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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Foofy

  1. Foofy

    Long time no fill...

    Good God!!! That's amazing!! I had no idea that people were being charge such high fees. Really, if you knew you might have to pay almost a thousand dollars for a fill, wouldn't you have leaned towards gastric bypass? The whole point of the band is that it is adjustable, but if it costs that much to do the adjustments, it's really NOT adjustable. It would almost be cheaper to fly back to your original doctor for fills. So sorry. I see that they are doing trials on a new kind of band that constricts and loosens using telemetry (with a tiny motor in the band). It would put an end to fills as we know them.
  2. Foofy

    A complication! Unlocked band.

    Judy, I found that link after a lot of googling. I think you are right. It is a very rare complication. Most of the unlocked band hits are related to intentionally unlocking a band in a revision surgery, not having one come undone (or never having it locked to begin with). I hope it's useful.
  3. Foofy

    A complication! Unlocked band.

    Hey Judy, I found this post on Obesity Help from a woman who had her band come unlocked. She didn't have it investigated for 2 years (because it never occured to her that such a thing could happen). Unfortunately, in that time the band eroded into her stomach and had to come off. She converted to a gastric sleeve. I don't send this to scare you, but to give you someone you might be able to contact. Also, to let you know that it is so good that your problem was discovered relatively early. I am sure all will be well! Warm thoughts. http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/VSG/board_id,5463/user_id,291583/a,messageboard/action,memberPosts/
  4. Foofy

    Slipped Band

    Yay. Sades is back! Quit posting every few hours and get some sleep, girl. You can talk to us later. S-L-E-E-P!!!!!
  5. Foofy

    A complication! Unlocked band.

    Judy, think how skinny you will be after two weeks of liquids and two weeks of mushies. Niiiiice.
  6. Foofy

    How many calories are you eating?

    We will all get to where we are going eventually. Just enjoy the journey.
  7. I feel your pain. I was banded in Nov and have lost 45 pounds. I dropped hair like crazy this spring. I don't seem to be losing so much now - but I don't have much left to lose. I'm pretty sparse on top.
  8. Foofy

    How many calories are you eating?

    I've lost about 43 pounds. I eat about 1300 cals a day. I am pretty sure I'm not getting enough exrecise and I have no one to blame for that but me. Like Cindy, I'm pretty happy with the weight loss (until I read about people that have lost twice that or more). I feel healthier and am pretty sure I'll get down to near my goal eventually. I think I'm gonna get a little tweak, because I don't have much restriction. Although I do get stuck if I eat too fast, so I certainly have SOME restriction. I need to listen to the little voice that says "enough" rather than the one that says "hey there's still something on your plate."
  9. Foofy

    spicy food

    Man, we had Thai food last night that was so hot I think I sweated a pint of fluid. I HAD to break the bandster rule and drink some milk because I thought my tongue would explode. FABULOUS. It was so hot that I suffered the heat again this morning, if you know what I mean. ;o)
  10. Foofy

    A complication! Unlocked band.

    Shalee, you are dilerious. I have to lose more than 20 pounds to catch up to you. you are NOT a slow loser. ;o)
  11. Congratulations!!!!!! You are definately above the norm!! Your doctor will be wanting to use use as a poster child for the band. How many calories are you eating a day?
  12. Foofy

    Salsa's Summer Surgery!

    Hee hee. It sounds like the prescription for you is milkshakes and naps. Glorious!!! I know you are used to being Superwoman, but now's the time to relax and be spoiled. Your body is VERY busy without any added activities. Think good thoughts. We're all pulling for you. Becky - plastic lawn chair - stellar idea!
  13. Foofy

    spicy food

    Cindy, The first time I got stuck on shrimp, I thought it was a fluke. The second time, I started to worry that it was always going to happen. I'm scared to try again. They are just so deliscious (and low calorie) I hate to give them up. I'll have to REALLY focus on eating them properly when I get the nerve to do it again.
  14. Foofy

    Slipped Band

    Heck, you should get a discount on a tummy tuck after this.... Drop him a hint.
  15. Foofy

    A complication! Unlocked band.

    I'm starting to get nervous, my fellow slow losers all have something wrong with their bands.... I guess I better buckle down and go get another fill and see what happens. It's going to be lonely here in slow loser land after Sades and Judy start racing ahead.
  16. Foofy

    spicy food

    Not for me. So far, my only problem food is shrimp. I have hurled it twice now. I also hurled a steak I started eating too fast because I had been rowing all day and was famished. Sometimes I forget that I can't dive headfirst into my food trough anymore. My DH asked me what was wrong when I got a real pained look at the restaurant and I said "Nothing. I am just getting my money's worth out of the band." Then I ran to the ladies room and hurled.
  17. Foofy

    Nymphs Weight Loss To Date

    Lindsey - it is percent of your starting body weight. Just divide how much you have lost my your starting weight. Good job on that 70 pounds.
  18. Foofy

    Salsa's Summer Surgery!

    I agree with Becky. People often ignore their body's need for sleep - especially after a traumatic event. You are NOT a slacker if you are taking naps through the day. You are giving your body the tools it needs to make all those repairs. Catch some ZZZZZZZs.
  19. Single digit sizes? What a victory that is! I haven't been there since 5th grade. Hang in there. It will be worth it!!!
  20. Foofy

    Slipped Band

    Sades, Good luck on the surgery tomorrow (or just a few hours away - I can't remember how many hours ahead of us you are). You will do just fine and will be sailing through the pounds in no time. Heck, just being on liquids for two weeks is going to catapult you in front of me. I'm going to miss you as my "slow loser buddy", but I'll be happy that you finally have a workable band. Think lots of positive thoughts, breathe deeply, and relax. Let us know when you are out!
  21. Foofy

    Salsa's Summer Surgery!

    Holy cow. You look GREAT! You don't even look swollen at all. Plus, you THIGHS look great. Did she yank them up with the tummy tuck? You must be thrilled with the results.
  22. Foofy

    Salsa's Summer Surgery!

    Oh the internet is crazy. I can't believe I am sitting in Montana waiting for someone to take their shower in Oregon.... LOL. I am so excited to see the results. Congrats.
  23. Foofy

    Nymph's July Exercise Challenge

    Name............exercise..................amount planned........amt done Hollyberries....Water Aerobics.............20 Hours.......................4 Sades...........Walking.......................25 Hours.......................5 Sades...........Aqua Aerobics...............4 Hours........................0 hhilulu..........walking/jogging.............16 hours........................0 hhilulu..........swimming.......................9 hours........................0 Foofy............walking/eliptical............25 Hrs...........................3 Foofy............weightlifting...................8 sessions...................2 Shalee04.......Walking/Swimming...........30 hours......................3 Shalee04.......Weights/........................8 sessions...................0
  24. Foofy

    Slipped Band

    I expect you are worried. I remember how scared I was before getting my band. On the plus side, I expect your surgeon is going to be sooooper careful this time around and treat you like a princess. Everyone involved in the surgery will be double checking everything to make sure it is right. You've got to have surgery anyway, right? I think everything will be fine. I am looking forward to being pissed off at you already. ;o)
  25. Foofy

    Slipped Band

    Holy Crap!!! Your surgeon didn't get the band around your STOMACH???? That's amazing. So, I assume he would be doing the revision for FREE? While you are the one who has to decide whether to reband or not, I am curious why you wouldn't do it. I bet you would have great success, now that you have had all the practice in the bandster way of eating. Plus, you would have to have surgery anyway to get the previous band removed, so it's not like you would be avoiding surgery by chosing nnot to reband.... My two cents are to not give up. The band works - your problems with it have not been your fault or the fault of your band. Who knows, you could end up like Cindy or Txarcher - and smoke through 100 pounds 6 months after rebanding (of course, I will hate you for leaving me in the dust.....). Cheer up girl, whatever you decide will be okay.

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