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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by kandiceb

  1. Yes...I'm down 30 from my BD 8/29, 21 from weigh-in at the beginning of this whole process and 12 from my surgery date. I am pleased with this and can see my face getting thinner... But I stepped on the scales this morning and am up .8 of a pound. This is the first time I've gone up. So now I'm adding walking to my day and throwing out my whole milk yogurt for the 1%...dang. It doesn't pay to daily do the scales thing but I knew the yogurt was a no-no though I only eat about 1/2 cup. I guess you do adjust. Don't fret...you've not had a fill yet. We are just beginning!! ;)

    Take care.

  2. Thanks for all your responses. I am much, much better today. I slept most of Saturday and am trying to clean for holiday guests today...though very slowly. Maybe this is the lucky day 13 and it is all downhill from here. I'll make that my plan. Anyway, not 100% but so much better. Still NOT hungry though I guess I shouldn't complain. I just equate getting better with getting hungry. I know I don't have much restriction and at this point, I'm not interested in eating more than I do now which isn't much. I'm going for QUALITY.

    Take care.

  3. I've not checked to see if there are any of you as old as I am in the November gang. I am curious why I am not healing as quickly as I think I should. I am really hurting. I wore I tighter bra yesterday at work and was in pain in what I thought was my band area but was probably a bruised rib as it was right at the center where the ribs join. I have an incision there where they moved back the liver. I changed to my jammies when I got home and most of the pain left. I've lost 22 pounds since two weeks before the surgery and the gas has gone leaving a shrinking stomach and lots of areas where I hurt. I thought I would get better quicker.

    I didn't think I was such a whimp but I get very tired easily and just sort of drag. I take the Vitamins. I eat a packet of cream of wheat at Breakfast, a cup of cream of chicken Soup at lunch and 1/2 cup of cottage cheese at dinner. I have one or maybe two 60 calorie sf/ff deserts. I drink Protein Drinks so I must be getting at least 50 grams per day. I'm just NOT hungry and I just hurt. Maybe I'm not giving myself a break. 12 days post op and I'm not exactly a spring chicken though I don't consider 57 THAT old. Sigh.

    At least I'm 30 pounds down from my highest at my birthday when I got the LapBand surgery as a birthday present. That's definitely positive.

    Thanks for listening to me whine.

  4. I thought I would just pop this thread in for those of you not yet banded. I've read several cases where people woke up in pain. They were given meds and it went away. I had absolutely no pain. I just woke myself up coughing after they took the airway out. I had absolutly no pain. I didn't hurt until the next day. NWWLS gives Rx's for liquid hydrocodon. That isn't quite at strong as some others, but the liquid part really works best.

    This isn't to brag or anything, it is just to assure those that haven't gone through the surgery yet there isn't always immediate pain and if there is, you won't have to deal with it for long.

    This is a scarey process and we need all the encouragement we can get to go though with it. As everyone I've read before me has said...It was worth it and I would do it again...even though I'm only 11 days out.

    Not hungry yet. That has me a little concerned.

    Take care.

  5. I was banded on the 12th also.... S far things are going well, I am sore of course, some gas pains. No nausea as the Dr gave me something to take for that. All in all the surgery and recovery so far has'nt been as bad as I imaginied. I was very scared, and even started to cry and doubt myself in the room getting ready for the surgery. But I am glad I did it, and I shouldn't have let myself worry so much. I was in and out before I even knew what happened.

    I know what you mean! I was in a mental panic when the doctor put the mask over my face. Good thing I didn't have long to consider anything!!

  6. 10 days past and today is one of the bad of the good and bad days. I guess my feeling good for the last three days was too much. I probably overdid. I'm still not hungry. I do cottage cheese and cream of wheat and usually some sort of creamy Soup with some mushy chunks for food.

    I set up the 5th for my first fill and can always cancel if I don't get hungry before then. I probably will start getting hungry shortly I should think. I have had the head hunger, but not the real hunger. I have the sf/ff fudgecicles and jello/pudding for the head hunger...but I don't eat those more than once a day if that.

    I'm down 27 lbs from my highest and 18 lbs from my presurgery weight.

    I'm backing down from my usual amount of coffee. It doesn't really taste or settle well. I have the Stacker 2 Protein Water with 20 mgs of Protein and no carbs, but that doesn't settle well either. I guess I'll make myself some camomile tea.

    Take care all.

  7. All is well with my stitches and my band and I are getting acquainted. Dr. said I can go ahead to mushies...a week early. I am excited. The better I feel after the surgery, the more exicted I am about loosing weight! I'm still not hungry but find myself drinking too quickly so this mushie thing will take some concentration. Eat slowly and eat just 1/2 cup or less if I get full.

    I've got my first fill set for three more weeks. I'll probably be hungry by then I'm sure.

    This is exciting!!:bounce:

  8. I am excited and nervous all at the same time. I am a nurse but have never been admitted to the hospital or had any type of surgery. This fact makes me incredibly nervous. Do any of you know if you can take Prozac post op? I'm gonna need it.

    I am having no problems swallowing my Prozac...good thing too!!

  9. My banding was 11/6/07 and I've yet to feel hungry. I can tell there is a "presence" in my stomach area but mostly I feel a mild indigestion when I've not "eaten" one of the Protein shakes in a timely manner. Ive felt a little hickup thing some time so I've quit eating at that point though I've not eaten all my "meal".

    I have the smaller AP band and Dr. Montgomery told me there would be a liitle restriction but not much. I was able to swallow Water after my surgery so they said I didn't need an x-ray. I just wonder when I'll feel hungry.

    Tomorrow will be a challenge because I return to work. I hope I can find enough energy to do that because I seem to be wearing out quickly.

    I'm just wondering how "normal" I am because I feel no hunger.

  10. Gratefully I've not had any shoulder pain. I just got a few stabs in my central chest area but the GasX strips helped that to leave quickly. I think I'll need to reconsider going back to work Friday. I am really sore and setting down or laying down hurts. I feel best when I walk around. At least I'm not dizzy anymore.

    Take care all!

  11. The nurse put my ID band on my arm and told me the malls were supposed to look for these bands in case any patients decided to run out before the surgury! I was almost in that state of mind while waiting in the surgical waiting room. Ther office mgr or network admin. saw me and said she felt the same way five years ago when she had her surgury. She looks SOOOOOO good now. I thanked her for her inspiration.

    I had the surgury at 11:45 and woke up in the recovery room at 1:30. No nausea. I had warned them that general anesthetics makes me sick. It didn't take long to get dressed and go home. I was still under the sway of the "happy meds" put into my IV so I felt pretty good except for where they put the trachea tube and that gave me a sore throat.

    Today is a different story. I am just walking around and around because that feels better than sitting or laying down. My Cocker boy Sam has been following me everywere so he's getting his excersize.

    I will probably not go back to the office until Friday. I am really dizzy and that is probably from the liquid hydrocordoron. But when you hurt, use the tools given you I guess.

    Since I run the corporate network, I think I should stay away. "This is your network....This is your network on drugs!!):confused:

    Good luck to all who are still waiting.

  12. Thanks Andie. Yes, my surgery is in South Everett at the NW Weight Loss Surgery Center and I'll be in at 10:30 and out probably by 2:30 I would hope. I just got back from lunch and for my fortune cookie it said :"You will never know hunger." I just about fell out of my chair. It's too late. I'm starving from my pre-op diet!!! 14 down and 86 to go!!!

    Good luck with yours this Friday. Remember...this too shall pass!!

  13. I am scheduled for tomorrow and couldn't get on the lapbandtalk forum and was quite beside myself!! I wanted to read about how everyone was doing well after their surgery and maybe get more tips. Since I couldn't do that, I've been looking at a lot of before/after pictures on various websites for the band. It has helped my jitters. I know I am doing the right thing but sometimes the unknown gets scarey!!

    New AP band getting installed 11:30 PST tomorrow. :nervous

    Good luck all Novembers!!

  14. Interestingly enough, when I lost 40 pounds on my Atkins like diet, my cholesterol levels really dropped so this thing about it not being good for your heart isn't always correct. But as was said before, I gained the 40 back and 40 more for good measure.

    I got my surgery time this morning for my 11/06/07 banding. I was hoping for an early morning but I got 11:30 so I guess I'm several up in the schedule. Oh well, I guess I'm not going anywhere that day anyway. I am tempted to run to the office and get a few things done but it is 25 miles from home and that doesn't make sense. I must be a work-a-holic. :rolleyes

  15. I was told I only have to have one heparin shot a few moments before the surgery for making sure I don't get any leg clots. I was also told it is a bit painful. I've had lots of shots in my life and am not too concerned. I've not had any legs clots and don't want to start now!!!

  16. Kandice - are you using the Isopure for after the surgery, or are you doing it now as part of your pre-op diet? I will be going out to GNC to get some of that, also thinking about investing in a Magic Bullet blender for the liquid and mushies phases.

    Linda - While I have no aspirations to look like a movie star, just being able to shop at normal stores and not being embarassed about my appearance will be nice....

    Ack I'm SO nervous....only 3 more days!!

    I'm using it before a little and will really use it after for the clear Fluid diet. I am very pleased with the large Protein count and it helps that is tastes good. Getting it online was about half the price of the GNC stores. The freight was a little, but with no tax, it was still cheaper.

  17. Let me join the ranks of the apprehensive. My surgery is 11/6. I lost 10 pounds within four days and haven't lost any more. I started my pre-op diet nine days ago. Oh well. I have been walking alot and will continue to do so. I WILL loose the pounds.

    I have my "pre-op" appointment this afternoon. Other than getting their $17,140., I'm not sure what will happen. I'm at 37.5 BMI with no health issues so Dr. Montgomery said I don't need a bunch of tests.

    I've got my powders?utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury which I like. I just received my Nature's Isopure Apple Melon, PineOrangBanana, and strawberry & Cream. That stuff is great! I doesn't take milk. It has 50 grams of Protein in two scoops...but also 210 calories. I just have one scoop in 6 ounces of Water. YUMMMMM!

    I've had a hysterectomy so this should be a cinch as far as surgeries go...I hope :nervous.

    Best wishes to all the November Bandies!!

  18. I had my doctor's consult last Friday and have a surgery date of 11/06/07. That is just two weeks from tomorrow!! I'm on my pre-op diet and am doing fine with unjury Protein powder twice a day with one regular small meal. I also have EAS Myoplex Lite with 25 grams of Protein. It is ready made and tastes ok but it is curdled almost. It was handy for work but I'm not sure I can get a second one down. It isn't even close to the due date so maybe it is supposed to be that way. Yuck.

    Anyway...I'm going to be among the Nov Banded. :)

  19. I have my banding date 11/06/07. I've been on my pre-op diet for a few days and find the Protein drinks help as my normal dieting technique is fasting. I got some powders?utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury and do like that but just picked up some Myoplex Lite with 25 grams that is already made for the office. It tastes ok but it is lumpy! Yuck!!

    My question is I've told management that with my surgery on Tuesday that I would try and be back in the office on Thursday. Am I being a total optimist? Anyone out there able to return to a very sedate office position in this amount of time?


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