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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by nina874

  1. nina874

    OMG, I am sick of this....

    PS the good thing about them not looking in your eyes is they can't see when you roll them..............
  2. nina874

    OMG, I am sick of this....

    I did a reply then deleted it cos I thought you were using the American 'guys' instead of 'men' Duuuuh!!! I have to say that I love my puppies, I love the definition they give my waist, I love the hourglass shape. and I luuuurve the fact that they make people underestimate me! I am trying to arrange to get them lifted and refilled to their former glory sometime in May, mainly becuase I would like to be able to wear a halter neck without a bra if the mood took me, so the gravity defying qualities of silicone appeal to me I am a 36F UK size at the moment and I want to stay that size just high and firm!!!LOL Saying which I have never had any problems from them like backache so I dont know how I would feel about the puppies if I did. On the PS front have you told them that because they failed to schedule it is now going to cost you 3k instead of 500? I would definatly be bringing that up with the surgeon when I spoke to him! I love the transgender comment, so true!!
  3. nina874

    Nina's Plastics journey

    Just a note to myself really, I think it will be interesting to look back and see what was going through my mind after all this! I spoke to my band clinic today, they rang me to see how my exercise program was going and i told them about the issues that I have with the band, one of the things that sold me on it was that as long as i didnt eat crap my diet would remain the same, I just wouldn't be able to eat as much of it. That I could get my head around, me providing the 30% about choosing healthy foods and the band doing 70% by massivly restricting the amount.That hasnt been the case so far though and all they ever seem to do is tell me to eat dry food, well if I could have totally changed my eating habits I wouldn't have needed the band. Almost all my cooking is one-pot cooking, it is good healthy wholesome food, but now i am being told that I have to have dry chicken breast or plain fish and vegatables, I am sorry, but that it a DIET!!! and me and diets have a baaaad history, I just feel like if I had decided to eat dry chicken and fish without the band I would have lost a shed load of weight, so what did I pay £8,000 for??? :cry On a much lighter note I spoke to my friend who is going with me to have surgery and we got really giddy on the phone, we have talked about the next step in the new us program and agreed to try to book May for our breast lift/augmentations :grouphug: we also agree that we would look at any tweaks that we still needed on the bottom half and maybe have those done at the same time. I am trying to work out how much weight I will lose with 7/8 litres of fat and the skin from the op, it has got to work out at about 14/16lbs, add on the fact that Intend to spend a week too mashed to talk let alone eat,and I am thinking that I should be further down the road to my ideal BMI afterwards!! Only 5/6 days till I fly out for my final consult and pre-op!!!! WOOO HOOOO!!!! :whoo:
  4. nina874

    February/March 08 plastics

    My PS is arranging a fill for me while I am in France, once again great minds, my band people rang today and boy did they get it in the neck! I am having one of those days where I think that it is too close to diet mentality for my liking and that I wish they had explained to me more about the no sauces etc thing.It is frustrating that when I cook low cal food I still cant eat it cos it has a sauce. Ignore me I am just moaning. On a good note it is only 6 days till my pre op, and I fly out of here on Monday so not long now.I just got off the phone from my friend who is having the same op and we have been getting so excited, we are definately both booking to go back in May and have the top half done, boobs lifted filled, arms lipo'd, and the other thought I had is that by then the TT and lipo from the first op will have settled down so if I want something tweaking he can do it at the same time in May!
  5. nina874

    losingjusme goes for plastics

    Ahhh FMLA sounds like a cool act!! We get 20-28 days holiday a year,plus national holidays, which probably works out to about 5 -7 weeks depending on what job you have, better job = better benefits. Just a question, how come you didnt opt for the LBL?I was just thinking that it would get rid of the need for back lipo. But then you might still want the bra roll done, it is definatly on my list of places to suction.I know what you mean about the money though I am definately in the if I am doing thid I am going to do it right frame of mind!
  6. nina874

    February/March 08 plastics

    Neal - I like the terminology!! I think it will be fun for you being the only man, you wont have to tough it out! LJM - I am sure that you must have misheard!:eyebrows: Seriously there seems to be a lot of conflicting information being given about it. How would they know anyway.........:guess:)
  7. nina874

    February/March 08 plastics

    Tami - My surgeon hasnt mentioned an unfill, but I would imagine that they will have to do one to replace the port, though thinking about it.......surely once the liquid is in the band it is locked in? If it isnt then it will all leak otu anyway when they disconnect the port. Can you ask them to re-fill you to 1.75 after they have done the switch? I have a low profile now and although I am nowhere near as skinny as you there isnt no sign of my port from the outside. It is about 1/2- 1 inch below my rib cage just slightly to the left of centre.My guy mainly works on post obesity patients so he operates on many that have a band and so far he hasnt mentioned it. Loved you comments on morphine, I too am awaiting the humorous posts!! i am lucky I get to have 7 days worth, though I dont know if i will be able to get online in the hospital!
  8. Mim - I hope that you are feeling better and that all the swelling and infection has gone.Has the wound healed up now. You looked fantastic in your day 4 pictures and I really mean it! You just have to focus on the fact that you will look even better than that when all of the swelling etc has gone down.Which is hard to imagine to be fair cos I thought that your day 4's were amazing :eek:
  9. nina874

    losingjusme goes for plastics

    Explain what FMLA is, though I get the gist and that sounds like a good idea.How many days holiday do you get in a year? I seem to remember that you get worked like dogs in the USA! Do you do a desk job?Are you even allowed to drive that soon after surgery?
  10. nina874

    Nina's Plastics journey

    My dietician went beserk about me having sauces, told me that I couldnt even eat casserole :eek: she reckoned that it makes it flush through the band in half the time and that was why I could eat such big portions. I am like you, I hate dry food, it is really testing me to the limits trying to come up with new rubs and marinades so that all my food doesnt look yeuuuk. I think I might try my shakes again tomorrow! I am giving up on weighing myself, it is just negging me out, I think I might drag the dreaded tape measure out tomorrow.It is weird though, 5 or 6 people have said to me in the last week that I look like I have last weight but the scales say otherwise!
  11. nina874

    losingjusme goes for plastics

    Crappola thats a bit harsh,like the hernia angle though, when is your rolling year up?
  12. nina874

    February/March 08 plastics

    Mine is TT with mega lipo (his phrase not mine!) Oooh I love the sound of it.....MEGA LIPO....LOL
  13. nina874


    Thats brilliant news Laurend, must be a big relief. Shame about the monkey money, but like you said if you need to you could get another part time one. I bet that you cant wait to get that thesis done!
  14. nina874

    losingjusme goes for plastics

    LJM - Back to work 10 days after!!! I would say maybe 2 weeks would be pushing it, cant you get a sick note saying that it is reconstructive, for your health, if you dont watch it I will go off with a bad back kind of surgery? I have got the gourmet shakes and I have to say they are the nicest Protein shakes on the market, the cappucino one is my favorite :eek: Tami - Good luck, hope you get booked in there is a bunch of us going at the same time so we will all be able to see each other through it - have to say that I have bagged the class wimp position though. Karey - if you google gourmet whey shakes it will come up with loads of places that sell it.
  15. nina874

    February/March 08 plastics

    Great minds LJM!! I was just thinking earlier that we should all start up our own thread so that we can motivate each other! :eek: Could you add to the list what operations we are all having so that you can see it at a glance? I cant believe how many of us there are, I hope that it gives everyone else as much inspiration as I have got from the previous plastics threads. Have you stuck to your eating plan for the day? What time is it where you are at the moment? How is everyone else doing? Nina x
  16. nina874

    Nina's Plastics journey

    My favorite kind of food to cook is french.....mmmmm.....I love all the cream sauces, and I am pretty dang good at it even if I say so myself. Those are 2 major no-no's now though, I have been told to eat dry meats ( bleuuk) and defo no cream :eek: I have driven thorugh France more times than I have stopped there,my parents had a house in Spain when I was growing up so we used to drive over to it. I had forgotten oranginas! Have you ever had a good old fashioned english roast dinner with yourkshire puddings?What am I doing???? I am sat here drooling now!!! Focus Nina focus!! So back to the Protein shakes.....LOL It will all be worth it soon
  17. nina874

    losingjusme goes for plastics

    Hi LJM, I have got a load of those shakes but the amount of calories in them frightens me, I keep thinking all that for a DRINK??? Wouldnt I still be hungry afterwards? Keep up the good work hon, I love your latest pictures you look so happy :rofl:
  18. nina874

    Nina's Plastics journey

    Hi Lap-dancer - I hope that my surgeon isnt too jet lagged after flying back! He is operating on me on the 11th Feb!! I think that just by having the band fitted we show that we can think outside of the box To be honest I am looking forwards to the break, sounds daft but the thought of nearly 3 weeks away sounds like bliss,even with the pain. Have you looked into surgery yet? LJM - I dont think that we can get half the food in the UK that you can over there, I am having Egyption chicken and salad tonight. I have exercised every day this week (ok I know it is only Tuesday but I did sunday as well :rofl: ) and I am determined to tone up as much as I can pre-op. Karey - It is my daughter that I would take, I think my son would have a cardiac! My mum is dead so I have kind of got used to looking after myself, I cant decide if I will end up looking after DD if she goes, she is uber bright and needs lots of stimulation or she tends to sleep a lot - quite a contrary creature bless her. Is your little girl looking forwards to granny coming? Mostly (other than looking fab) I am looking forwards to the morphine pump Tracey - Am I right in thinking that you are now in ONEderland? A HUGE WOOOOO HOOOOO!!!!! to you hon, you look so beautiful in your picture. Thanks for the support
  19. nina874

    US Sanctioned Torture

    Couldnt have said it better myself Green, it is ALL about the oil.
  20. nina874

    Nina's Plastics journey

    Dh is staying in the UK to watch the kids, and my friend and I will be staying in a hotel that has apartments instead of rooms, so that if we are up to cooking we can, but they also have the full room service thing going on I am thinking of asking DD who is 18 to fly out when we move to the hotel to take care of me , which will be a novel role reversal! How about you? How long are you in hospital, do you have anyone to help you when you get out? How long do you expect the recovery to take? Losing : Did you enjoy the steak salad? I am being quite good tonight makes a change!
  21. nina874

    Gun Control

    Not something that has ever crossed my mind!! I suppose if I lived in a country where everyone had a right to one, which meant that all of the small time bad guys and idiot teenagers could get hold of one, I might want one too. Here in the UK the bad guys have them but as a general rule they just shoot each other, which is kind of a cost effective way of dealing with the gang problems.
  22. nina874

    losingjusme goes for plastics

    I think waiting is a good idea, you were thinking about more plastics at a later date, why dont you see how you feel and then if you decide to get more body work done you could see if you can talk the surgeon into replacing it.
  23. nina874

    100 Pounds in 5 Months!

    Woooo Hoooo!!! :whoo:That is an amazing loss! You must be feeling so proud right now, it has certainly made me want to shift my lazy butt and get some more off myself!
  24. nina874


    Here is an example of what it can lead to. BBC News | SCOTLAND | Tourist arrested for smacking child BBC News | UK | Law change plea after smacking trial Detective defended over smacking A police chief has defended one of his officers who arrested a man he saw smacking his son in a Manchester shopping centre. The boy's father was banned for six months from visiting his family home or having unsupervised contact with his son before the case came to trial. He pleaded guilty to common assault on Wednesday but criticised the bail conditions, saying his family suffered. But Chief Supt Alan Cooper said the officer did "exactly the right thing". He added: "The evidence put before the court and from the Crown Prosecution Service indicates the slap given to the child was more than that. It is difficult for parents, but this is not a slap on the ankle Chief Supt Alan Cooper, Greater Manchester Police "Witnesses say the man in question hit the child so hard he was raised into the air. "I'm a parent, yes I have got children, yes they have taken me to the brink on many occasions. "I don't think I have ever hit them so hard that they have flown through the air. "The law says you can chastise lawfully. In the eyes of the court he went too far. "It is difficult for parents, but this is not a slap on the ankle." No phone contact The 41-year-old father had been out with his partner and two children in the Chorlton area of Manchester when his son ran out in front of a car. To chastise him, he smacked him once on the bottom, but was spotted by a Greater Manchester Police detective, arrested and charged. He was released on bail, but the conditions banned him from the family home, having unsupervised contact with his son and, for several months, having phone contact with his son. He was given a two-year rehabilitation order by Manchester magistrates on Wednesday. After the trial, he said: "It's not just been punishing for me, it's been punishing for [my partner] and the kids. "I was dealt with really unfairly." I can say quite honestly as I lived in Manchester at the time that this was an absolute disgrace. The child in question had tried to run on the road 2 times! The first time he grabbed him back and told him off. The other thing that wasnt mentioned is that while he was banned from his home his wife was pregnant and gave birth, he was not allowed in his house at any time until after the court date. So wrong !
  25. nina874


    I very very rarely smack the munchkins, I find that as I get older I have much more inventive ways. The one rule that I have is to never make a threat that I cant carry out (unlike a friend of mine who routinely tells her kids that there will be no birthday party, christmas presents, they will never be allowed to go outside again - you get the picture) I was so relieved when one of my DS finally got into the computer, it meant that finally there was something that I could ban him from!!! I also operate a 'working off the ban' system which involves hard labour in exchange for a sentence reduction. Time out is a good one ( well it works in so far as I dont have to listen to them fighting anymore) and my personal favorite is that old chestnut ' I am going to count to 5!!! -and then* insert suitable punishment as a consequence*' I would never agree with banning smacking though, to be honest the sort of people that are going to beat their kids dont give two hoots that it is illegal already to do that, so why would they care that the lesser offense is also banned? I have to say on the rare occasions that I have smacked one of the kids it works soooo well to control the masses for months and months afterwards.

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