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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by RayLandry

  1. I know that I shouldn't have, but I had a beer last nite while sitting out on the patio, watching the moon and stars...............The beer sucked! It was too filling! I'm not evened filled yet, and it didn't agree with me! I guess next time I want to relax...I'll have to have some straight tequila! Ray 8/9/05 280/259/180 Fort Worth, TX
  2. RayLandry

    Surgery Approval - eeeeeek

    Jachut, Congrats to you. I've been reading your posts since I first joined this board a couple of months ago. I specifically remember your posts because it seemed your earlier attitudes, toward the LapBand procedure was very much like mine. I too was skeptical of my metabolism slowing to a crawl, due to the wrongly perceived 1000 calorie/day diet that I have heard many discuss. Everything that I have ever learned, both in college and from other reliable sources, stressed the need for adequate amounts of quality food to feed our lean muscle mass. I subscribe to the belief that more lean muscle mass promotes a faster metabolism, thus the body can burn fat more efficiently. This can only take place with some form of resistance training (cardio helps too w/ fat burning) and the proper amount of good quality fuel (food). Well......I consumed LOTS and LOTS of fuel! If I didn't exercise, I would have been much bigger! BUt I want to be able to consume about 1800-2000 calories/day. I know the band is helping stay within this range. I honestly feel that I have made the right decision and I hope that you will feel the same way. This is a big step.....but a big step towards better health. The very best of luck to you! I usually don't rant like this, but I do remember your specific concerns as they were very much like mine. Ray 8/9/05 280/260/05 Fort Worth, TX
  3. RayLandry

    Excuses, Excuses

    Hi Delarla, That is exactly how I feel now that football season is finally here! To me, football games, both on TV and in person meant lots of nachos, burgers, sodas, beer, wings....etc. Well I know that it is going to be a struggle, but I'll have to be strong. I hope that you can too! "ARE YOU READY FOR SOME FOOTBALL"!!! Ray 8/9/05 280/259/180 Fort Worth, TX
  4. Hello, Are you sure your BMI was only 37? At 321lbs, that seems kinda low, unless you are really really tall. Anyway, at 280lbs and 5' 10", my BMI was right at 40 and my Doc placed the Vanguard in me. I have yet to receive a fill yet. My Doc says that he perfers the VG band in men due to anatomy differences. I hope this helps. Ray 8/9/05 280/259/180 Fort Worth, TX
  5. RayLandry

    Picture Page

    Eileen, Awesome pic! I bet that SHE is a very smart dog. That mix is a great combo! Nice pink nose....very ladyish! lol Ray
  6. RayLandry

    September's Verb

    I rode my mountain bike for a whole hour this morning! A mountain Bike in Texas....where it's flat as a pancake!! Go figure. Ok Eileen, what did you do today? Ray 8/9/05 280/259/180 Fort Worth, TX
  7. RayLandry

    out of network after the fact

    Yes it is Sue, Ray
  8. RayLandry

    Need some prayers. Please.

    Hi Estella, My wife and I just went thru the same thing a few months ago. She had a mass and it wasn't until a few days after the biopsy that we found out that it was benign! I know how stressed you. It is a very trying time. But remember that even in the worst case scenario, the advances in todays medicine is remarkable! Just try to stay positive. I know that is much easier said than done, but you have to keep it together for your family. Good luck and and may the good lord look upon your mom. Ray 8/9/05 280/260/180 Fort Worth, TX
  9. RayLandry

    New to this all!

    Hello Schel, Well I'll answer the question about the amount of time off needed from work. I had surgery on 8/9/05 and because my job is very strenuous, I am off until 9/17/05. Luckily I had plenty of sick time in the bank. I've heard people with desk jobs get back to work in just 4 days. Maybe perhaps an extended weekend. I wish you well in your surgery and I am sure you will learn plenty of important info from this great forum here. Good Luck, Ray 8/9/05 280/260/180 Fort Worth, TX
  10. RayLandry

    We've moved!

    I'm addicted Alex! Thanks!! Ray 8/9/05 280/260/180 Fort Worth, TX
  11. JQ rocks! One hundrerd pounds......that is SO cool! My motivation has just been raised to the next level! Thanks JQ! Ray 8/9/05 280/260/180 Fort Worth, TX
  12. RayLandry

    Lapbandtalk Holiday Challenge

    Heya Nana, What a generous offer! One question here. Is this challenge for chicks only? The "under the bust" measurement kinda got me wondering? And just where is that located on a man? I totally understand if it's for women only. I'm in if it's for men also. Ray 9/9/05 280/260/180 Fort Worth, Tx
  13. RayLandry

    D/FW Area

    Mrs. Redhead, Best of luck to you! Here's to a speedy recovery! Ray 8/9/06 280/260/180 Fort Worth, TX
  14. RayLandry


    Carrie, 25lbs.! you are doing awesome! I too am looking forward for that first fill. I have it on 9/14. Watch out for that KFC. Man that sounds good! Ray 8/9/05 280/259/180 Fort Worth, TX
  15. RayLandry

    Fall Weight Loss Challenge

    Okay I'll give it a try! I'll have to figure out how to insert a photo. My goal over the next 10 weeks is to lose 30 lbs. I've just weighed myself. 9/5/05 260lbs Ray 8/9/05 280/259/180 Fort Worth, TX
  16. RayLandry

    I know this sounds stupid....but

    Hey Jack, Wow! A PB expert! Man, they do not sound fun at all. If I have led you to believe that I REALLY want one...not true. I'm mainly anxiously awaiting it! I know it will be here, ready or not. Thanks Jack for the info. Ray 8/9/05 280/259/180 Fort Worth, TX
  17. RayLandry

    6 Month Post Op Appointment

    Way to go Parvathi!! Your photos are proof that you are kicking some major @$$ Ray 8/9/05 280/259/180 Fort Worth, TX
  18. RayLandry

    I am in mourning...

    Aimze, I know exactly where a you are comung from! At times,I go thru little spells of depression, but then I realize that I will be so much better off. I know that I am really going to miss the old friend now that football season has begun!! For me watching my Cowboys always meant pizza, nachos, chips, soda, wings etc.... and LOTS OF IT!! Ray 8/9/05 280/259/180 Fort Worth, TX
  19. There is a book called Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding: Achieving Permanent Weight Loss with Mininimally Invasive Surgery By Jessie H. Ahroni Ph.D., ARNP It's a good overall informative book on the Lap-Band procedure, before and after. ISBN 0595311148 Ray 8/9/05 280/258/180 Fort Worth, Tx.
  20. RayLandry

    Advertisements on LBT [ADULT CONTENT]

    Ouch!!!!! Ray
  21. RayLandry

    Advertisements on LBT [ADULT CONTENT]

    Just wondering if these "goods" require saline fills? You know, adjustments for ultimate efficiency! LOL Ray
  22. RayLandry


    Jachut, I prescribe to this very same philosphy. Starving is not the answer. I was very reluctant at first to get banded, after reading that some bandsters are only eating 800-1000 calories per day. I believe that this method will only work short term and once the body adapts and goes into the cliche'd "starvation mode", fat is stored. One's metabolism probably slows to a halt. I've discussed with my doctor and I am going to aim for 1600-2000 calories per day. That seems like alot, but I am very active and fortunately have a good muscle make-up. Compared to the 3500-6000 calories per day that I use to consume, this will be a big difference. I am a strong proponent of using weight resistance for overall health. The more muscle one has.....the better the metobolism. There is no doubt in my mind, that I'd weigh over 400lbs. if I didn't workout (both aerobically and weights). I was 280lbs pre-band. My problem was with the amounts of food that I took in!! I'm a believer that the band will help with consumption but I have to to the things necessary to achieve my goals. Exercise has always, and will continue to be my ally in my battle of the bulge. Ray 8/9/05 280/259/05
  23. Mercedes, I was banded on 8/9/05 and I too find myself eating way more than 1/2 cup. Without a fill, everything goes straight down....no problem what-so-ever! Since I don't have a fill yet, I do drink a little with my meals, but I try to limit the amount. I have probably broken every band rule there is but I try and do better each and every day. I'm eating soft foods but NOWHERE near the amount that I could eat before banding. So maybe I do indeed have some restriction. I have managed to lose 21lbs, but I know that I will face some challenging times when I am allowed all foods! Good Luck, Ray 280/259/180
  24. RayLandry

    Monday is band day!

    Best of luck to you Amy! Remember, it just hurts for a little while. Everyday is better than the day before. Ray 8/9/05 Dr. Snow Fort Worth, Tx 280/259/180
  25. RayLandry

    Just a bit of a vent..

    Hey Jess, Well I'll vent for a diffrent reason. A different whine. I am gong stir crazy here at home! I was banded on 8/9/05 and I won't return to work until 9/16/05. My golf clubs are calling my name! My Bowflex machine is gathering dust! My lawn and flower beds have seen better days. Oh, but i have managed to drop 21lbs! I feel really great physically, but my psyche is in need of an overhaul. Thank god for this website. It has allowed me to gather much useful information about the band, myself and the trials and tribulations that others are also experiencing. My moods sway up and down just like a rollercoaster. One minute I'm eurphoric and the next I'm deppressed. When I walk, I feel much better. Therefore, I'm doing LOTS of walking! Okay. Enough of the feeling sorry for myself! I know that once I am able to the things that I enjoy and become more physical, I will obviously start feeling better. I know my wife is looking forward to me feeling better. I have snaped at her many times. She dosen't deserve that, for she has been nothing but supportive. There! I feel much better already! It is good to vent! Ray 8/9/05 Dr. Snow Fort Worth,TX 280/259/180

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