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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by KristenVSG2014

  1. KristenVSG2014

    3 weeks post surgery

    I guess "sloppy" is the same as "soft foods" for us Americans? That was a tough phase for me to figure out but I seemed to live on puréed Beans for that week. I added cheese and melted it on the beans. I also would purée a Soup and eat that. Try to stay away from anything too fibrous. I made the mistake of trying creamed spinach and thought I would die. Ricotta and marinara was quite yummy. What foods have you tried that have made you vomit? Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  2. KristenVSG2014


    Our plan says never, citing statistics that Bariatric surgery patients who continue to drink have a 8-10x greater percentage chance to develop cirrhosis of the liver than the general population.That's interesting. I've never heard that. Could you provide me with the reference?The specific wording in our manual is "*the bariatric center* has a policy never to recommend alcohol consumption after any bariatric procedure. Eighty percent of the alcohol you ingest will go as a toxin to the liver resulting in a higher level of intoxication and more liver damage." The 8-10x increase in cirrhosis was listed on the presentation slide, of which I unfortunately do not have a hard copy of. (hopefully it's not something they pulled out of their @$$, they are supposed to be reputable...) The only research I could find was about patients who had cirrhosis before surgery. I found one little sentence that said bypass patients should avoid alcohol since their duodenum is bypassed but nothing about sleevers. Of course there is NO nutritional value to alcohol so it shouldn't be regularly consumed but I think the occasional drink can still be enjoyed. Then again, every surgeon has different rules so it is always best to follow your surgeon's rules! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  3. KristenVSG2014

    TT & BL on November 21!

    I've gotten a little more independent. I can now go to the bathroom by myself. The surgeon said if I didn't poop by Thursday I would need a suppository. So my husband bought a suppository today and it scared my intestines so bad I pooped on my own Woo hoo!! Incisions are looking good but I am experiencing the dreaded "swell hell", especially on my right side. My drains have decreased quite a bit. I'm so ready to get them out on Monday. I didn't sleep well last night because my compression garment was pressing a safety pin into my skin so at 4:00 am I took my garment off to inspect it and found the culprit. I ended up moving the safety pins to my underwear and covering my entire body in sanitary pads then putting the garment back on. Problem solved! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  4. KristenVSG2014

    Plastics January 9th 2017

    I had some single-serve Soups in the freezer and bought a lot of Premier Protein, Greek yogurt and cottage cheese for easy sources of protein. I also got 100% cotton panties and a mumu to wear. I bought gauze, pads and paper tape. My grandma brought a walker which helped a lot the first two days. Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App
  5. KristenVSG2014

    TT & BL on November 21!

    I got my first shower since surgery and feel like a new woman!! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  6. KristenVSG2014


    Our plan says never, citing statistics that Bariatric surgery patients who continue to drink have a 8-10x greater percentage chance to develop cirrhosis of the liver than the general population. That's interesting. I've never heard that. Could you provide me with the reference? Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  7. KristenVSG2014

    Complications. Advice please!

    It is at least comforting that you are being monitored in the hospital and they are aware of the situation. They have drugs that can regulate all of that. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  8. KristenVSG2014

    TT & BL on November 21!

    I personally took off 4 weeks but only in case I had any complications. I'm shuffling a little faster and standing a little straighter already today! My surgeon said I could go back after 2 weeks but I've heard 3 is ideal. As far as traveling so soon the only thing I would be concerned with is making sure you can walk around every few hours to avoid blood clots. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  9. KristenVSG2014


    I tried to wait until I felt my sleeve was completely healed before I introduced alcohol. I believe it was around 4 months. Even then it burned like fire so I didn't try again for a while. I also did not want to take in the extra calories while I was losing weight. Try to make the most of your first year when you are able to lose the most weight and avoid drinking your calories (besides Protein drinks, of course). Two years out it still burns when it hits an empty stomach so I've learned to have a small snack before drinking. I also learned I have a two drink limit now. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  10. KristenVSG2014

    Confused about the pains!

    Really the only pain I had was the gas pain. It took about four days to completely clear my system. I was able to walk right away (slowly) but I felt better walking than laying around. Walking helps push the gas out which relieves the pain. I also needed help getting out of bed for a few days but was doing fine on my own after a week. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  11. KristenVSG2014

    Consider shakes as fluids?

    I also count my coffee and tea as fluids. It took Water to make them so it counts! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  12. It depends on many factors but I believe where you carried the majority of your weight is the most telling. While I carried my weight everywhere, the majority of it was in my boobs and stomach. I had the sleeve on 11/3/14 and lost 130 from my highest weight. My stomach, boobs, arms and legs all have loose skin but my stomach and boobs were the worst. I just had a breast lift and tummy tuck on Monday. I don't think I'll bother with my arms and legs though. Here's a picture of my arms and side boob (which is loose skin as well and was removed during breast lift). Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  13. KristenVSG2014

    TT & BL on November 21!

    Last night I swelled up like a hot air balloon. I was convinced my binder would snap off but it stayed put. Swelling is down again this morning. I'm looking forward to my first post-op shower today. My husband and grandma are going to help me. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  14. KristenVSG2014

    TT & BL on November 21!

    Thanks for the pineapple tip, I haven't heard that! I've been drinking two Premier Protein and eating a Greek yogurt or cottage cheese to keep protein up. Sipping on Water as much as I can also. I think being so dependent on someone is the hardest part. But I'm being good and accepting the help and resting. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  15. KristenVSG2014

    TT & BL on November 21!

    Finished my post op visit and got to see my body under all the gauze and binders. My boobies are SO cute!!!! They're very high and perky. They told me they are swollen and will begin to drop in a few months to give a more natural look. But right now I'm enjoying looking like a Barbie doll. I still have nipple sensation so that is great. I have such a flat tummy but lots of swelling in my lady parts. She said that is very normal and will all go down in a few weeks to months. Next appointment is on Monday when I'll get my drains out. ???? Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  16. KristenVSG2014

    Kristen's Journey From Pre-Op and Beyond

    Finished my post op visit and got to see my body under all the gauze and binders. My boobies are SO cute!!!! They're very high and perky. They told me they are swollen and will begin to drop in a few months to give a more natural look. But right now I'm enjoying looking like a Barbie doll. I still have nipple sensation so that is great. I have such a flat tummy but lots of swelling in my lady parts. She said that is very normal and will all go down in a few weeks to months. Next appointment is on Monday when I'll get my drains out. ???? Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  17. KristenVSG2014

    Kristen's Journey From Pre-Op and Beyond

    Thank you! It was outpatient. After I woke up they gave me some Gatorade and ice chips. Then I met with the nurse who gave me post op instructions and the anesthesiologist cleared me. It was much cheaper doing it outpatient. Costs are quite high here in the US but I was fortunate to find a surgeon at a University that specializes in extreme weightloss patients. Since it is a teaching hospital they have residents who observe and assist the surgeon which helps keep the costs low. My total for breast life and tummy tuck was $8,400 which is the same as Mexico pricing. The great part is it is only 45 minutes from my home! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  18. KristenVSG2014

    Kristen's Journey From Pre-Op and Beyond

    Sneak peek and drinking my Premier Protein! Trying to get in at 80 grams each day for healing. Also drinking lots of Water which makes me need to pee and it is a huge ordeal getting to the bathroom but I need to walk to avoid blood clots. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  19. KristenVSG2014


    Recovering from plastics and drinking my Premier Protein with a straw!! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  20. KristenVSG2014

    Kristen's Journey From Pre-Op and Beyond

    Good luck on your surgery tomorrow!! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  21. KristenVSG2014

    Kristen's Journey From Pre-Op and Beyond

    Surgery is done. It isn't a cakewalk but it isn't too bad. It mostly feels like I've been punched in the gut and every four hours I wake up from the pain of my incisions burning. Then I take more pills and fall asleep. My boobs were so perky when I woke up I had to drink Gatorade from the side with a straw! Yay! I won't be able to see anything until tomorrow at my post op appointment on Wednesday. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  22. KristenVSG2014

    TT & BL on November 21!

    Surgery is done. It isn't a cakewalk but it isn't too bad. It mostly feels like I've been punched in the gut and every four hours I wake up from the pain of my incisions burning. Then I take more pills and fall asleep. My boobs were so perky when I woke up I had to drink Gatorade from the side with a straw! Yay! I won't be able to see anything until tomorrow at my post op appointment. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  23. KristenVSG2014

    TT & BL on November 21!

    Today is the day!!! I'm not even nervous. I'm ready to get this thing done and over with. ???? Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  24. KristenVSG2014

    Kristen's Journey From Pre-Op and Beyond

    I'm strangely cool as a cucumber. Seriously. Maybe it hasn't kicked in yet or maybe it is the awesome anti-anxiety medication I'm on I'm ready to get it done and start healing!! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  25. KristenVSG2014


    I find I drink a lot more Water when I use a straw because I have sensitive teeth and the straw helps get the cold water past them. I'm also 2+ years out. I drink a hot cup of coffee then when I get to work I fill my 32 oz cup with ice water and try to finish it before lunch and fill it again when I get back. My personal experience. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
