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Posts posted by tlwempen

  1. well back to the doc on eht 3rd of sept to see about getting the port back in. it is located about 3 inches and to the left of my belly button. my body may be rejecting the metal back of the port, so we are going to try an all plastic one. i'm ready to get the process going again!! the good news is that even with no fill at all, i have not gained any weight!!

  2. thanks all!! had the surgery yesturday. doc removed the port and some excess tubing, but left the band in place. i'm on hold now for 2 months to heal, then he wants to put the port in a different location and start the fill process all over again. it is very fusturating!! but i'm glad the band is still there! i'm hopeing this works cause i realy don't want to gain back the weight that i have lost. doc says that the tubing kinked like a garden hose and just pushed it's way through my skin.

  3. about 4 weeks ago, i noticed a lump on my port cut and i blew it off as healing my the surgery of getting my port slippage fixed. a week later i noticed it getting bigger, so i called the doc and he diddn't seem conserned but told me to make an appointment. this week it started realy sticking out turning white with red around it and i could feel the tube. this weekend at girlsout camp, it broke through!! it started as a little pin hole, now it is about 1/4 inch circle with the tub in sight. scarry!! now i feel that i'm left with little choice but to have the whole thing removed. i'm very sad about that! this was to be a skinny futre for me.. now i'm will probely gain all my weight back :grouphug:

  4. all i've had is bad... banded in nov, port flipped, repaired in march. this weekend at gilrscout camp, my tubing broke through my skin.i have a 1/4 inch hole in my stomache where u can see the tub!! i'm very disapointed in the results. i wish i had done a good as the rest of u. i'm very sad... lots of money gone, lots of pain, lots of hope for the future gone, and only 40 pounds lost. now not much left exceopt to get it removed. band bal you look great, marissa way to go!! and all of u that have been in this with me from the beginning. i'm going to the doc tomorrow.. he doesn't know i'm comming yet..

    good luck all!!


  5. the surgery was postponed until yesturday the 16 of april. besides a lone hospital wait, it all went well. i am being told that i must of had a pretty large infection. i'm now on my third round of antibotics. (one was for an illnessand self prescribed... but good thing i did!!) doc things that is the cause of the slippage... i would like to know what the cause of infection was!!! eveyoneis being very vauge about it.. they did take some cultures of tisue.. and are going to let me know.

    otherwise not in any real pain.. no meds needed and i was able to go home on the same day. i have 4.5 in a 10 cc band.. hoping to feal some restriction with this fill. ( doc did at the same times as surgery) my fills usually take a few days to kick in. right now nothing...

    hope everyone has a great day and thanks for keeping me in your thoughts!!

  6. found out my port slipped. had the corrective surgery yesturday and they raised it a little higher, so hope no more problems!! but is was infected.. think that is what caused the slippage. they are doing a culture on some tisue samples. started my third round of anibotics yesturday also. i'm thinking i've had the infection for a long time maybe even his the original surgery.

  7. well went to the doc on monday and found out why i was hurting.... my port has flipped onto it's side. i'm having surgery to fix it on friday. which sucks!! i have to go to the hospital and pay the deductable for this year. wasn't counting on a 2000 dollar expense this month. but i guess it has to be done. i'll check back in and let everyone know how it goes.

  8. dr. dennis lewis in riverton wyoming. i'm going to call on monday, i was supposed to see him on the 7th. his nurse called to cancel because he will be out of town for a month!! my port is right under my skin! i don't think it is infected. i did a lot of lifting on friday so that might have something to do with it. i'm 4 months post op. the pain is not getting better.

  9. hello, how is your mom? i feel like my port is trying to come out!! i have severe pain and reddness at my port site. i can barely stand the pressure of my clothes against it. let alone my own hand! it is just under my skin and when i lay down it sticks way up. did your mom go through this? my next fill and check-up is april 16th. my doc is gone the whole month of april.

  10. hi all glad everyone is dong so well. sorry for my "silence" but i haven't made any real progress. i got my 2nd fil feb 27. i'm up to 3.0 ccs in a 10 cc band. not much restriction. weight gain/loss has stopped. ive lost 38 lbs but it has stayed thesame for last couple of months. next fill is april 16th.

    my port site is very very sore and red. i can only ware loose loose fitting clothes because the port is right on my pants line and rubs it. it hurts to touch it, get hugged, and no way can i lay on that side!!

    talk to u later, promise to check in more!

  11. Marilyn, how very scarry!! i 'm glad your alright!! i think you have had the scarrest experience of us all. i'm still at 1.5. i go in for my second fill on the 18 of feb and he is going to put in 1.5. that will bring me to 3, then he said that he was going to fill slower at .5 there after. now i know why!

    gl and keep us posted.

  12. i guess this is bandster hell. i think we are all not losing the weight we would like at this point and starving to boot!! i guess, i'm getting the same old idea that this "diet" is not producing results so why am i starving myself... and that leads us to my meat rebellion.

    i did good today, mostly liquids, so chest pain is much better. i've lost 28lbs since nov... i should be thrilled. but, instead i'm annoyed that i'm not seeing the 1-2 lbs comming off per week. been stuck for about 3 weeks. i'm getting 3 to 4 days of exercise for about 40 min per day. got the fill and was hopeing that this would get me unstuck, but nothing.

    well, enough venting. night all

  13. hi all, seems we are all getting our fills.

    congrats ovahkummer on your surgery date and glad your doing well!!

    i got my first fill jan 7th. 1.5 ccs. next one is set for feb 18. i'm doing weel except for some chest pain. it is like something is being pulled everytime i take a half way deep breath. right at the breast bone and on the right side. i've been eating meat for about 2 weeks, though i wasn't suposed to start til next tuesday due to the fill. had a salad on friday, again not suposed to have that either til tuesday. it was good! i don't know how doc expect your to lose any weight when u can't eat meat or salads.. not having any trouble with bread. but alll i have eaten is toast and 2 slices of pizza. my meat has consisted of some ham in my potatoe Soup, the peporoni off the pizza, the hamburger in one taco, shredded beef in a boritto and steak last night. oh and some bacon.

    marisa, towens, firbolt glad the fill are starting to happen!!

    bandpal whats going on?

    hope everyone had and happy new year. here's to a good one, and lost of weightloss for all of us.

  14. towens, congrats on your first fill! let me know how it goes! mine is on the 7th on jan. i'm so looking forward to it. i also have no restriction. i have eaten some toast.. not supposed to... but diddn't have any problems. my buggest problem is my diet. i'm still not allowed to eat meats. not til week 8. grrr. everthing i can eat is not good for me.. potatoes, pudding. ect. i can eat scrambled eggs starting today with cheese and pears. that is about it. oh and well cooked veggies, yuck. fresh... okay.. cooked, yuck! no fresh veggies til week 7. i want a chicken salad!!! oh also ate a bean and cheese burrito with a soft shell. again not suppost to. Next week is x-mas dinner and i can't eat meat.

    is everyone else eating meat? any problems?

    bandpal, loved the clay anology. i think i'm going to try to apply that, meat is clay, lol. it is funny, i'm not realy a meat eatter. before i lived off of carbs. mashed potatoes, Pasta and home made bread were among my favorites. now don't even want to look at another potatoe!!!! maybe the only reason i want meat is cause i can't have it.

    night everyone :notagree

  15. hey bandpal, i'm with u on the urges, but not doing as well as u are. caved to 3 bites of pizza. oops!! friday night was an adult x-mas party for husbands work, he is a truck driver for pepsi. and saturday was the kids' party at the bowling alley. nothing like having everyone around u eating free pizza while your starving! baked potatoe on friday was my first solids, then the 3 bites of pizza on sat. tummy not happy today!

    you did good not to cave!

  16. hi all just checking in. i'm ready for realy food!! i have had to sit through 2 christmas dinners so far, and one more this weekend. ;) this 3rd week is liquids with the addition of bananas, apple sauce and pudding. i'm so very jealous of those of u eating!! i get to add mashed potatoes cream of wheat, babyfood and well cook veggies next week.;)

    glad to hear from everyone, welcome new people!!

    2 toops firebolt?? i can barely handle to one! glad the tumor was non-cancerous, wtg!

  17. hey bandpal, lmao.. taco jons is like taco bell. and as for the parade of lights... my husband drove and i sat in the pick-up the whole time while my sister took my girls to see santa no great feat. my migrains are now manageable with liquid tylenol thank goodness. no more drowiness drugs for me!!! felt stoned all last week.

    how is everyone else doing at 1 week?

    i'm doing good. was back to work on monday followed by girlscouts (i sat around) and my girl's karate class. this was a hard day. today, i felt much much better, almost back to normal. i credit it to Tomato Soup, :D

  18. hey firebolt,

    i think your doing fine! and your doc should of gave u the refill. my doc gave me 2. plus, u had some added surgery. u probely have more pain then the rest of us. and your walking!! lol, all the walking i been doing is in the house where it is warm!

    anybody else feeling lightheaded? my whole world spins when i bend down or roll over. i'm thinking this is from them putting the iv in my neck. or from low blood sugar

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