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Mrs. Reid

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Mrs. Reid

  1. I LOVE this! This is what I am going to use!
  2. Glad you're going ahead with the surgery! Post after you're done and let us know how it went!
  3. Mrs. Reid

    Family Members

    Well, you posted this topic, so I guess you are looking for a response. Here is mine: Did your sister come to see you? Or did she come to see you husband? It sounds to me that she did not come to take care of you, she is looking for a cheap vacation to have a good time. Saying you could have called is blaming you for their indifference. What if you had passed out? What if you had fallen? Become disoriented? You are recovering from surgery! They are supposed to be looking after YOU! If this had of been me, I would have sent sister packing right away. I would continue my recovery but soon hubby and I would have to have a talk...he should not have even considered going out to a bar when you just had surgery. Is he really the man for you? Your life is about to change in a lot of ways. My motto when it comes to dealing with people: Don't make anyone a priority if all you are to them is an option. Your weight is not the only thing that is going to change.
  4. Congrats!!!! I've heard about the gas problems before and I am trying to be prepared for it.
  5. Control is not love. You may believe that what you feel for him is love, but is it really addiction? If you give in to his power play then you will regret it for the rest of your time with him....which doesn't sound like you have much left. The guy is looking for a reason to leave you. If it is not this, it will be something else in the future. Once you have lost the weight and are healthier mentally and physically, there will be other men who you may love much more.
  6. I am also hoping for a January date. I am in the process of jumping through the hoops to get approved by my insurance. I am aiming at January because December is when all my required appointments will be over. Fingers crossed!
  7. Mrs. Reid

    Liquid diet blues!

    I know it's hard when you're having a hard time, but you are almost there! You have the opportunity to leave that person on the operating table and re-claim your life. That is a great gift. Most people live their entire life without ever changing their negative situation. Nothing good is easy, and nothing easy shows how good you are. Hang on in there....
  8. I know what you're talking about. My BMI is 39.7 and I have hypertension, high cholesterol, pre-diabetes and arthritis. I believe that will be enough for me to get approved...but you never know. Just trying to stay positive. I have my first visit with the nutritionist this Friday....and the journey begins.....
  9. Has anyone here used the Law of Attraction to bring on their surgery? I did. Here is the video I saw when I started this journey...hope it helps!
  10. I have Preferred One and hear they are easy to work with. Does anyone have any experience working with them for sleeve surgery?
  11. Mrs. Reid


    Congrats! I have my first visit with the nutritionist this Friday! My insurance company does not have a time limit or required number of visits. I hope to have surgery in January. The liaison at the hospital says my insurance company is easy to work with so I am hoping things go as smoothly for me!
  12. Hey there! I have just started on this journey. I have my first nutrition appointment next Friday. I am hoping to get approved so I can have surgery in January. It is so important to me to get approved and I can relate to the "Dear God" thing. I am trying to stay positive and only let myself visualize success. This is so important to me as I am sure it is for you. We can all obsess over this together
  13. Ok, I've just got to put my two cents in this discussion. I WISH I could be on my two week liquid diet right now! I have no surgery date, I'm still jumping through the hoops needed to get insurance to pay for this. I'm stuck at a job I don't like because I have to keep the insurance going till after my surgery - which there is no guarantee that I will get. You people are LUCKY!!!! Two weeks out of an entire lifetime ain't JACK! Give me a chance to suck down all the Meal Replacement drinks! Give me a chance to be two weeks from my surgery! I will do everything I can to shrink my liver down to the size of a postage stamp if that is what I need to do to have my surgery! Count your blessings!!!! You're almost there!!!
  14. Well, it is true. My life is on hold until after the surgery. Just today, I was thinking about spending some money on some art supplies to start a new project. Then I changed my mind. Everything I want right now, every goal I have set for myself, everything I expect of myself, all of these things I have created in this paradigm. Once I have my surgery, my paradigm will change. I will think of myself differently. I will see the world differently. People will react to/treat me differently. The way I think will change and therefore my world will change. I don't know what I am going to want/need/like/expect. I will be in a new paradigm. I don't want to make any decisions until I know who I'm going to be after the surgery. New doors that I can't see right now will open and I may want to walk through them. So I do the best I can at the job I have (thankful for the insurance to pay for this), I spend the time visualizing myself at my ideal weight, I force myself to read novels that I like so I don't become to obsessed. I read about the surgery, I stay positive and try to take it one day at a time.
  15. Mrs. Reid

    Keeping it a secret

    I'm not telling anyone at work. I work in a health food store and the people there are into natural treatments for everything. When I told a couple of people I was taking prescription drugs for my hypertension, I got a lot of negativity. I just don't want to have to defend myself. I know that after the surgery I am going to have to say something about the weight loss, I'll figure that out when I come to it. I just don't want to hear a lot of negative comments pre-op. I am planning to leave the job after my follow-up visits post-op. I have told my best friend - she had the surgery herself and is positive. I told a couple of other friends who are both overweight and they were positive.
  16. Mrs. Reid

    Not having support from partner

    I think on some level you have to forgive her for not being the person you need her to be. Then, you may need to start thinking about your life without her. I don't know you, but I think it is safe to say this isn't the first time she has let you down...and she is going to let you down again. Because that is who she is, and you may not have the right to tell her she has to change to fit your needs. Why don't you believe you deserve better? On some level do you think you deserve the pain?
  17. Mrs. Reid

    Not having support from partner

    It sounds to me as if your partner is feeling insecure. Does she think you will leave her once you are thin and more attractive to others? Maybe you should ask yourself why you are with this person. Do you hang on because you don't think you can do any better? Do you think you don't deserve better? I know what this is like. I had to let go of my best friend of 20 years because she became so toxic when I decided to change my life. My determination to change my life upset the balance in our relationship and threw her off kilter. It has been a while since our relationship ended and now I see that she had an emotional investment in me staying sick, dependent and unstable. My unhappiness kept her in control. I have let go of many people since I began this journey. But I have found new people who support me and even though it hurt to let the others go, the only thing I would change is I would have let them go sooner.
  18. Just had my first visit with my surgeon yesterday and have my first visit with the dietitian in 2 weeks. My insurance company does not require any wait time, just when the dietitian and I agree that I am ready. I also have to take the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory - 2 test and meet with a psychologist. Has anyone ever been denied because of a psych evaluation? Also, do they make you pay the insurance deductible up front or can that be paid over time after the surgery? Thanks
  19. It sounds to me like this was a toxic relationship. Leave her behind and move on.
  20. Mrs. Reid


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