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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Thinjen

  1. I have not been on here in a while, because I'm selfish. I haven't been on here because it kills me to watch everyone else lose all this weight and I can't even get my insurance to do right. I've been fighting Blue Cross of Tenn since July 05. I filed 3 appeals to Blue Cross and then a grievance to my husband's employer. My attorney sent a demand letter and now I am suing them. I go to court on Thursday. I meet all of the qualifications and they are still denying me. Mona, I'm curious to find out what they told you that happened in April 06 that caused approval to be tougher. PM me if you want. They are hoping that I will die before they approve it. Dying is the only way that I will stop trying.

  2. I wouldn't buy the he's batting for the other side. Know who comes up with that crap about men that look like that? The jealous men that don't look like that.

    By the way, I scrolled down to get a glimpse of the bottom of the Vin picture...but all I got was other posts.

  3. I haven't been posting as much as I used to, because I have made it my full time job to get approval from my insurance company. As my ticker indicates, I've been fighting for a long time. They have consistently given me false hope. (Well, if you send this in then... O.K. now send this in then) Time after time, I met their requests. When they didn't have anything else to complain about, they gave the typical parent response, "no, because I said so." No rhyme, no reason.

    My doc has appealed to the insurance company twice. I filed a grievance...denied again. I filed an appeal with the Plan Administrator, which is the human resource lady at my husband's job. All denied.

    Contacted my state insurance board....they say it's a self administered plan, so they can't help me.

    Contacted the Labor Board, benefits section, and they say the same as insurance board.

    My only recourse now is to sue them in civil court under ERISA.

    I see an attorney on Monday. For those that don't know about ERISA, it is a federal act that governs benefits. Health benefits, disability, pensions, etc. The only thing that can be awarded under ERISA is to have them grant me the surgery and attorney fees. No damages (pain and suffering, punitive, etc.)

    I have kept a binder of everything that has happened over the last year. Once my court case is over, I will post it. (Well, some of it...it's over 200 pages long).

    I want others to see that this is worth fighting. I may not win in the end, but at least I can say that I gave it my all. My health is worth fighting for.

    I don't know how many others have faced a similar challenge with their insurance being governed by ERISA. It's a tough hill to climb, but the reward will be sweet.

  4. I didn't think that was harsh about Kellie going into porn. Don't the majority of us want to look like porn stars? I do. Maybe not be in them, just have the body?

    Paula, (in my Pickler voice) What' porn? Is that kinda like corn...we grow some of that in North Carolina. Corn is better than cal---a---mar----e.

  5. I'm glad they recognized that they were horrible to Katherine last night. I'm kinda sad for Kellie....but she'll be great in porn. (Won't have to listen to her talk if she has something in her mouth).

  6. Katherine was great. I think Paula is finally sharing her crack with Simon and Randy. Maybe that's why there is a problem with her and Ryan...maybe she's not sharing her crack with him. Crack= drugs. I think she saves her other crack (anatomical) for the male contestants.

  7. I didn't mean to offend anybody by saying that Kelli butchered Patsy Cline's song. Just as I'm sure that Kelli didn't MEAN to offend Patsy Cline, or her fans. I think Kelli is talented...in a Ron Jeremy kind of way.

  8. Lisa,

    So GLAD YOU'RE BACK!!! It's so nice to see the ring that I helped you get:)

    Did you guys talk about the ban of sex toys in Mississippi? I read something about this in a news article. I don't know the specific act/case/statute, but I'll try to find it. The article talks about how easy it is to get a gun in Mississippi, but you can't get a sex toy. Anyway, opponents are fighting this, as they should. What grown folks do in their bedroom, is their own business.

  9. Does anybody else think that Paris was trying to act like Taylor when she was talking to Ryan after her performance? She was trying to mimic his "Woo" and his "moves". Just because America loves Taylor for that originality, doesn't mean that they will love her trying to be like him. Too late, sister...he's already got those moves.

  10. Every year on this day, I say this all day long. I 've done it for as long as I can remember. I'm very superstitious. My baby was due on this day last year, and I convinced my OB to take him a week early.

    What movie/book/story do you quote regularly?

  11. Say you do get a taxi to drive you to your car... you're more drowsy than you thought and you have a wreck. Now you're dead, with a brand new band inside of you that was supposed to trigger your new life. But, you wanted to drive, so you're dead. Sucks, huh?

    Security will tag your belongings and put them in a safe place. If anything comes up missing, the hospital is liable. I used to work as a nurse in a hospital--people lock up stuff all of the time. Don't risk driving.

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