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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by stay75

  1. I was wondering if any after being banded was not hungry at all. I am able to drink some water but don't really want that either. I it does feel a little weird going in my belly now I'm just assuming it's something I have to get used too. Today is a better day. Just a little discomfort
  2. Don't feel bad. Remember today is a new day. How bad can fish tacos be and if they were the ones all fried up take that as cheat day and tomorrow start anew. Just remember when you eat something and want to chew to make sure you chew your food very very well. I'm about 10 days post op and had 1/2 and egg roll (the day after my family order Chinese) so it was cold. I learned the hard way trust that is not a soft food when not warmed up plus chewing. When you feel like you messed up just remember to calm down, just breathe and today is a new day
  3. stay75

    Salty Foods

    I have only been banded for two weeks and have notice the scale isn't moving any more. Actually it went up a pound or two. When I spoke to the surgeon he said Im probably retaining water. When I looked at some of the stuff I was having salt was the issues.
  4. I just went for my first follow up and he too has me waiting 4-6 weeks more until my first fill. It's because the stomach is still swollen. He also told me just be mindful to what I eat and remember to chew. My hardest thing to remember to do is not to drink and eat at the same time
  5. Heat heat and more heat. It does get better in the next few days
  6. stay75

    Banded February 9

    Thanks guys that makes a lot of sense.
  7. stay75

    pain on left side

    Have you tried a heating pad?? That what I used after my surgery (the 19th) and just kept it on for a long while. It helped my shoulder pains
  8. stay75

    Banded February 9

    So during the first two weeks we can only have liquids like water, Crystal light, clear soup and the protein drink and that's all???? Can anyone help me.
  9. stay75

    Banded February 9

    Thanks so much. It makes me feel so much better hearing what others have gone threw. Ice pops were great yesterday. Today I'm going to try to have a protein shake. What's funny is my stomach is starting to growl but not hungry but I feel good
  10. I was banded Thursday. I took the gas x but not sure if it helped any. The heating pad really helped my shoulder and chest pains I was having from gas. I am totally not hungry at all and taken sips of water which feels weird going down but I figured I have to get used to havering a band on me. Each day I get a little better. Today I went outside and got a little light headed but all and all it was good. You got this we all got this.
  11. stay75

    No restriction

    I had my surgery also the 19 and am having the complete opposite problem not hungry at all. Making my self drink water and protein shakes. I keep getting up and walking around my house. I have very little chest pain stomach is still sore and u realized talking to much hurts haha. I emailed my dr about not being hungry and they said that that's normal because things are still swollen. Good luck. We got this
  12. I have been trying to drink my protein drink but I'm so not thirsty or hungry. I'm a teacher and what kind of sucks in this is I was hoping to have the surgery monday so I would have had the week off. I go back Monday but I see how I'm feeling. Maybe a popsicle would be better. My throat is a little sore
  13. So tomorrow I am meeting my surgeon and getting the call from the hospital about what time to go in for Thursday. I can't believe the it's only one day away. Thursday February 19 with be my new beginning. Thank you all that have answered my posted and for all of you guys posting thigh out there. I feel like I'm pretty well prepared. I am already lost 9 pounds on the liquid diet which wasn't too bad for me. And I'm already fitting into my clothes differently. Thanks again.
  14. Funny that's how I was wednesdAy. And so nervous yesterday. I have never had any surgery before. Good luck you got this
  15. Sorry. The not was supposed to be I am. I did get banded yesterdayv
  16. I did it. I am not banded. Yesterday was a tough day. I couldn't get comfortable. I couldn't sleep. But the morning I just went and laid on my back in stead of sitting up. I also took my pain meds in the morning (yesterday I was way to nauseous and wasn't drinking). And I slept fine. I'm feeling ok just a little sore. I took my vitamins and am drink some grape juice mixed with water. My stomach pains comes in waves, is this normal.
  17. Mare18 good luck to you also. We got this. Keeping a positive mind with everything. Will let you guys know how im doing. Thanks
  18. The hospital called. Have to be there at 9:30 sharp and the surgery is scheduled for 11:00
  19. Thanks so much I'm all about that. Going to impress my self and everyone. This is it. I'm hoping to go back to work Monday and have a whole lot of stairs to walk up a few times a day so Friday I'm going to try stairs. If I can't I can't and I will just see how I'm doing. Looking at everything in a new light and being positive. Thanks for the advice I will take it
  20. stay75


    Special K, boost,
  21. stay75

    My head hurts!

    My head was also hurting. I realized I wasn't having enough protein or calories. Maybe that might be it. Also I took Ibuprofen for it also. Once I figured it out by day three it was done. You got this. We got this. I'm on day 6 ????
  22. So I did all my foot work I was sitting around waiting and waiting for the office to get back to me so I started calling. I'm a teacher and have been since this whole thing started, wanting this surgery for the February break and it finally is going to happen. I have to start my liquid diet tomorrow but not really sure what I have to do. Can I have cooked veggies or they have to be raw? My NUTI is going to send my the list Monday. So as of tomorrow it's protein shakes for breakfast lunch and dinner YUM. My date is February 19. The last thing I need to do is go to the doc Wednesday for clearance. I'm so nervous and excited at the same time. Any extra advice things to do? What should I have in the house before? Any tips? Thank you all. I have been reading what others have posted which has been lots of help as well.
  23. Me too. I chew lots of sugar free gum
  24. Thanks guys. I did the foot work And got my date February 19 ????????. I'm on day three of the liquid diet and it isn't so bad. I kind of feel like I'm going extreme vegan haha

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