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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by heav85

  1. We just went around and introduced our selves and ate bariatric friendly foods lol. It was a good one to get me introduced.
  2. I'm on Month 5, I'm in rowan county kentucky. What hospital are you going to and what insurance are you using?
  3. I kept forgetting about all the other meetings but I am having withdrawls and getting anxious and really want to have the surgery so I'm hoping this helps
  4. Thats what I'm afraid of... losing and getting below the BMI. I've been told different things. If I get below that I'll get denied, and then i've been told the insurance wants you to lose weight to see if your going to stick with it after surgery. I mean your going to lose on the 2 week pre op thing so idk what they want from us lol
  5. Yea I am probably gonna have to have help lifting some stuff... I'll just have to tell a few people to put stuff where I can get to it. lol. Is it ok to bend over?
  6. I work at a public library, its only part time so I am taking off on my own time missing hours and such. But I have told my boss, her assistant and another co worker who was the substitute assistant while the other assistant was out. lol. I secretly had some books about the surgery ordered and some of the ladies that work back here with me were talking about it and how they wouldn't have it done and how scary it is. I felt some negative vibes so IDK what to do. My job requires me to lift 20-25lb boxes of books some days. Should I tell them I'm having gallbladder surgery or hernia surgery or what? Plus I'll be losing weight and they will be suspcious.
  7. Why did you get denied? I am on my 5th month of the supervised diet stuff. I am dying!!! I can't wait to get it done. I see all these skinny gals and just can't wait to be one. I can't wait to be able to go in any store and find something I actually like to wear. My whole styles going to change and I can't wait! Like I want to sit here at work and cry my butt off cuz I can't wait. The end of January will be my last visit, not sure how long it will take for everything. I'm afraid it will be around the beginning of march. My 2 year anniversary is March 1 and my lil girl's 2nd birthday is March 10. I don't want to be laid up in bed for either of those but I want to get it done! I'm hoping February. Because in the end of december I have to travel to my daughters eye dr apointment over and hour away and that wont be fun and then right after her bday in march we have to go back to the same city for her last NICU grad clinic apointment. [she was born 3 months premature so we had lots of dr time, but she's just fine now]. Sorry for rambling but idk what to do and I just can't wait for surgery, but I can wait for her bday. shes growing so fast... I just hope I get approved. lol
  8. I'm lucky my daughter will only be 2 so things should be ok
  9. My husband and I have discussed this many times. He's behind me and we are both looking forward to the new sex life we can have lol
  10. I have attached a page from our packet from our behavioral class. It talks about spouses and children's reactions to swl. There are other pages about friends and family too.
  11. I can't get the app to work after the update. When I tried to open up any topic the app shuts down
  12. My insurance requires that I do a 6 month medical weight loss plan first. My first appointment is this monday. I was wondering if anyone else has gone through this and if after the 6 months they do the surgery even if there is weight loss? If so then why do they recommend you do the 6 months first?
  13. heav85

    Death from surgery?

    I was put to sleep for an emergency c section march 2013 and everything went fine afterwards. Except that my baby was born 3 months early and had to stay in the hospital for 3 months. No worries she's completely fine now but I was fine afterwards and I'm kinda putting the sleeve in the same category.
  14. In on of our meetings we were told that if ur marriage is bad before weight loss surgery then it's gonna be bad after. But if its good then it's gonna continue to be good.
  15. I'm thankful the hospital I am having it done at took care if pretty much everything. I got on their website filled out survey they called insurance then called me for my first appointment. They made all my appointments but my pcp.
  16. Omg the past couple of days I've been eating on my daughters halloween candy. I know I shouldn't but I can't stop. I'm just Glad my appointment is at the end of the month.
  17. heav85

    Screwed up

    Those are really good ideas.
  18. When I was having appointments all the time I felt like this was so real and going to happen and all excited. But I haven't had an appointment in a whole and it feels forever away. Am I the only one?
  19. heav85

    Feels like forever

    Why did it take so long? I heard my insurance is fast. I hope
  20. heav85

    Feels like forever

    Maybe a stupid question but what does nut mean. Lol
  21. heav85

    Feels like forever

    On Thursday I had my third appointment with the dietician which went well. I'm down a few more lbs. had behavioral class and exercise class

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