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Posts posted by bridget1015

  1. I had my surgery out 29th 2014 I started out at 241 and I'm not 185. After about 6 months the weight loss was much slower and I've been stuck at plateaus. I'll go down 3lbs then up 3lbs etc.. My goal is 150 but I'm worried that now I'm almost a year out my goal seems impossible... Everyone tells me how good I look but I'm not seeing it. I feel like my stomach hasn't changed the only change I have noticed is my butt and boobs are smaller those 2 areas I didn't really care if I lost it's more so my stomach, arms, and thighs. Arms seem to be the hardest and I hate that they are flabby. I'm not going to be doing any plastics so I'm trying to find ways to tone up these specific areas.

  2. I have 2 questions that I'm looking for some information on.

    I was told that after the gastric sleeve you can't take an NSAIDs anymore? But when I do research some say u can just not every day, others say not at all, and some even say they were never told anything about it. I ask bc I'm having major back issues. I'm really inflamed all throughout my spine and they suggested taking an anti inflammatory but I didn't think I could so I looked into natural supplements and they say turmeric is really beneficial for inflammation so I was thinking of trying that but I'd really like input on taking, ibuprofen or aleve etc...

    My other question is about weight loss. I had the surgery out 29th of last year so I'm almost a year out and I've only lost 50lbs and I still Need to lose 40 more. I started noticing at about 6 months out I was able to eat more and more I wasn't getting the full feeling like I was the first couple of months like if I took one more bite I'd throw up but now it's not like that. I'm still controlling what I eat but the feeling I get when I knew I couldn't eat anymore really helped. And I'm not staying full for very long anymore. Any input on this would help. I need some insight on what else I can do to lose the 40lbs. I keep hitting plateaus and I'll go down 2-3lbs then up 2-3lbs does anyone else deal with this? And I'm still losing a lot of hair but that I knew could happen. Thank God I started with thick hair!

    Any opinions or thoughts would help!

    Thanks so much,


  3. I'm just a couple day past 6 months and I've only lost 45lbs. I'm discouraged. I just found out I have poly cystic ovarian syndrome which they think may play a role in why I'm not losing weight so fast like others. I have 50 more lbs to go to make my year goal weight and worried I wont make it...

  4. I had the gastric sleeve oct 29 2014 I'm down 30lbs and I've been stuck there for a month and I don't understand why. I'm not eating no where near like I use to. I'm really bothered and upset by this. I went through and had major surgery to lose at least 80lbs and I'm worried this is the most I'm going to lose. I'm seeing amazing results on here with other people and this worries me about myself... I don't know what I'm doing wrong exercising,eating like I'm suppose to I feel for nothing...

  5. I'm exactly 2 wks out 24lbs down and haven't lost another lb. of course I'm on food now and I think that has something to do with it bc on full liquids the weight was falling off me. Today first day back to work only lasted 4 hours started having stomach pains. Don't worry before we know it we'll be looking healthy and feeling great. I've already noticed an increase in my energy!

  6. So I had the gastric sleeve on 10/29 and I'm confused as to what I can and can't have . I'm on full liquids until the 12th when I can start puréed. I've been having Jello pudding and yogurt what else can I have that's safe?

    The recipe for the Protein sorbet like the toke whip sounds good! Can I have they now and if so is it hard to make?

    I've been craving bananas. Can I have like a Greek yogurt mixed w a little milk and banana in a blender?!

  7. So I'm laying here in my hospital bed not able to sleep one bit so I figured I'd get on here.. I had surgery yesterday morning around 8:30am in NY I had a 9 day liquid diet where I lost about 10lbs. Surgery went great! I was so worried about a few things. One being that anesthesia always makes me throw up and my anesthesiologist assured me he'd do everything he possibly could so I wouldn't throw up esp bring stomach the odds were already against me and although I don't want to jinx myself to this very minute I have not gotten sick. Whenever I felt nauseous the nurses were right on top of it with zofran. Another thing I was scared of was having a drain tube left in that didn't happen either! I was also worried about needing a catheter but I have has no problem urinating on my own. One thing I was scared if was the Lovenox shot in my tummy even though the shot itself didn't hurt I had really intense burning afterwards whatever you do, don't rub it!!! Thank god I work at a hospital and my co workers made it clear not to rub it. The burning lasted at least 20mins and I have to start them back up this morning. I have not had any pain in my shoulders or chest from gas pains so far. They had me start swallowing my normal medications and that has seemed to leave quite a bit of discomfort each time. I normally have high blood pressure which sky rocketed while I was under and they hit under control until about 6pm tonight and it's been elevated and needed some meds. I also ended up with a terrible terrible Migraine that they had to call my dr to get an order so I could take my Imitrex.i believe it as caused from taking Vicodin so the nurses got it switched to Percocet for me and dilaudid. My dr has been a,aging such great bedside manner and my 2 nurses I've had so fa have been wonderful. I was inky back in my room about an hour and started walking. I actually just did another lap around the hospital since I can't sleep. I have been able to have Water and ice chips thank god bc my mouth throat are beyond dry. Today (Thursday) for lunch the dr will advance it to Clear Liquids crystal light Jello etc and if I do ok for dinner I will be able to start on shakes and yogurt again. I'm just praying my new stomach tolerates it all ok and I will be able to go home Friday morning.

    All in all I believe the surgery for he has went very well and I'm not regretting it ow bit! Obviously everyone us different but I wanted to share my experience bc it helped me reading others experience from the surgery before giving mine. Sorry it's so long I wanted to explain it as best I could.

  8. So I'm laying here in my hospital bed not able to sleep one bit so I figured I'd get on here.. I had surgery yesterday morning around 8:30am in NY I had a 9 day liquid diet where I lost about 10lbs. Surgery went great! I was so worried about a few things. One being that anesthesia always makes me throw up and my anesthesiologist assured me he'd do everything he possibly could so I wouldn't throw up esp bring stomach the odds were already against me and although I don't want to jinx myself to this very minute I have not gotten sick. Whenever I felt nauseous the nurses were right on top of it with zofran. Another thing I was scared of was having a drain tube left in that didn't happen either! I was also worried about needing a catheter but I have has no problem urinating on my own. One thing I was scared if was the Lovenox shot in my tummy even though the shot itself didn't hurt I had really intense burning afterwards whatever you do, don't rub it!!! Thank god I work at a hospital and my co workers made it clear not to rub it. The burning lasted at least 20mins and I have to start them back up this morning. I have not had any pain in my shoulders or chest from gas pains so far. They had me start swallowing my normal medications and that has seemed to leave quite a bit of discomfort each time. I normally have high blood pressure which sky rocketed while I was under and they hit under control until about 6pm tonight and it's been elevated and needed some meds. I also ended up with a terrible terrible Migraine that they had to call my dr to get an order so I could take my Imitrex.i believe it as caused from taking Vicodin so the nurses got it switched to Percocet for me and dilaudid. My dr has been a,aging such great bedside manner and my 2 nurses I've had so fa have been wonderful. I was inky back in my room about an hour and started walking. I actually just did another lap around the hospital since I can't sleep. I have been able to have Water and ice chips thank god bc my mouth throat are beyond dry. Today (Thursday) for lunch the dr will advance it to Clear Liquids crystal light Jello etc and if I do ok for dinner I will be able to start on shakes and yogurt again. I'm just praying my new stomach tolerates it all ok and I will be able to go home Friday morning.

    All in all I believe the surgery for he has went very well and I'm not regretting it ow bit! Obviously everyone us different but I wanted to share my experience bc it helped me reading others experience from the surgery before giving mine. Sorry it's so long I wanted to explain it as best I could.

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