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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by braylor

  1. OMG angel I feel your pain! I am never hungry and that is about how many calories I am taking in on a great day. My family eats and I just sit there and watch. I get sick when I eat anything really. I mean no pain or problems but I remember what it was to be able to eat and I do.miss it :( I just told.me husband the other day I wished to God I could eat, just a little of anything besides mashed potatoes or soup!!! Or something besides Water that I can drink

  2. Just goes to show, the didn't fix our brains. In a way, I am a little envious of you because most days I just want to eat so badly, and I can't. My surgery was 9/16 and if I get in 300 calories a day, that would be a lot. I see my husband and kids eat and it makes me so sad because it's painful to even take a bite of some foods. My brain is so into the fat person mindset that I am actually depressed about not being able to eat. I really hope this feeling goes away.

  3. Today is 2 weeks exactly post op and it feels like an eternity! I have not had majorly intense hunger pains but let me tell you when you do eat and you eat too much or too big of a bite you will never make that mistake twice :) I had a horrid experience the other day and just like I said it will never happen again. It hurt so bad I can't even describe it! It's a learning process for all of us. We are going to make it and in a couple of months we are going to be pros at this :)

  4. You guys I am so scared! I feel like I too may have a leak. It started on Saturday I was eating tuna fish and being new to this I wasn't aware of how I was eating. I either ate that dreaded 1 bite to many or a bite that was way too big I honestly think it was a combination of the 2. Got so sick afterwards it felt as if someone punched me in my back as hard as they could! The most terrible pain I have ever felt in my life!!! So now 2 days later I am having pain on inhalation under my left breast hurts so bad I cannot stand it my left shoulder doesn't hurt but my left forearm is killing me!! It feels like I have a pulled muscle across the upper 2 quadrants of my abdomen no fever no tachycardia no vomiting no lower abdominal pain only in the diaphragm area. And on the left side... do I need to get this checked out? I do not want to face the reality that this could be bad

  5. Hey guys I hope you all are in good spirits and great health! I am 2 weeks out now and I am having some pains under my left breast/ribs and upon inhalation. I am assuming it is a pulled muscle and or just my body healing up since surgery. It hurts to even breath:( I am not trying to be discouraging at all but am wondering if anyone else is having or has had this issue? This is not an excruciating pain but it is a dull nagging feeling and I hope that it is not something serious.... that is the hypochondriac coming out in me. I think I have been overdoing things because I am trying to get up and walk and I don't know if I am trying to do to much. I even called the ER today. The nurse told me it sounds fine not symptoms of a leak, just like anyone who has had this surgery I am worried. Any feedback is appreciated.

  6. OMG you guys I know I am not quite at that point yet but this morning I felt so weak and so famished I scrambled an egg added a pinch of cheese and had about 3 or 4 bites.... it felt good to have texture but now I am beating myself up because I am only on pureed foods now. I wasn't supposed to eat this till friday. Will I be OK if I don't do this again? I haven't posted since I was sleeved but had my post op on the 23rd which was exactly 6 days and had lost only 10 pounds (I will take that) wish it would have been more but I have been doing great up until today. Hope you all are doing great!

  7. Good morning guys! So I have to tell you being completely honest here yesterday after I came out of anesthesia I thought Jesus was calling me home :) but...I always have problems with nausea after surgery. Had my procedure done at 630 AM and by 10 last night I felt amazing. No pain no nausea no soreness was able to get up and move around a little still in the hospital but will be getting realized around dinner. Thanks for all the support and prayers and one more thing, I AM FINALLY POST OP! HALLELUJAH!!!! Can't wait for all my fellow September sleevers to be where I'm at :)

  8. 1 hour and 30 minutes and I will be underway. Next time I log in I will be a post op patient :) been riding in a car over 4 hours already and won't be to.my destination for another half hour at least. .. so nervous I feel sick! Not so much worried about having surgery just the unknown of after. Please keep me in your prayers today

  9. Good morning guys I am new here and my surgery is in the morning in Metairie with Dr lavin... I am so scared of how I am going to feel on Wednesday and for the days to follow. I can't seem to stop thinking about anything but the next time I will actually enjoy a meal and this all started yesterday. I have been doing so good lately and BAM it hits me like a ton of bricks! Any advice for a fellow sleever?

  10. I am getting sleeved on the 16th, I too am excited and nervous. I feel like I'm about to break up with someone and her name is food, we've had a long long love affair and it's over. I'm looking forward to the new me.

    we will have the same surgiversary! That's is amazing and I too have a torrid love affair with that hooker!! We are going to look and feel so great this will be the best thing we've ever done for ourselves!

  11. I am so excited leave tomorrow for surgery Tuesday morning! You guys I feel like such a jerk Thursday when I had my consult with my surgeon I kept rambling on about all sorts of nonsense all of the legitimate questions I had I never asked... I am such an idiot! I guess I was so nervous and excited I couldn't even think. Anyone else had that problem? Do you think that I will have a chance to speak with him the morning of the procedure?

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