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Posts posted by Sleeve2bFree~Tlea

  1. First pic was taken Christmas Eve, two weeks after surgery. After I'd already lost 14 lbs pre-op and still on liquids..

    Second pic from yesterday - taken by our personal trainer after a very sweaty session. Now I'm just 17 lbs away from goal. Hubby hasn't had surgery, but he's lost 65 lbs of his own. So proud! We run our first 5K today. :D

    You guys look great! Can't wait to post 1of me and my man. He started working out and losing way before my surgery. He's down over 100 lbs in 8 months! I'm 1month post so I'm playing catchup.:)

  2. Sleeve2bFree ... that's tough dealing with family members who are idiots.

    That's precisely why I didn't tell any of my family. I didn't want to EVER have to have any of those conversations.

    It's inspired my sister to get back in the gym & others around me to pay closer attention to their calories. All though their motives may have more to do with not wanting to see me lose the weight before them ( which I find amusing).

    Also, I found that after 15 years my N-laws don't really know me at all. I've had to give up my career, my life, my talents, I've been in & out of the hospital for numerous tests & procedures, I can't work & am on disability (& through all this gaining weight). MY husband & I have kept them informed every step of the way but yet, I guess they've never cared enough to listen. Since the surgery some seem to care more and others seem to care less. None the less, God has used the bad for good.

    Through it all it builds character and strength. And I am learning to be thankful for my trials.

  3. I thought about keeping it a secret because I knew most everyone I know would disagree with it. Of coarse I was right. People become very judgmental thinking the reasons I've made this decision is out of vanity. No one takes into consideration all my medical issues that I've had for years and how this surgery will help me come off some of these meds, lose some of thes diagnoses and gain my life back. And yeah, I hate being fat. I cant stand the way I look or how uncomfortable I am all the time. I've had to defend myself several times since making this decision. I then decided who cares what they think. I'm doing this for myself not them. The funny thing is the main people judging me is my overweight family. They also think it's the easy way out. Ha!!! I'm one month out and so far there's been nothing easy about it. Not to mention the continued health and exercise maintenance that is required. Idiots!! My advice is... Don't lie about it. Be proud of the decision you've made to turn your life around. The criticism only makes us stronger. Let them deal with their sin of judgment.

  4. Even though I'm about 2 and a half years post op, I've been up and down the past year or so. But not the kind of up and down (mostly up) that I was before the sleeve. By up and down now I mean maybe 12-15 pounds, which seems to be related more to my workouts and muscle gain or loss for the most part. Not the 20-40 pounds like before the sleeve. I'm still very happy I went through getting the sleeve over 2 and a half years ago.....hope I can still say that 10-20 years from now. The first one I was almost at my heaviest....320-ish. The second one I was about around my lowest (low 220's I think) and the last one was a week ago in the mid 230's.

    Holy Cow!!! ;)^_^

  5. Thanks everybody for responding. I see my doc tomorrow. I was a little embarrassed about telling him how much I've been sleeping. I sleep about 4 to 6 hours at night and then another 3 to 4 during day. When I'm tired like this it's hard to get myself motivated to do anything. I'm hoping that nonstop energy will kick in eventually. If that's even possible? ·_·

  6. I don't understand why these surgeons are asking people to lose this kind of weight prior? Some of us struggle with that so much. Which is why we need the surgery for help. Be proud of yourself for what you have lost. I couldn't have done it. My surgeon put me on a high Protein liquid diet about a week and a 1/2 before date. And even then I could have 4oz of meat everyday and veggies. No set amount of weight. I lost only 9 lbs. I agree you should confront him on this matter and remind him there are other surgeons that would love to accept your business.

  7. So I started my journey to complete insurance and program requirements in March 2014. I have all my steps completed as of next week. EXCEPT.... I passed my psych Eval but the psych told me she'd like to see me a few additional sessions just to make sure I'm prepared and past some current family drama. That was months ago everything was resolved with that issue, we moved on and I've made all attempts to change normal lifestyle choices to prepare for surgery. and now a week before I'm supposed to have all completed and after 5+ sessions with her she says she doesn't think I'm ready or committed enough!!! What?!?!?! All I've been doing is changing behaviors, food choices, I'm in my happy place and focused on my future!!!! WTF?!?! She says I may have completed all the insurance requirements but program requires that she approve me but she doesn't think I'm ready!!!! I want my surgery in Nov but the extra sessions she's asking for to approve me may very well out me into Jan of next year!!!! She's only available one day a week and when she said she wants to see me in 2 wks but I couldn't get my next appointment for 3 weeks!!!! Start over with Deductibles and out of pocket max and possibly new insurance requirements to get approval! Let alone prolong my journey by almost a year to get this surgery! I couldn't be more passionate or committed! I just don't get this!!!! Help!!!!!! All this and every appointment she's wearing her Prada sunglasses on top of her head! Money grab at my expense????

    I went through something similar. I was told my current psych did not do evals so I had to find someone else. I spent 3 freakin hours in that guys office. Maybe 10 minutes with him the rest of the time filling out a bubble in questionnaire. It took like a week or 2 to get his decision. For him to say he didn't think I was ready because I seemed to have depression issues. He wanted to see me a few more times. OMG!!! Of course I have depression issues! I'm way over weight, I have sleep apnea and chronic fatigue amongst other health conditions. This surgery can save my life you moron! I was so upset. I felt defeated.

    All this to say, I figured out that I could get a second opinion and so on if I had to. I ended up seeing my current psych and telling him about the surgery, he thought it was a great idea and wrote the letter. Ask around about who others have used. Your surgeons office may even have some they suggest. You'll find some who are conservative about the surgery and others who totally approve. GOOD LUCK!

    Just a word to the wise, make sure when your psych writes the letter they put a specific evaluation date. Mine just dated it the day it was written. Although in the body he specifically stated what it was the insurance company wanted to hear they denied my request because it did not say" I evaluated patient on this date". OUTRAGEOUS! I know! My insurance company gave me such a run around over this surgery. It took me four months to get my approval because they kept denying me over so called lack of info. Just try to be patient, stay strong and stay PERSISTENT.

  8. Wow. That's all I can say is Wow. And not the good WOW either. Do you have to use her? Maybe the surgeon can recommend someone else? At least someone who is more available if you have to do sessions...hang in there, you will overcome this bump in the road!

    I went through something similar. I was told my current psych did not do evals so I had to find someone else. I spent 3 freakin hours in that guys office. Maybe 10 minutes with him the rest of the time filling out a bubble in questionnaire. It took like a week or 2 to get his decision. For him to say he didn't think I was ready because I seemed to have depression issues. He wanted to see me a few more times. OMG!!! Of course I have depression issues! I'm way over weight, I have sleep apnea and chronic fatigue amongst other health conditions. This surgery can save my life you moron! I was so upset. I felt defeated.

    All this to say, I figured out that I could get a second opinion and so on if I had to. I ended up seeing my current psych and telling him about the surgery, he thought it was a great idea and wrote the letter. Ask around about who others have used. Your surgeons office may even have some they suggest. You'll find some who are conservative about the surgery and others who totally approve. GOOD LUCK!

    Just a word to the wise, make sure when your psych writes the letter they put a specific evaluation date. Mine just dated it the day it was written. Although in the body he specifically stated what it was the insurance company wanted to hear they denied my request because it did not say" I evaluated patient on this date". OUTRAGEOUS! I know! My insurance company gave me such a run around over this surgery. It took me four months to get my approval because they kept denying me over so called lack of info. Just try to be patient, stay strong and stay PERSISTENT.

  9. I don't have my date yet. I'm still in the pre-op stages. I've got insurance and my part taken care of. I've had my blood work and EKG. Still waiting on my sleep study but hope to her that in the next couple weeks.

    Toughest part is the 38lbs that I need to lose. Ugh! I'm down almost 10 based on my home scale. If all goes according to my plan (fingers crossed), I'll have it the first week of November!

    How was the surgery? I'm scared of it! Lol

    You have to come down a specific weight!? I don't know if I could have done that. I'll send prayers your way. Did they put you on a special diet? I'd have to cheat and go straight adkins diet.

    The surgery went great as far as no complications. When I woke up I was hit with an unexpected amount of pain. Not my actual stomach but I felt like I had been stabbed...a bunch...It was kind of rough the 1st couple of days. I'm not sure that that's normal though. I think most people only experience mild discomfort. Maybe some doctors have better technique. I have chronic pain issues anyways so maybe that had something to do with it?

    Now I'm 12 days post and I feel great! Even when I was dealing with the pain I never looked back. I knew that would end in time and I had/have so much to look forward too.

    Who is your doctor? Where are you having yours done?

  10. I love this thread!!! It's so exciting seeing the amazing progress everyone has and continue to make. Makes me that much more excited to get mine done so I can join you all!

    Keep up the amazing work!

    I agree! I love seeing all the pics. It's so encouraging and motivating. I'm a newbi, I just had mine on the 26th. No success story yet but have lost 20 since the preop. When is you're date?

  11. On the way home he jokingly said that he was going to go pick up a Big Mac. I told him I would seriously hurt him if he did that. Actually I'd probably just attack the Big Mac. Haha Only 11 more days!!

    Be strong honeybunz, the goal is insight.;) Each day gets a little easier. They went to one of my favorite restaurants last night for a family birthday. The thought of that food has been making my mouth Water all week. I knew if I went I'd be sticking my tongue on everything.:P By the time the day to go got here I was able to easily decline and send them on without me. I know after a couple of months I'll be able to attend those get togethers again no problem. B):lol:

  12. I get it! Some men are secure in the relationship when their wife's are over weight, at least mine is. Now, at the thought of us being in shape, it scares them a little. Any time I would loose some weight he would COMPLETELY try to sabotage my diet. I don't think on purpose. Hang In there, ur not alone. This is a great forum to vent and know some dysfunctional behaviors are pretty normal... Lol

    Thanks BellaLuce4, you're so right. Although I don't think he's doing it on purpose, he has expressed he's worried I'm going to leave him when I'm thin. Only because he's heard the horror stories of that kind of thing happening and his buddy at work keeps teasing him about it. I would never do that. :wub:I value our vows and have no doubt God put us together. :wub: Besides, if I haven't left him in the 15 yrs we've been married, after all the crap he's put me through then there's no chance I'd leave him now to be with another man. :P Hilarious! :lol: Why would I want to leave him for another sack of issues? :blink::huh:Lol

    Funny Men :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

  13. Welcome to the thread! Keep up the walking, it will make you stronger everyday. I know my first few trips were very tough, I went out on last Friday and I could barely walk around the inside of Bed Bath and Beyond. After 2 more days of really getting out and walking I felt up to doing lite housework.

    I'm thinking if you've been laid low this long then you are going to have to build yourself up again, just like if you'd been really sick in bed. Take it head on Chicka and walk, walk.

    Thanks DownPat, I'm doing a little better everyday. I've been for a walk in the woods, to Wal-Mart and have been able to start light house work. Sadly I have a long list of things to be done.

    :rolleyes:I think insurance should start paying for a house maid to come help out at least during the 1st week of recovery. :lol:

    Or maybe just someone to boss the kids and hubby around so they'll get things done. :D

  14. ok - having my first complication after surgery - Constipation. I really have to go and cant... I either cant or am afraid to bare down... but Ive had to go for 24 hours now and it feels urgent now. I just drank some Decaf coffee - always worked in the past - and then as soon as the sun comes up Im gonna go for a long walk... but oh my goodness this doesnt feel good.

    Thanks for the support. So sorry you're not feeling well at this time. If you have a heating pad you could sit with it on your belly for a little while. Sometimes just that works things out for me. It seems to relax everything. I've had constipation issues for years having to take all the pain meds. Usually a McDonald's cheese burger does the trick for me. Lol, :P Guess I won't be using that anymore.

    Hope things get worked out real soon.

  15. I'm so glad I'm not the only one! I'm 9 days post-op aswell. My husband took time off work to "help and take care of me". He's been with me everyday for 9 days now. If he wasn't going back to work TOMORROW I don't know if he'd make it through the night. The first 4 days he was great. Since then he's steadily trying to push me over the edge. Not only is he pissy but he's eating so much junk. Sadly and embarrassingly I have been weak and sampled some of those foods. A lick here, a lick there, nothing that can hurt me but junk nonetheless. I know he won't eat like this when he goes back to work. He himself is on his own weight loss journey. He's lost over 100 lbs in the last 8 months from diet and exercise. Why does he have to choose now to over indulge? I need his love, support, PATIENCE and understanding in a big way. I feel abandoned and alone. And not only does it make me sad, it really pisses me off. How do you stay positive when your other half is being a moody d*#k?

    Sorry this is so long, I've been holding it in.

  16. You JUST had your surgery on August 26th. That was only LAST week. I was told your new sleeve takes at least a month to heal. Please be kind to yourself and give your body time to heal. Rest when you need to. I know turning off your mind is difficult at times. Close your eyes and picture yourself in a place where you feel totally relaxed and comfortable. Concentrate and keep your mind on being in that place, where ever that may be. Take a deep breath through your nose to completely fill your lungs, hold it for a few seconds and then blow it out

    Hope your recovery progresses quickly and you feel better soon,


    Thanks Kathleen,

    That relaxes me just thinking about it. I'm going to try that right now! Awesome techniques. I've been taught to do something like that before in order to relax myself. I forgot how well it put me to sleep.-_-


  17. You JUST had your surgery on August 26th. That was only LAST week. I was told your new sleeve takes at least a month to heal. Please be kind to yourself and give your body time to heal. Rest when you need to. I know turning off your mind is difficult at times. Close your eyes and picture yourself in a place where you feel totally relaxed and comfortable. Concentrate and keep your mind on being in that place, where ever that may be. Take a deep breath through your nose to completely fill your lungs, hold it for a few seconds and then blow it out

    Thanks Kathleen,

    That relaxes me just thinking about it. I'm going to try that right now! Awesome techniques. I've been taught to do something like that before in order to relax myself. I forgot how well it put me to sleep.-_-


  18. That seems to be my general state of sleep, although not something that changed with surgery. I typically take melatonin and sometimes a Xanax to help me sleep. Are you taking Vitamins? Is it possible that some of those are messing with your sleep? For instance, I was told to take B12 in the morning because it could keep you awake if taken later in the day.

    I take all my Vitamins in the morning before 11am... I think...:huh: I've had a little trouble taking all my meds so I'm not on a schedule anymore. It takes the whole day to get them all in and sometimes not all of them get taken. I do take all my Vitamins though. They may have gotten spaced out later in the day at times. Somedays what and when I take is whatever I think I can stomach at the time. I'll pay more attention to that and see if it helps.

    Thanks! :)

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