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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by DebC

  1. I was the same way, but my dr. is very communicative, but I had lost my job and couldn't afford to go all the time...anyway, yes keep your appt. get about 2 cc's removed and you should be fine, PBin is NOT good you could cause your band to slip. Some days I was fine, others I would end up over the sink at every meal, I got to the point where I just didn't want to do it anymore. Then I found out that there is new research done on the band. When the food passes thru it goes back up again, then down, it does this about 3 times, stimulating the nerves, so it is extremely important to allow at least 1 1/2 to 2 min. between bites (I know this is hard), but it does work and MEASURE YOUR FOOD no more that 3/4 to 1 cup or 4-6 oz. of TOTAL food, if you eat slow and allow the time between bites, you will get full and you won't PB. If your dr. is not helping, is there another you can go to? They should be there for you for after care! Let me know how you do. Good luck

  2. You will get there...it just takes time. That is one of the reasons you want to wait at least 2-4 weeks between fills. Remember as you loose, the sweet spot will change cause the band will get loose again. Remember to eat Protein first, it will keep you full longer

  3. Remember Carmen....the band is a tool and we have to learn how to use the tool! I have been at this for 2 1/2 years and am still learning, I have been trying to wait between bites and it is really helping, hang in there girl, you can do this!

  4. Carmen, this is completely normal! Don't get in a hurry, I have been doing this for 2 1/2 years! The band is not a quick fix, you have to do your part in portion size and exercise. I have had to have my fluids removed twice, now that is discouraging! Once because I was having surgery and another because I was over the sink with every meal. To date I have lost approx. 70 lbs. They have now got me up to 8 CC's in a # 14 band. It was explained to me today, that there is new research out. You absolutely must wait 1 1/2 to 2 min. between bites. This is why: The way the band works is the food passes thru the small hole, but the band pushes it back up. This happens about 3 times, stimulating the nerve which tells the brain you are satisfied, the band can only hold about 4-6 oz. of food, I tried it tonight and it really does work. It's hard to wait between bites, but I was satisfied with about 5 oz. of food. With my first fills it took til I got about to 7 CC's in a #14 band. So don't get discouraged, stay with the program, you will get there! It's a slow process, but it does work! I wish you the most success! Hang in there!

  5. That be right! It will either go down or come back up, but it's not like permanant. I have had it happen both ways, this morning I took too big a gulp of iced coffee and it came right back up, barely had time to get to the sink...LOL! You basically have to learn how and what you can eat. For those who have never been stuck, remember to: chew, chew, chew and very small bites! If you take too big of a bite when you are fully restricted it WILL get stuck. One thing to keep in mind that might help some is keep a small container of pineapple juice handy. Ordinaraly you should not drink anything when you are stuck, it will make it worse and instinct is to try and drink something, but you will just get stuck worse, but a couple of small sips of pineapple juice gets things going rather quickly, but remember just sips, this has helped me out alot, I even keep one in my purse...just in case

  6. There is only ONE way to loose weight and that is to burn more calories than you take in. That involves diet and exercise. Some think this is an easy fix. It's not. The band is only a tool to help. When you are fully restricted your band will not let you eat more than you should, so you concentrate on Protein alot. It does not happen over night. It took me 4 months just to feel some restriction, then I had to get a complete unfill because of major surgury, now I am where I should be. I get full on a half a salad and tuna at lunch, for dinner I put my food on a salad plate and get full. I tried to loose weight by willpower alone, but always failed. Having the band is the tool I need to stick to it. You could still gain weight if you ate junk food and drank soda and milkshakes, so it does require a committment to make the right choices

  7. I get stuck frequently, mostly because I eat too fast, don't chew good enough or eat something I should'nt like bread or Buns. Most of the time it does not hurt, and it passes quickly. If I get stuck I just set my food aside and eat later, but sometimes if it gets "really" stuck I won't eat the item I tried to eat. The other night I wanted a hotdog from Quick Trip sooooo bad, I took one bite and got really stuck and gave it to the dog....LOL boy she was happy! Anyway when I get stuck spit starts building up in my mouth, kinda like when you are going to vomit, sometimes it comes right back up. I usually only lasts for a few minutes, it's kinda like when you take a drink of Water and get an air bubble only it don't hurt as bad. It's not life threatening, unless of course you are too tight and are not eating! Hope this helped

  8. It gets much better once you can start on soft foods. I made my own broth and because I made it with real meat it had more Protein in it. Of course you can't eat the meat, but it was sooo tastey and seemed to ease the hunger pains. Here's what you do. Put 3 cans beef broth in a crockpot with 1 pkg. Italian dressing mix and a round steak or rump roast. Cook it all day on low. Shred the meat and serve it on Buns for the rest of the family and save the broth for you. I used a tea strainer to eliminate the meat. SF Jello and pudding helped alot too. Remember it may take a few fills to feel restriction. Everybody is different. I had six fills before I felt any restriction. Then I found out I had to have a hysterectomy and had to get unfilled. That set me back several months, talk about frustrating. But I'm back on track now. I eat about a cup and feel full. You just gotta get through the first month, so hang in there! I know it's hard, but remember why you did this and think of the skinny clothes you will be able to wear again.

  9. As long as you are not taking any pain meds, you should be fine to drive. I drove 3rd day post op, the hardest part was getting in and out of the car as we have a low profile car, but other than that it was no problem. Just make sure you are not taking pain meds as these can make you "loopy"

  10. They have trouble with my port at every fill. My first fill hurt really bad, cause she couldn't get the needle in, so now with every fill I get a local, not taking any chances. As it turns out it's a good thing I do. I had an infection near my port about 2 weeks post op and a good amount of scar tissue has formed. Plus with all the fills I have had scar tissue is now forming on top of the port, so they have a little trouble getting through it, but getting a local really makes a difference, they can poke all they want and I don't feel it :thumbup:

  11. I just got my 3rd fill and finally feel some restriction. I found out today that I have to have all my Fluid removed because I have to have a total hysterectomy. My band doc says its best to get it removed in case there is vomiting after my surgery, so after the surgery I will have to start all over with my fills....how frustrating!

  12. Tyme...you need a sleep study right away! I have sleep apnea and I did the same thing. Sleep apnea can go away with weight loss, but not until you loose at least 25 percent of your body weight. Everyone is different. I use a CPAP machine. I have had it for about 4 years. It was hard to get used to the machine, but now I can't sleep without it. Sleep apnea is extremely dangerous. It can cause a heart attack or stroke, plus you are a danger on the road. I kept falling asleep at the wheel too. The lap band surgeon can't help you with this. Your primary Dr. will send you to a pulmonary specialist who can order a sleep study and get you on the right track

  13. I was banded on 11/1/07 and still can't burp like I used to. My friend got banded about 2 weeks before me. What we do instead of burping is what we call a "hichaburp" it's like a hichup and a burp combined. It just comes out. It's like we have no control over it. It's kinda funny. We work together and every once in a while one of us will do it and the other will start laughing, probably drives everyone else in the office crazy...LOL. I know the feeling though that if I could just "burp" like a rip roaring burp. The pain you are feeling is more from your surgery. The swelling last sometimes for a few weeks, but as your body adjusts and the swelling goes down, you will feel more comfortable, may not still be able to burp like you used to, but the pain will subside

  14. Ginaki, I've smoked for 40 years. I quit about 2 weeks prior to surgery, mainly because I was afraid they would loose me on the table! I've been quit now for a little over a month. I had a slip up last weekend, but back on track now. You have to want to quit, for a long time I told myself I enjoyed it! Geeeze enjoyed it? How can anyone enjoy coughing to the point of seizures? I would cough so hard I would black out. But when I decided to get the band, I wanted to get healthy all around, not just the weight. I want to be able to go for a walk and not get out of breath in less than a block. I can walk with hubby now and even keep up and not get out of breath! I use the nicotine gum, don't taste so good, but it works for me, if you really want to quit and get healthy give it a try. It's still not easy, but if you want it bad enough you can do it.

  15. Hi Megan. I was certain I wanted the surgery. I had been researching and thinking about it for a year. I didn't think I could afford it...then I decided I couldn't afford NOT to. I have multiple health problems relating to my weight. But...I will say about 4 days post-op I started thinking "what on earth have I done to myself". I was really depressed for a couple of days, then I told my friend about it who had just had the same surgery (we work togther...how cool is that!) and she started laughing and said she thought the same thing. So I guess it is normal to wonder that after you do it, but now I am so glad I did do it...except when it comes time to make the payment....arrrrg!

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