonds, and peanuts along with seeds are part of my "go to" cache. Very satisfying. I don't worry about the fat content....it fuels me very well. My loss has slowed ALOT but clothing sizes continues to decrease. I credit those nuts & weight training. ????
  7. tomi71

    Big Daddy Burger!

    Well I will admit I ate a chocolate chip today but that burger? Um, nope. Well maybe a tiny bite because that's about all I can handle these days. Unless someone is an Olympic athlete in actual training there's no way someone should eat that mess. Actually not even the athlete tbh..... I'll pass.
  8. Stop! You are endangering yourself eating that way!!! You just had a pretty serious surgery and your tummy isn't ready for regular foods. Stick to the plan! Be patient. Before you know it you'll be healed and will be able to eat roast beef. Your on Valium and your mood is still not good?! Shoot, the one time I took it I was pleased as peaches! ☺️????????
  9. I adore mine. I make zucchini pasta all of the time. I've even used carrots, yellow squash, and parsnips. Hard cukes work well too.
  10. tomi71


    I have life-long insomnia and can't go to sleep unless I take something. I used to feel horrible about that fact but I stopped worrying....we need our rest and it's better to get sleep with the help of a doctor and a little pharmaceutical than to not sleep and be a curmudgeon in the morning. And when I don't sleep...oh boy am I a curmudgeon. ????????????
  11. tomi71

    Mild steatosis

    I JUST got a call from my doc (PCP) with test results from an ultrasound that shows a fatty liver. Imagine my surprise! I was sleeved 7/14/15 and am down 70+ lbs! Going to see my surgeon and a GI specialist. Stay tuned.
  12. One sure fire way is to stop taking care of yourself. So, eating poorly, not being active, not reducing stress....those things will cause you to regress. Remember that your sleeve is a tool in the WL toolbox. Improper use of it will result in poor results. Facing your demons and telling said demons to "eff off" is a great way to reduce the likelihood of becoming unhealthy again. It's definitely hard but not impossible!
  13. Keep your chin up. The fact that you're still hear is a wonderful NSV!
  14. @@Kindle How are you? In my thoughts.
  15. This post spoke to me. For me, the rawness and vulnerability I feel without being able to turn to food for comfort is sometimes almost unbearable. Excess food was the way I coped and kept my life going. It's not in my arsenal today. I'm divorcing and I'm so fearful, but I found that I just can't and won't return to the food. As a matter of fact, giving up the food was what I needed to do before I had the strength to leave my husband. I go to OA and CODA now, and it helps me tremendously. I knew I'd have a monumental change in personality and confidence after giving up the food. Yes, I am more scared than ever. But going through these trials without excess food is slowly building my new courageous muscles. The LapBand will help me keep my appetite under control and the weight from returning if I am vigilant. Everything else is up to me. But I needed to make that change so badly. My life was like a walking death. I believe these trials will be behind me one day, and I will be able to live with joy in a healthy body. I refuse to accept less.You have spoken volumes. I always felt like if addiction wasn't so darn demonized, so many of us would have been healthier a long time ago. Kudos to you! Congrats on your strength and best wishes!
  16. tomi71

    Fiber....not so much

    Turns out ultrasound showed nothing abnormal. But I believe the culprit is chicory which is common in FiberOne products. I didn't know this until I did some research. Chicory and I never got along. Going for more tests though. Still having some pains.
  17. tomi71

    Portland, Oregon

    Portlandia! ????????????
  18. tomi71

    Fiber....not so much

    Getting an ultrasound but they think it's just a stomach bug.
  19. tomi71

    Fiber....not so much

    Those oats sound delish! I do love beans, black beans with lots of garlic, especially. I think I am going to stay away from FiberOne stuff. Also, I think this might be acute gastritis. A nurse friend of mine checked me out at work and thinks that's what it is. Going to dr after work to quell my paranoia.
  20. tomi71

    Fiber....not so much

    Feeling better this morning but afraid to eat. liquids don't hurt so I think I am sticking to that today. I am starting to wonder if maybe it wasn't fiber but instead some kind of intestinal bug. It is going around in my neck of the woods and despite the fact that I wash my hands, clean my nails and wipe down my office daily I always seem to catch what is going around. Not going to take anymore chances with that fiber though. Last night it felt like I swallowed glass! @@BLERDgirl too much fiber and Water does that to me too. As luck would have it, I am the only one in my family who wasn't blessed with an Iron stomach. LOL
  21. I am 9 months out and I am finding that eating is a chore. My tastes have changed which I am grateful about but I am finding that I have to force myself to eat. Anyone else feeling this way? I read that some WLS patients are at a higher risk of trading one eating disorder for another....overeating for anorexia. A woman in my support group actually developed anorexia. My best friend had anorexia and O got to experience that madness first-hand and it scares the living day lights out if me. I feel like I am on the verge of becoming anorexic because I just get so anxious about eating. I stop as soon as I feel full, stick to the rules 99% of the time....I just hate the feeling of food in my stomach. I have struggled with anxiety...nuclear strength anxiety....my whole life so the rational side of me is reminding me to realize this issue is probably because of anxiety. But it's still very difficult to deal with. Any thoughts, similar feelings, advice etc is appreciated.
  22. I do carbination too but it's a sip here and there. It helps my stomach settle...Dt. Pepsi, that is....but I definitely don't make it a habit. Water, water, and more water! ????????☔️
  23. tomi71

    Hate eating

    For me it actually it started prior to surgery when I cut back the amounts I ate. It got progressively harder after surgery. I am a little more than 10 mos out and whip I can definitely eat more now compared to say 2 mos ago, I still get full fast. Eating is a chore. Lol
  24. Awesomesauce! Love this!!! ????

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
