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The Candidate

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by The Candidate

  1. The Candidate

    Anyone starting their journey in San Diego Kaiser?

    Hi @@Photo925 thanks for checking in! I've been thinking about you a lot so it's good to hear you are doing so well. 47 pounds down already - that's phenomenonal! I especially love hearing that pretty much everything we worry about pre-surgery turns out to be a non-event for the most part post surgery. I guess it's just human nature to be inquisitive to the nth degree about something you've never encountered before. Have you already ready the point where you're saying the gastric sleeve was the best thing you've ever done? I'm sure things will start to speed up time wise once I get to start the classes next week. Thanks for sharing your info with us on your experiences. I know I'm going to have more questions later on. Congrats again on your amazing success. I can't wait to be where you are now. How is the exercising coming along? Any difficulties there? How long did you stay home from work and was it hard going back? Was the exhaustion as bad as they say? How was the hospital stay? Thanks again and hope to talk to you soon!
  2. The Candidate

    Fed up!

    Being the only one in my immediate family who is overweight, let alone morbidly obese, I know exactly how you feel. I have two sisters and one brother who are and have always been of normal weight. For the most part they've never judged me, certainly never harsher than I judge myself. Since I've undertaken this journey and have become my own advocate for WLS I find myself much more emotional than I normally am. All of those repressed feelings of inadequacies are much closer to the surface now. I cry at the drop of a hat whereas before I was like a suit of armour, nothing could penetrate my self-imposed shields. By opening myself up to hope again I've found that I'm also much more vernerable to off hand remarks and thoughtless insensitivity than I was before. It's almost like you have to step back a few paces before you can move forward again. The other day I burst into tears and was putting myself down over my weight and my brother gets this panicked look in his eyes and blurts out: "Don't cry, you're fine. In fact, you know who my favorite actress is? Melissa McCarthy!" At first I was thinking, are you kidding me? That's your idea of comfort? But then I just burst out laughing. The bottom line is someone who isn't obese themselves can never understand how horrible it is, and no amount of love will ever give them the inside scoop. Doesn't mean they don't love you and it doesn't mean they are deliberately trying to hurt you with inconsiderate words and actions. They just live in a completely different world. Hang in there. Things will get better!
  3. The Candidate

    8 months post op with pics

    Wow! You look fantastic and serve as an inspiration to us all!
  4. The Candidate

    Anyone starting their journey in San Diego Kaiser?

    Hello @plusssizecrosstrainer and @lidawtee! For some reason I couldn't get back onto this site until now. I kept trying and trying yesterday. I see you are going away for a few days @lidawtee so I hope I haven't missed you, as I had a couple of questions I was hoping you could answer. How long was it after your classes before you got your surgery date? Were you able to lose the pre-op weight? Was there any homework as Jen was wondering? What other labs/tests were ordered after classes? Did you have an endoscopy done? At what point after class did you get the notice that you were officially approved for surgery? If I'm too late and you're already gone I hope your surgery goes well tomorrow! And please keep us updated on how you're doing! Sorry for all the questions but I get so excited when I find people who are also going through the Kaiser Southern CA experience; it seems to have the longest pre-approval process of all. There seems to be so few of us online too. I too agree that the long duration will ensure we will be absolutely prepared, but sometimes I feel like a kid the night before Christmas feeling that Santa will never arrive! I've been doing some things to help pass the time like making personal video journals so I'll be able to see the physical difference as I go along and remember exactly how I felt from day to day. I'm taking my classes in San Marcos too, @lidawtee! I hope my class ends up as close knit as yours was. There was only 16 people in your class? I'm a little surprised it was that small. I hope mine is as well as it will help us all get to know one another better. Jen, I think you and I will finish at the around the exact same time as my classes will also be delayed by the holidays. Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years all fall on Thursday. I'm thinking they will conclude some time in May. @lidawtee, (if you're still around or when you return) did you have any weeks when your classes were postponed? Jen, I would love to stay in touch and chart our journeys together. I just realized that there's a very real possibility that we might even be in the hospital having surgery at around the same time! It would be wonderful to support each other through the ups and downs. I'm so excited for the both of us! And for your speedy recovery @lidawtee! Take care of that foot of yours, Jen! Hope to talk more with the both of you soon! Debbie
  5. The Candidate

    Anyone starting their journey in San Diego Kaiser?

    Hi @@plussizecrossfitter, so very good to hear from you again! My classes start this Thusday and I am so ready to actively be doing something to get this party started. In some ways the time has been going by pretty fast, but on others days I get a little down about the long waiting period. I saw Dr. Ray on the 6th, so I've been waiting to start these classes for over a month now! I've been pretty on top on the exercising portion. I'm a demon on the treadmill, and I only wish I had one of my own. (I'm hoping to buy one sometime in March). On the other hand I've attended more than a few of my own food funerals along the way. Still I'm excited for the first class weigh in next week. I don't own a scale (also an intended purchase) but I few as though I've list some weight, so we'll see. Congratulations on getting through the Halloween candy barrage, as well as your upcoming birthday! I think you're entitked to a little indulgence considering you still have six months of classes to wade through, so try to enjoy your day as much as possible. My trial of fire comes the very day of my first class. My office always throws this big Thanksgiving luncheon each year and it just happens to fall on that day! How's the foot coming along? And @@Photo925 we sure would like to hear a post op update from you when you have a chance! Take care, Debbie
  6. The Candidate

    New to fifties group

    Morning @@#9grammy! The fact that you can end that report by saying you're heading out for a walk just shows how strong you are internally. No amount of pain is going to keep you down; you've got this!
  7. The Candidate

    New to fifties group

    "Lost" I mean. Forget how to spell sometimes. :-)
  8. The Candidate

    New to fifties group

    @@#9grammy you came through like the trooper you are. Congratulations! Now get some rest! @@Kathy812 you've last 25 pounds already! That is so amazing!
  9. The Candidate

    New to fifties group

    Go get 'em #9grammy. Here's to the start of your brand new life! We'll be thinking of you!
  10. The Candidate

    New to fifties group

    @9grammy if you can why not book a day at the spa tomorrow or maybe just a massage? I bet that will work wonders with the jitters and headache. It's no wonder you're all tied up in knots. Do something nice and relaxing just for yourself tomorrow. Make a point of it. As for others saying things to make you reconsider, remember this: you are the sole legal owner of that body you're in. Others opinions are just that: opinions. And unqualified ones at that because no one has clocked any hours in that body except you. You're the only one looking at this from the inside out. You know exactly how many times you've tried and succeeded only to regain. And at our age especially, no one but you knows the amount of physical pain you're currently in. For myself that's the clincher. You have made an agonized but fully informed decision to have surgery and now you're following through. It's okay to rethink that decision too, right up until the moment they wheel you in, and if in the end you decide not to go through it then that's the right course of action to follow. But don't let anyone else who isn't you have any weight in your ultimate decision. Best of luck.
  11. The Candidate

    New to fifties group

    @9grammy how are those pre-surgery jitters coming? Normal and all of course, but you must be over the moon thinking about Monday! You're down to a countdown in literal hours now. Are you doing okay with the pre-op diet restrictions? Have your bag packed? Sorry for living vicariously through you but I would do anything to be in your place right now! I do remarkably well with the patience factor for the most part but every once in awhile I must confess to a spot of envy. :-). Here's hoping for the best on your amazing journey! Be sure to keep us posted!
  12. The Candidate

    New to fifties group

    @@Kathy812 Wow! 7 1/2 pounds in one week is amazing! You must be so happy and excited that you finally made it to the other side and are already realizing such fantastic results. It's sounds like maybe you overdid it a bit with your friends' visit plus the stairs, and that's why you had such a spike up in pain and exhaustion. Don't forget that you are just barely out of major surgery. You still need a lot of rest. This is one time in your life where you need to be totally selfish and think about you first and foremost. It's good that you're getting a couple of weeks more off of work too. What kind of foods are you going to be eating with the mushy phase? For some reason I always think of baby food when I hear talk of it. I've even considered testing out a few jars myself for when I get there. Hey, I figure it must be chalk full of needed vitamins and nutrients and the consistency is right. Plus they don't spit it all back up so some of it must not taste half bad. :-). Are you experiencing any changes in tastes yourself, things you used to like to eat but hate now. Every day brings you one step further out from surgery and one step closer towards your new wonderful life. What a blessing! Hope you're feeling better today!
  13. The Candidate

    New to fifties group

    @@beachgal2935 Hello there! Another pre-op sister, so glad to make your acquaintance! It really is wonderful to be here in this forum, chatting with people my own age who are going through the exact same experience. I find I'm having many days, especially at work, where I just drift off in a daydream for a moment or two thinking what my future is going to be like. I'm surrounded by 20 and 30 something's at work, and I imagine when I get get that secret "what if" goofy grin on my face , they probably just think its old age gas. :-). Don't get me wrong I love them to death, but they have no idea of the daily aches and pains of just getting through the day in this obese body, and they think old is 35!
  14. The Candidate

    New to fifties group

    @@traveler60 so sorry to hear about your broken ankle. Sometimes it feels as though life is working double against us doesn't it? We've finally got our future and health on course, and we're working so hard for this amazing goal, and then something like this happens! Since your surgery is in Mexico and so I'm assuming your a self-pay, have you considered postponing it a bit until your ankle mends? I know the mere thought of putting it off for even a minute longer is sheer agony, but it's something to really consider. I'm honestly worried about you. Traveling alone for surgery is hard enough, and with crutches it'll be even more of a burden. The biggest consistency post-op I've heard tell is exhaustion, which again will be amplified by dealing with a serious foot injury to boot (no pun intended). Do you have a walking boot or a cast? I'm not trying to discourage you in any way. I would be depressed as well if I was dealing with that on top of everything else, doubly so being this close to surgery. But waiting a little longer for a best end result might benefit you more in the long run. I'm concerned about your welfare that's all. I apologize if I'm intruding too much. I'll be thinking of you! Best of luck either way!
  15. The Candidate

    New to fifties group

    First, congratulations to all those who just had or will soon be going into surgery. How wonderful for you! From the sounds of your posts it seems like once you get final approval clearance things move very quickly from there. I hope all the post-op's keep everyone up to date on your continued progress so we know you're doing okay. @@Kathy812 is it getting easier for you as you get more days out from surgery? Have you experienced any of those taste buds changes I've been hearing so much about? Flavors you used to love but now you can't stand and vice versa? BTW is there anyone else on here who is still early on in the process like me, or am I the proverbial virgin amongst us? :-). If so, hope you don't mind all my questions! @@LainieG so relieved to know that your cousin's bypass went so well and she is recovering nicely. It must be a big load off of your mind. What kind of protein drinks are you using on your diet, if you don't mind my asking? I tried out a lot of the powered shakes, including Unjury, and they were barely palatable in my opinion, but I'm liking the prepared ones, especially Muscle Milk.
  16. The Candidate


    Way to go Nate! I've not had my surgery yet, but you only have to turn around a bit to see all the successful stories here! You're next! I'm so very happy for you! You're so young and you have a wonderful exciting new life ahead of you, never forget that.
  17. The Candidate

    New to fifties group

    We'll be thinking of you @Vsglady. All the best to you! Let us know how it goes.
  18. The Candidate

    New to fifties group

    Maybe that's all part of the magic designed to finally get us healthy again. You have so much to think about, so much you have to remember and do; there no room for anything else. And all the while you're going about your day in this strange brand new body. You've read all the instructions and yet it's still like unraveling a complex mystery. It must be in equal terms exciting and scary. But before you know it you'll be there. In that place you've been hoping and dreaming about since the very moment you made the decision to have the surgery. I can only imagine how tough it must be for you, but you sound like you are doing so well, and I'm so very happy for you! Remember to take a moment everyday and cherish how hard you've worked to get where you are now. How much progress you've made and how many more successes you have coming your way. Some so special you can't even dream of them yet! You deserve it!
  19. The Candidate

    Awaiting approval - Cigna

    @Jackbult, I love that term: Holy Crap What If Club! You should look into having that trademarked. I think I crashed your membership, hope you don't mind. :-). Even though my surgery is many months away I often find my mind wandering into the what if future. It's a very nice place to take up residence, dreaming of how much our lives are going to change for the better! I have faith @@mom of 2 poodles that your approval is already in hand! You too @@LisaLou30 Congratulations!
  20. The Candidate

    New to fifties group

    @@Kathy812 how is your recovery coming along?
  21. The Candidate


    @@swimbikerun thank you for the definition of PPI!
  22. The Candidate


    This is such an excellent question, and one I had too. From my research about HB after being sleeved I worry that when I finally get to see a surgeon, he/she will tell me I can't have the sleeve because if it. I'm not prescribed meds for heartburn, but I do take over the counter stuff like Pepcid. It's definitely not chronic, nor too frequent though. BTW, what is a PPI, if I may ask?
  23. The Candidate

    New to fifties group

    Congrats @@Kathy812 for officially becoming a post op! I'm sorry you had to go through so much pain, but I'm so glad you're feeling better now. I appreciate the truthfulness. I for one don't want anything surger-coated, prepare for the worst, but hope for the best as they say. Please keep us updated on your progress from day to day, the good along with the bad. Hello @@Queen of the crop, looking forward to reading your blog!
  24. The Candidate

    New to fifties group

    Thank you @@beachgal2935 and a happy belated birthday! It's kind of fitting that you started your pre-op on your birthday as you are on the threshold of beginning a whole new life after surgery. A life of better health, and the possibilities are endless! :-)
  25. The Candidate

    New to fifties group

    Hello @@Vsglady! Thank you for kind words! You are so right about the time flying by! Every time I do get a little down in dumps about the wait I just remind myself that I shouldn't wish my days away, as they're just too precious. I've really been impressed so far with Kaiser's bariatric program. It's very streamlined so I always pretty much know exactly what is supposed to happen next. I'm also very lucky to have a wonderful PCP who supports my having this surgery 100 percent. But I think the thing I am most grateful for is that I am finally feeling hopeful again. I'd become almost resigned to living the rest of my life this way. Waking up in pain, going through the day in pain, and going to bed in pain. When you're younger it's easier to fool yourself that being obese isn't the end of the world because you still have all that energy and vitality. You find ways to work around it. And then one day, usually around the 50 year mark (sometimes sooner), you suddenly realize that your body has become your worst enemy. It's out to get you. You've treated it like trash all these years and now it wants revenge! And rightfully so. :-) I've come to feel about this surgery the same way I felt about LASIK eye surgery when I had it. It's a blooming miracle! Finally my body and I will be on the same page, working together. I'm more than ready to turn my life around, exercise, eat right, and do whatever it takes to finally feel good again.

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