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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by vballmom

  1. I was just wondering your pain threshhold after your surgery...I have wee little ones, when I say that, I mean 20 month old little spoiled divas! Twins who require a lot of mommas attention. I love them to pieces, but I know that it might be hard so I was wondering how you did it all. Should I pay that extra week of daycare and rest rest rest or will I at least be able to function at 75%? I see where some said they went back to work after a few days, but kids are WORK! Any input is appreciated!


  2. So glad to find this site. I lost eighty three pounds and then had to get get some of my fill taken out. I went crazy and resorted back to my old eating habbits! It took me eight months and twenty pounds to get back to the doctor for a fill. Ive lost six more pounds & it is extra hard during the holidays to stay strong. I brought food to share for an office party, but I left the building and had a healthy lunch away from all the goodies at the office. So please don't give up, get back to the doctor and get a fill asap. Don't beat yourself up about it, learn from the mistake and move on. Together we can do it! Best wishes for a healthier and happier New Year! :tongue:

  3. I am having a good day. First today is the last day of school for my daughter. I am on vacation for a week as of tomorrow. Then when I got to work I found out that my main supervisor is out sick today. Oh what a shame. Now I was just told that the other life sucking form of management had to leave because she lost a crown. Maybe I should play the lotto today. Or hopefully someone will discover a way to make Mexican food fat free. Anyone else having a good day? Thanks for letting me brag, my office can be such a drag. :confused:

  4. tizzylish My co-morbidities were, high blood pressure, diabetes, sleep apnea, hypo-thyroid, bad back & knees. I have lost 82 pounds, I now take less medication. Exericse for the bad knees & back try Water aerobics. I know you don't want to be in a swim suit in public but it does burn a lot of calories and is easy on the knees and back. There used to be a thread on this site that list the insurance companies and stories of people & the problems and successes of getting approved. Hang in there.

  5. Tizzylish, If your insurance company will not cover the surgery, I have heard of people getting loans to cover the expenses. I know that getting the surgery in Mexico can be less expenisive. Find a surgeon and talk to his staff about your insurance they are usually skilled in how to get you approved if you insurance company has any loop holes.

    As for going to the Water park with the kids, go to a location out of town, where you wont run into anyone you know. Get a long tee shirt to cover up and just say screw the world and do it for your KIDS!. I understand how you feel because Ive hidden out from the world also. I was fortunate that my insurance company did cover the surgery because I had lots of co-morbilities. Maybe give Weight Watchers a try while you work out trying to get lap-band surgery. Please dont let the idiots in the world stop you from doing things with your kids. I am sorry you are going through this and you are not alone. I did have my surgery after jumping through a lot of hoops and doctor visits. I still have weight to lose, but I am facing the world head on now. Best Wishes.

  6. Fort Bend Band, I definitely feel tighter when I am on my cycle so that is why I feel it is hormone related. I have talked with lots of banded women who have the same experience. My nurse who does the fills says that she hears that all the time from her patients, but I do not think it has been medically proven to be hormones. Hey I will take the tightness anyway I can get it.

  7. Tralynn, Yes I have had problems with my hormones affecting the tightness of my band. Fortunately not the to point you have expercienced. I have a 10cc Realize Band with 5.2 cc's. I was once at 6 cc but had to have it removed because of acid reflux. I would get heartburn with Water, while taking a prescription medication and drinking mylanta all day. I had an unfill back to 4 cc and have gone back several times to get refilled. Things seem to be better now, I am feeling some restriction again. I always have more restriction when I am on my period. Good luck

  8. I have type two diabetes and Ive lost 80 pounds in less than a year. I am still taking pills for my diabetes, but my A1C numbers are getting better. I did have slightly high cholestrol but that has been resolved with the weight loss and change in my diet. My surgeon wanted me to do the bypass because of my diabetes. He said I would lose faster and resolve my diabetes sooner with the bypass. I still chose the lapband because I didnt want to have the bypass it's such a drastic surgery. It is a hard decision. I feel I made the right one for myself.

    Good luck.

  9. Hi Emily, I feel your pain. I was also heavy as a teenager. I have a twelve year old daughter who is also overweight. I try to help her without hurting her feelings about her weight. Of course you know that kids your age are so cruel. I hope that your parents are supportive of your effort to possible have the surgery. I would suggest you find a seminar and ask a lot of questions. I am not sure but I think you have to be eighteen in this country to have the surgery. I saw on tv the other day a show called The Doctors and a thirteen year old girl had to go to Mexico to have the surgery. Have you had your thyroid tested? I wish you well in your decision. Take care and if you have any questions feel free to ask.

  10. Your fear is normal. We all had fear of the surgery and the unknown. If you have confidence in your surgeon and your decision then you will be fine. Tell your surgeon about your fear of pain. I had a pain pump and liquid vicoden. There is no way to avoid all the pain, but it will pass quickly. The end result will be well worth it. As for the gas pain, get the gas strips. Also for the shoulder pain a good massage or heating pad helped a lot. Try to stay positive and only look to the future of walking with out the pain and getting back to things you enjoy doing. I have lost seventy nine pounds this year.

    I had such bad back pain before surgery, but now I can walk and stand for hours. My husband hates it because I can go shopping again and spending too much money. ha Best Wishes and keep us posted.

  11. Any meat that is too dry can get stuck. I personally can not eat bananna, bread, chips, lunchmeat, Peanut Butter, eggs. I know some who can not eat salad, but I am able to eat it. Unfortunately Mexican food goes down easy. Of course Soup, yogurt, pudding, goes down very easy. Ive also heard that raw veggies are hard on the band. I find that it is different for everyone. And once in a while I have cornbread if it crumbles. My advice is if you want to experiment, do it it home, just incase you get sick. And from experience I will NEVER get another fill during my cycle.

  12. Congratulations, I drank mostly Slim Fast,and ate freezor pops. I am 10 months out and down seventy seven pounds. Had to have a half a cc taken out this morning. I couldnt keep anything solid down. I do feel better already. One more day of liquids and then back to normal foods. Try to keep yourself busy to help with the bandster hell you are about to start going through. Just use this time to heal and rest. Best Wishes

  13. I got a fill a week ago and it is tight. It is usually tight for the first week, but this time I can't eat anything. I can drink but I am starving and diabetic and having too many lows. I called the doctors office & I will get an unfill in the morning. I am on my period and I am wondering if this is the reason it seems so tight. I have 6cc in a 10cc realize band. Anyone else have problems with a fill during your cycle? :)

  14. I agree with Sarah Jane about seeing the surgeon and deciding which surgery is best for you. I know because I am diabetic my surgeon wanted me to have the bypass. I did not want to have such a major surgery. The lapband was the right choice for me. Ive lost seventy six pounds this year. I also have sleep apnea and hypothyroid. Are you able to do Water aerobics, it is very easy on the body and burns lots of calories. Best wishes and continue researching all your options.

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